Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) An Oregon pediatrician who says he supports certain childhood vaccines is outraged over the recent passage of California's SB 277, which forces children of school age to be vaccinated or else be barred from attending both public and private schools in the Golden State. Though he admits to vaccinating children at his own practice, Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., agrees that SB 277 strips parents of their God-given right to refuse medical treatment for their children, which in the case of vaccines could permanently injure or kill them.
Calling the bill's passage "a sad day for medical freedom" in a recent column, Dr. Thomas rips to shreds the credibility of California State Senator Richard Pan, who in exchange for sponsoring SB 277 was given his 30 pieces of silver, so to speak, from the vaccine industry. This blatant act of treason singlehandedly stripped California parents of their right to refuse injections for their children containing cocktails of aluminum and other metals, chemical preservatives, live viruses, and various other damaging substances.
As a board-certified pediatrician, Dr. Thomas says he's "embarrassed" by a recent article published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in support of the draconian legislation, which grants the state legislature, rather than doctors and their patients, the authority to make medical decisions for families. Informed consent has been completely thrown out the window, in other words, and the medical establishment is proud of this.
All medical treatments should be decided upon by patients and their doctors, not by the state
Using the fraudulent Hepatitis B vaccine as an example, Dr. Thomas warns that parents will now be forced to inject their babies with vaccines that don't work, that could harm them, and that, in the case of Hep B, don't even provide lasting protection. He notes that most babies (75 percent) who receive the Hep B vaccine as newborns no longer have immunity by the time they're of age to actually catch Hep B (which is sexually-transmitted).
This is on top of the fact that the Hep B vaccine is implicated in causing brain damage and autism in some infants. The Hep B vaccine is also loaded with neuro-damaging aluminum - 250 micrograms, to be exact! - which is more than 14 times the amount deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Hep B is just one of many childhood vaccines with a questionable (at best) safety and efficacy profile, and yet this vaccine and many others will now be required in order for California's school-age children to receive an education. This is discrimination, by definition, and also amounts to medical fascism with the vaccine industry as dictator.
"Our legislators, the CDC, the AAP, and doctors around the country need to understand that it is a reasonable, evidence-based, and scientific approach for parents (in conjunction with their doctors) to consider each vaccine on a vaccine by vaccine basis for each of their children," writes Dr. Thomas.
"Using a small outbreak of measles as an excuse to throw out informed consent and to strip intelligent tax-payers of their right to a public education and child care for their children is wrong. This is an assault on medical freedom, informed consent, and the poor who cannot afford day care or home schooling."
Dr. Thomas sees about 11,000 patients at his Integrative Pediatrics clinic in Portland, Oregon, and is dedicated to providing the best of complementary, alternative, and holistic medicine to all infants, children, and adolescents. He's been practicing for over 20 years, and currently hosts a YouTube channel with more than 12,000 subscribers, which you can access here: