Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) Another influential group has joined the pushback to stop forced vaccinations in California: the black community. Speaking on behalf of Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, Minister Tony Muhammad, the group's Western Regional Representative, gave a rousing speech in front of the capitol building in Sacramento earlier this week urging unification in the fight to stop corrupt lawmakers from eliminating vaccine exemptions.
Invoking the power of God in what he says is a "universal fight," Muhammad warned rally attendees that the government is basically waging war against the people by trying to mandate vaccinations. As long as we let them, compromised elected officials like Senate Bill 277's Dr. Richard Pan will gradually chip away at our collective rights, in this case the right to refuse dangerous medical treatment, until these tyrants assume complete control over every decision we make, including for our own children.
Comparing SB 277 to another Tuskegee-type experiment on humans, Muhammad expressed deep convictions about the heinous bill, which would disallow California parents the freedom to reject vaccinations for personal or philosophical reasons. Only medical doctors, it turns out, would be granted permission to decide whether or not other people's children should be exempted from vaccination, removing proper guardianship of parents over their own children and handing it over to the state.
"When Pharaoh saw that he could not control the people, Pharaoh called his enchanters or his magicians and he made a decree to destroy all boy babies two and under," thundered Muhammad to a boisterous crowd on the capitol steps, referencing a biblical story of similar government tyranny that resulted in mass death. "Could this be a bill to destroy all boy babies?"
Watch Muhammad's six-minute speech at the rally:
Politicians who support mandatory vaccination to be charged with treason
Such a comparison is strikingly chilling in light of the fact that vaccines have been proven to cause horrific damage in children, including young boys who in some cases suffer permanent hormonal changes as a result of early exposure to vaccines. The presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in many vaccines was highlighted in a 2009 report by The Huffington Post that links them to the autism epidemic.
"[M]ost vaccines contain aluminum adjuvants used to increase immune response, and aluminum is an endocrine-disrupting chemical," reported The Huffington Post's Deirdre Imus, referencing the work of Dr. Harvey Karp. "Like it or not, vaccines are likely the largest source of one-time exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in early infant development."
The implications of this from a societal perspective are sobering, and seem to explain, at least in part, why so many children today now suffer from severe developmental disorders and chronic disease. Muhammad maintains that legislators who support SB 277 and other such medical tyranny are guilty of treason, promising at the rally that they will eventually be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
"You will not vaccinate our children in the name of the pharma companies," he bellowed before a crowd of supporters. "And I'm here to warn [the politicians] that this building doesn't belong to them; it belongs to us. ... In the name of God, we're going to win.... We will put these people in check. They belong to us. They cannot do this to our future."
"We will never allow the vaccine makers to take advantage of our children who can't speak for themselves. So I say to you: let us stay united, and let us say no to SB 277."
You can view the roughly six-minute video clip of Muhammad's speech above or visit: