From: P.J.
Vaccination is a Foreign Religious Rite
“The Indian historian, D. P. Agrawal, suggests that the practice of [inoculation] originated in India. A religious rite having this effect was attributed to the physician Dhanvantari, founder of the Vedic tradition, in about 1500 B.C.E. As with other medical customs, the inoculation was associated with a Hindu goddess” (“Inoculation,” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation). “In India, . . . and in other sections of the world, inoculation was mixed up with the worship of the smallpox goddess. Inoculation seems to have been nothing more than a superstitious rite designed to placate and appease the wrath of an irascible deity” (Dr. Herbert Shelton, Vaccines and Serum Evils, whale.to/vaccines/shelton1.html).
“Jesuit priests [sent by Ignatius Loyola in 1541] made contact with the most powerful medicine men [in the world] in order to find more potent poison to kill the Reformation. Francis Xavier [1506-1552] was sent to India, and he made contact with the most powerful Brahmin priests and medicine men. It was there that the Jesuits learned the Brahmin mode of inoculating to appease the vicious, vengeful demon of smallpox. . . . In the year 1717, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was the smokescreen that the Jesuits used to introduce this Indian religious rite into England” (“Vaccination – Vatican’s Medical Inquisition Revealed at Last!,” reformation.org/vaccine.html). Thus, mandating vaccinations is equivalent to forcing everyone to participate in this superstitious religious rite of the 16th century. This violates the 1st and 4th Amendments. The State has no business determining if our religious beliefs are sincere, nor does it have the right to require one to be a member of a tax-exempt “organized religion” before allowing a religious exemption to vaccines. The irony is that the State requires no scientific evidence from the vaccine industry. The State just exercises its faith in vaccines and expects us to do the same.
Vaccines Contain Poisons and Filth
Dr. Patricia Jordan writes that vaccines may contain dog, monkey, and cat herpes viruses and viruses from chickens and pigs. The smallpox vaccine is made from cow syphilis. The first polio vaccines were made from children’s feces mixed with formalin. In the UK, a polio vaccine serum was made from a woman who had Mad Cow disease (“How Vaccines Affect Both Socialization and Behavior in Dogs,” Dr.-Jordan.com). Vaccines may contain horse or calf serum, dog kidney, rabbit brain, or urine, blood, pus, or feces. “It has also been found that the soluble ferments of many animal serums will, in some humans at least, dissolve the red blood corpuscles. Elie Metchnikoff, the famous Russian scientist, says: ‘It has long been known . . . that the serum of the blood of many animals will destroy the red corpuscles of a different species’” (R. B. Pearson, Pasteur, Plagiarist, Impostor!, Repr. 1964, p.74). It may even dissolve the white corpuscles (Ibid., p.78).
The U.S. government has been illegally withholding FOIA documents on vaccines for over ten years. The FOIA has revealed that the UK government has known for 30 years that vaccines don’t work and cause diseases. Yet although vaccines contain aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, GMOs, heavy metals, mercury, mineral oil, polysorbate 80, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, muriatic acid (the synthetic version of hydrochloric acid), propylene glycol (antifreeze), egg protein, genetically-modified proteins from insects, and animal and/or human fetal cells from aborted babies, vaccines are considered to be safe. Toxic vaccine ingredients include gelatin – “Derived from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (Mad Cow disease)” (“UPDATED: Cosmic Convergence: THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. government Colludes With Big Pharma to Poison the American People,” 2/10/15, p.5, jhaines6.wordpress.com).
“Public health worker Carol Horowitz points out, ‘most parents who are trying to feed their children properly would not let them eat a food which contained any of the many ingredients of immunizations’” (Walene James, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, Westport, Conn., 1995, p.96). However, they let their children be injected with these ingredients directly into their bodies, thus bypassing the digestive system and the protection of the liver.
Man seems to be captivated by superstitions of 300 years ago – that ingestion of noxious substances will ward off demons and evil forces which threaten him with illness or death. The book of Revelation mentions people being deceived by “sorceries” (#5331 – pharmakeia – “medication, sorcery, witchcraft”). Indeed, we have not advanced much beyond the “medical” practices of the 16th century when the following were taken internally to treat illnesses:
“. . . bat’s blood, afterbirth, powdered mummy, hair, earwax, finger- and toenails, animal intestines, human saliva, lice, spiders, snakes, mice, brains, and excrement and urine – both human and animal” (Ibid., p.95).
The British National Anti-Vaccination League listed other noxious materials used in vaccines: “’. . . (1) rotten horse blood, for diphtheria toxin and antitoxin; (2) pulverized felt hats for tetanus serum; (3) sweepings from vacuum cleaners, for asthma and hayfever serums; (4) pus from sores on diseased cows for smallpox serums; (5) mucous from the throats of children with colds and whooping cough, for whooping cough serum; (6) decomposed fecal matter from typhoid patients for typhoid serum’” (Ibid., p.97).
The filthy potions of witch doctors have become our modern cures for diseases, except that we don’t call our doctors sorcerers or witch doctors, although their potions are very much alike.
“There are proven carcinogens in a dangerously high percentage of vaccines that are injected into every infant and schoolchild, the elderly and infirm, the sick and the dying. Formaldehyde is perhaps the best known of these carcinogenic agents . . .” (Ibid., p.6). Dr. W. B. Clarke was quoted in the Jan. 26, 1909 issue of the New York Press: “Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced in 1853. . . I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.”
Dr. Harry R. Bybee of Norfolk, Virginia, president of the National Chiropractic Assn., said: “My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia and many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this unwanted service, but makes splendid and profitable patients for the future.”
Dr. J. M. Peebles of San Diego said (around 1900): Vaccination “aggravates the disease as there are two poisons now in the system instead of one for nature to contend against. It is sanitation, diet, pure air, calmness of mind, confidence and cleanliness that modify the smallpox. All of these modifiers are infinitely cheaper, safer, and in every way preferable to cowpox poison which, if it does not kill, often marks, maims and sows the seeds of future eczema, tumors, ulcers, carbuncles, cancer and leprosy. We have at our command . . . scores of testimonies proving beyond any possible doubt that men unvaccinated have nursed smallpox patients in hospitals at different times, for years, and never took the disease. On the other hand we have, with dates and figures, the most positive proof that those who have been vaccinated . . . two and three times took the disease when exposed and died therefrom. These facts are undeniable.”
Rabies is an old superstition from the time when people believed that devils ran to and fro, infecting men and animals with diseases. Dr. Dulles of Philadelphia offered a reward of $3,000 (in the 1930s-40s) over a period of 23 years for a genuine case of rabies, but never saw one. Time magazine (Nov. 19, 1951) said that it had been proven “eight years ago that rabies virus can be removed from a wound more thoroughly by soap and water than by nitric acid or any other cauterizing agents.”
Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell, along with Dr. J. A. Watts, discovered that smallpox was caused by a bedbug. They discovered that the disease was neither contagious nor infectious and that vaccinations did not prevent it. The disease was directly proportional to the general ill health and malnutrition of the patient. They said that eating lots of fresh greens will prevent the scarring of smallpox. Their discoveries were ignored. (Smallpox vaccinations may cause loss of hearing.)
Walter Reed investigated and solved the problem of yellow fever by eliminating the breeding grounds of mosquitoes in the Panama Canal region instead of vaccinating everyone. Typhus was found to be carried by body lice (people got it because they rarely took a bath), and plague was found to be carried by lice on rats. Tetanus is caused by spores in fecal matter. Anthrax is a sheep and cattle disease. Cholera was caused by drinking polluted water. Polio has been linked to eating too much refined sugar and to DDT poisoning, but is not contagious.
According to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90% between 1850 and 1940 – paralleling improved sanitation and hygiene practices – not because of vaccines.
Today things have gotten more complicated, of course. The symptoms of flu are synonymous with the symptoms experienced when one is exposed to toxic levels of such poisons as pesticides, herbicides, and fluoride. Granville Knight, M.D. stated under oath at a Congressional hearing in the 1960s that “waves of so-called ‘Virus-X’ and similar diseases . . . are caused by exposure to such agricultural chemicals; [and] that it is impossible for doctors to diagnose the difference between London flu, virus conditions, and pesticide poisoning.” How do vaccines give one immunity from the harmful effects of pesticides?
Germs are Blamed for Disease
Walene James explains that most people cling to the germ theory because they want to avoid responsibility for their actions. Invisible germs are handy scapegoats – just as people once blamed evil spirits for their ills. The problem, however, is that medical practitioners are eager to exploit this and come to the rescue of those who are being attacked (James, p.71). To the simple-minded, all you have to do is kill the germs to free people of disease with drugs and vaccines, or at least build defenses against them, and people don’t have to change their diet or living habits. The problem, however, is that the immune system is not based on a military model, whose function is to defend and attack (Ibid., pp. 105-107), and not all germs are bad. Many are beneficial and necessary.
The germ theory alienates us from God and the natural world (considering it to be a hostile and alien environment, devoid of God, in which Man must fight to survive as an isolated object), such that we feel victimized and dependent on government for protection. “This reduction of the universe to a battlefield and man to a warrior in a perpetual state of siege not only erodes man’s sense of harmony and relatedness to the natural world, but belittles the human spirit” (Ibid., p.96). Instead of focusing on the negative (destroying, waging war), we should focus on building healthy bodies and healthy soil that produce healthy plants that don’t attract pests. Therapies should be directed toward the health of the whole organism, not on destroying enemy microorganisms evolving within it. Disease symptoms are part of a healing process, not an enemy to be fought.
Gunther Enderlein, former professor of zoology and microbiology at Berlin University, discovered that “’there is a healthy and unhealthy form of every germ’ . . . [T]he unhealthy form develops when the balance between the mineral salts (alkali) and acids in the blood is disturbed by prolonged wrong nutrition or other factors such as smoking, stress, or exposure to toxins. This results in loss of pH neutrality” (Ibid., p.104). Edgar Cayce said that maintaining the body in an alkaline condition would “immunize” a person against infectious diseases (Ibid., p.62). Most people eat a diet that leaves the body acidic.
Disease, like health, is contextual, so attempting to suppress or destroy germs is counterproductive. The state of one’s mind is reflected in the state of one’s immune system. Forcing people to be vaccinated makes no sense since the brain and immune system are hard-wired together (Ibid., p.114). Thus, it is futile and even harmful to try to treat an unwilling person.
Aborted Baby Tissues are in Vaccines
“A good portion of the CDC’s immunization schedule requires the use of . . . human fetus-originated vaccines, and these include: rubella, measles, mumps, rabies, polio, smallpox, hepatitis A, chickenpox, and herpes zoster.” Additionally, the CDC is using fetal cells in flu, HIV, West Nile virus, Ebola, TB, anthrax, plague, tetanus, and malaria vaccines (“Biotech’s Dark Promise: Involuntary Cannibalism for All,” 10/21/13, fourwinds10.com or pakalertpress.com). Keep in mind that the CDC is a private corporation, like the IRS, not part of the U.S. government.
“The Luciferian sects . . . and a few others . . . made the decision to . . . make all of mankind complicit [unwittingly] in their oath to Satan by putting aborted fetal tissue in something everyone gets – vaccines, so the sins of the elite few would be sent into the blood of every man, woman, and child they could possibly get it into, all under the guise of ‘health’ and helping mankind” (“Autism Breakthrough for the Truth Movement,” 3/3/15, fourwinds10.com).
Mercury is in Vaccines
While the Obama administration has been on a crusade to shut down all coal power plants, using the excuse that they blast heavy amounts of mercury into the atmosphere, and the government warns pregnant women to avoid mercury from canned tuna, it says nothing about the mercury used in vaccines and in dental fillings (“Flu vaccine contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water,” 6/24/14, naturalnews.com). Flu vaccines contain over 50 ppm mercury, an extremely toxic heavy metal linked to kidney failure, birth defects, spontaneous abortions and neurological damage. This toxic level is 25,000 times higher than the EPA limit of mercury in drinking water (“Why flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history,” 12/10/14, naturalnews.com). The CDC states on its own web pages that thimerosol (a mercury derivative invented by Eli Lilly) is safe, based on the “scientific evidence” conjured up by the vaccine manufacturers. Of course, we’ve heard that line before. Big Tobacco claims that cigarettes are safe, the fracking industry claims that fracking is safe, the Corn Refiners Assn. says that GMO high fructose corn sugar is healthy for children, Monsanto says GMOs are perfectly safe to eat (although it only feeds non-GMO, organic food to its employees in its cafeteria), and dentists claim that mercury fillings and fluoride are perfectly safe. Not surprisingly, vaccine manufacturers swear that mercury is actually good for you (Mike Adams, “New York City to force all children to be injected with mercury in the form of flu shots,” naturalnews.com). Many infants who receive the hepatitis B vaccine at birth develop autism (the multi-dose vials contain thimerosol).
Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of the University of Kentucky’s Department of Chemistry published the following: “Thimerosol breaks down into ethyl-mercury, a well-known neurotoxic compound. The amount given a 6-pound infant in one vaccination would be the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations in one day. . . . Furthermore, infants do not make copious amounts of bile, and mercury is removed through the bilary transport system. Therefore, they are being subjected to mercury in the form of ethyl-mercury before they can effectively clear it from their bodies. The ethyl-mercury is also given with high levels of aluminum (also neurotoxic) in some vaccines which could act synergistically with the mercury to enhance its toxicity. I have so testified in front of a USA Congressional Committee.”
Autism is Caused by Vaccines
“There is now irrefutable proof that vaccines cause Autism, Auto-immune disorders, Sudden infant death syndrome, Multiple chemical sensitivity, Environmental illness syndrome, mini-strokes, food allergies, among many other diseases and illnesses. And yet, the medical doctor of today continues to evade and obfuscate, dissemble and deceive their trusting patients . . . . like sheep taken to the slaughterhouse” (“UPDATED: Cosmic Convergence . . . ,” p.14, jhaines6.wordpress.com).
Direct injection of aluminum through vaccines is 100% absorbed and isn’t filtered out by the kidneys. Since kidney functions of infants aren’t at adult levels, this can cause catastrophic damage to their bodies. Little wonder that they become autistic. Aluminum, of course, is a primary cause of Alzheimers. Aluminum-based adjuvants are estimated to be even more toxic than mercury.
Autism is the result of inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). Records shows that it was known in 1926 that vaccinations caused encephalitis. Thomas Rivers discovered in 1935 that encephalitis was an allergic reaction. The human brain isn’t completely developed (myelinated) until 20 years of age. Vaccines alter neurological development of the brain and impact behavior and learning patterns. When vaccine manufacturers began using human fetal tissue to grow viruses, including measles and chicken pox, cases of autism spiked in 1995. One doctor reported in 2003 that the rate of autism in children was one in 150 (in boys it was one in 100). Female hormones help protect girls from autism. The body begins attacking and killing its own brain cells, and this continues through the life of the vaccinated individual. (The same principle occurs in cows that have Mad Cow disease.) Human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines (“MMR vaccines contain cells from aborted human babies,” 2/27/15, naturalnews.com). Dr. Theresa Deisher of Stanford University was the first to determine that human fetal DNA fragments in vaccines may be one of the causes of autism.
“Children with post-encephalitic syndrome lack deep feelings. . . . ‘Their emotions are dulled or even abolished.’ . . . They lack a moral sense” (Harris L. Coulter, Vaccination, Social Violence, & Criminality, Wash. D.C., 1990, p.130). They are also fascinated by violence and cruelty. They “have fragmented thinking, and their memory is weak; hence they cannot think rationally and even lack ordinary common sense. Compensation for these perceived weaknesses often takes the form of aggression against others, hypersexuality, homosexuality, alcohol or drug abuse, and suicide” (Ibid., p.144). “The more serious cases remain children, or even infants, for their whole lives” (Ibid., p.125), necessitating authoritarian social control mechanisms because of their aberrant behavior. Autistic people are focused on their internal dream world rather than the real world. They generally suffer from deficiencies of serotonin and melatonin.
Post-encephalitic children may have violent outbursts and temper tantrums, including attacks against themselves, out of frustration at finding themselves imprisoned in a physical vehicle that precludes its full expression (James, p.24). “Sometimes it almost . . . [seems] to resemble demonic possession . . .” (Coulter, p.179).
World-renowned biologist, Dr. Hugh Fudenburg, stated that the gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in brain tissue eventually causes cognitive dysfunction, which is one reason why Alzheimers is expected to quadruple in the next few decades.
To make matters worse, Baxter has added the oil-based adjuvant, squalene, to its vaccines which has been shown to cause prolonged systemic immune response against the squalene itself (it occurs naturally in the body and is critical to the health of the nervous system), which results in reduced fertility, reduced intellect, and reduced life span. The squalene added to vaccines is unnatural. We are referring to synthetic polymers refined from raw crude petroleum. In the case of the flu vaccine, it is called MF-59. (In 2009, it was approved for human use in Europe but not in the U.S.) However, journalist Gary Matsumoto stated: “Many of the cutting edge vaccines currently in development by the NIH and its corporate partners contain squalene in one formulation or another. There is squalene in the prototype recombinant vaccines for HIV, malaria, herpes, influenza, . . . and human papillomavirus. Some of these prototypes like HIV, malaria and influenza are intended for mass immunization around the globe.”
Novartis and Baxter have a vast array of drugs to mask the symptoms of elevated anti-polymer antibodies.
Oil-based adjuvants cause extreme inflammation and always develop painful, incurable auto-immune diseases like MS, rheumatoid arthritis, or systemic lupus (causing the body to attack itself). It can result in autism, Lou Gehrig’s disease, systemic autoimmune diseases, and even brain tumors. It takes one year for the effects to manifest, thus taking the pressure off vaccine manufacturers so that they can deny responsibility for these illnesses. Matsumoto stated: “By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine, they made a biological weapon.” The only problem is that you will have to take these drugs every day for the rest of your life.
Additionally, Congress has granted immunity to corporations which cause damage to people with their vaccines (Dr. Sarah Stone, “Tainted Nightmare,” 6/1/15, fourwinds10.com). These companies have also been allowed to use gag orders in vaccine-damage legal settlements to prevent disclosure of vaccination dangers to the public.
Interestingly, children of the Nation of Islam (Chicago) and the Amish, who have never been vaccinated, have never had a case of autism.
For more information on autism, see DrCarley.com.
Vaccines are Not Safe
There is no such thing as a “safe” vaccine, because there is no such thing as a vaccine without risk. Anyone who claims they are safe is either woefully uninformed or is deeply mentally impaired. In 2011, the Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” (read the package inserts which accompany the vaccines for possible harmful side effects or the Physicians’ Desk Reference, which is your right before being vaccinated). Beware when the government says you can’t sue the manufacturer even if it kills your child or makes him or her autistic, and it becomes your problem, not the State’s. Don’t expect any free medical care for your newly-autistic child. Parents should ask themselves if their rights to object to vaccines are overruled by the State, why is the State unwilling to accept full responsibility for harm or death caused by vaccines? If all vaccines are perfectly safe, why was a rider attached to the Patriot Act that indemnified vaccine manufacturers from any harm or liability if vaccines injure or cause death to people who have been vaccinated? (So many families sued the British government for deaths from vaccinations that they abolished compulsory vaccination completely.) The Communist nations of eastern Europe still require mandatory immunizations.
“The pharmaceutical industry spent over $262 million to bring Bush to power during the 2000 election, investing more than any other industry to solidify their power in both Congress and the White House [Bush Sr. was on the board of directors of Eli Lilly]. Pharmaceutical companies have recouped their investment many times over as Bush has signed into law the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 and the BioShield Project, providing over $7 billion to develop and warehouse millions of doses of new vaccines and drugs as ‘countermeasures’ to biological weapons such as ebola, plague, anthrax, and smallpox.
“These new drugs and vaccines are exempt from the regular approval process and can be fast tracked to market with no human testing at all, an unprecedented step for an industry already responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths per year. The fact that the current system that produces ‘standard’ pharmaceutical drugs is the third leading cause of death in the United States has been completely overlooked . . .” (Lynne Born, “Drugging America to Death,” 2003, p.17, paranoiamagazine.com). “Bush’s Homeland Security Act allows any untested drug and vaccine to be forced on the public, making refusal a crime” (Ibid., p.20). Is it just a coincidence that the top financial contributors to Congress in the 2013-2014 session (according to OpenSecrets.org) included corporations that produced drugs and vaccines?
The Clinton administration tried to establish a mandatory vaccine program with computerized registration to prevent parents from evasion. Government would charge parents with “criminal child abuse” and not only arrest them, but remove their children from their custody. The Clinton plan was endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA). Since Hillary pledged to create the Vaccines for Children Program when her husband was president, you can be sure that she will push for mandatory vaccinations if she is elected president.
When medicine is so dangerous, so unwanted, and so unpopular that it must be forced upon parents under the threat of criminal penalty, something is very, very wrong. Many medical doctors don’t vaccinate their own children. And yet, while vaccine manufacturers act like vaccines are nothing less than God’s gift to mankind, forcing vaccinations on the public violates the medical ethics of Informed Consent.
The common denominator for many ailments and diseases – both chronic and acute – seems to always be past and current vaccinations. “The more vaccinations any individual receives over the course of their lifetime, the more their natural immune response can be short-circuited. The immunity function can become so discombobulated that it begins to attack its own body” (“UPDATED: Cosmic Convergence . . . ,” p.9, jhaines6.wordpress.com). Why are those who are “protected” from diseases by being vaccinated so afraid of catching diseases from those who haven’t been vaccinated? Do they secretly believe they aren’t protected?
The Nature of Immunity
When the body reaches a dangerous level of toxicity, the body sees it as a threat and proceeds to initiate an elimination of the toxemia by a housecleaning. No matter what name is given to this cleansing process, the immune system should never be suppressed by drugs or vaccines. “Vaccines have also been called drugs because, like drugs, they are inherently toxic and work on the principle of suppression rather than expression, as do natural therapies. This suppression of symptoms prevents the body-mind from discharging what needs to come out and only compounds the problem . . . . Perhaps the only real difference between vaccines and drugs is that drugs work to suppress present symptoms, and vaccines work to suppress possible future symptoms. Orthodoxy regard this latter as immunity, but evidence suggests it is immune suppression” (James, p.42). “Freedom from illness is a by-product of thinking and building health, not of fighting disease” (Ibid., p.52). Dr. William Howard Hay stated: “The body has its own methods of defense. These depend on the vitality of the body at the time. If it is vital enough, it will resist all infections; if it isn’t vital enough it won’t, and you can’t change the vitality of the body for the better by introducing poison of any kind into it.”
The body recognizes a vaccine as more of a threat to its survival than the toxic buildup already in the body, so the body hoards its remaining vitality to get rid of the newly-injected toxic poisons. By not cooperating with the body, and by raising its toleration level of toxemia, we develop chronic and terminal health problems as the organs deteriorate (which is what the body tries to prevent).
Natural immunity is complex, involving many organs and systems, and it cannot be replicated by artificial stimulation of antibody production. Vaccination commits immune cells to the specific antigens involved in the vaccine, rendering them incapable of reacting to other infections. Thus, the immune system may actually be reduced. This is especially harmful to babies whose immune systems are not fully developed. However, babies are normally protected by maternal antibodies the first six months. A high antibody count does not necessarily mean one has acquired immunity to a particular pathogen, however. There are many cases of people getting the disease they were supposed to be protected from despite a high antibody count. High antibody production correlates with a weakened immune system. Dr. Wendel Belfield of San Jose stated that “Antibodies are not needed when the primary immunological defense (leukocytes, interferon, etc.) is functioning at maximum capacity.” “It is a well-known fact that naturally-contracted measles is an important phase in the maturation of the human immune system. Why would anyone want to create a vaccine to stop or delay an important and well-documented phase of human immune system development acquired through natural contraction of a mild disease? . . . Soon after the introduction of these vaccines [in 1963], vaccinated children began to contract atypical measles, which is an especially vicious form that resists treatment, as well as a milder form of the virus with little or no rash which has the effect of causing children to develop chronic diseases, including cancer, later in life. . . . In the 1970s, adults began contracting measles for no apparent reason. This never happened before the introduction of measles ‘vaccines’ . . . . Adults, and now babies under two years old [after 1981], thanks to the vaccines, were contracting measles” (“Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm,” Part 3, p.5).
The use of multiple vaccines prevents natural immunity and promotes allergies and asthma. The Arthur Research Foundation of Tucson estimates that up to 60% of children’s immune systems may be exhausted by multiple mass vaccines. All vaccines given over a short period of time to an immature immune system deplete the thymus gland (the primary gland involved in immune reactions) of irreplaceable immature immune cells. The thymus gland rapidly atrophies after puberty in those who have been vaccinated. Cancer often develops in old age as a consequence. Thus, permanent immunity may never appear.
Vaccines immunize the body against itself. The immune system attacks the tissues which it is supposed to protect. The body loses its ability to distinguish between “self” and “foreign.” This is an aspect of chronic immune failure. MS is another example of this destructive process.
Genetic Testing is not Offered to Parents
The latest wonder cure promoted by the medical industry is genetic vaccines. They are hailed as the last line of defense. Dr. Rebecca Carley stated that the DNA components in these vaccines can be incorporated into our own DNA, which in turn could cause the extinction of all (vaccinated) life on earth.
“When you take into consideration that many viruses . . . are parasites of virtually every animal species, and a major feature of CMV [cytomeglo-viruses] parasitism and many animal viruses is the latent state in which they exist after the primary infection is resolved, and that they can be reactivated in the body (in vivo) under the influence of various stimuli (primary examples being environmental chemicals – especially those derived from petroleum – heroin, cocaine, nitrates, nitrites and inhalant drugs of abuse, or other vaccine injections of foreign proteins, toxins, bacteria or viruses), the use of animal cell lines to make human vaccines is criminally negligent, never mind the fact that injection of foreign proteins and toxins directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural defense systems of the body, is also criminally negligent. The evidence suggests that a methodical system has existed for knowingly and selectively transferring slow and difficult-to-detect diseases from other species into the human race. As a method for population control, to weed out those considered to be ‘useless eaters’? To produce diseases and then profit from treatment which is just as deadly as the disease?” (“Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm,” Part 3, p.1). Big Pharma and companies like Monsanto are helping by poisoning the population through vaccine bioweapons.
Since this has been going on since the 1940s, “and ultimately the same people who politically control the pharmaceutical, biotech and vaccine companies also control the medical establishment, as well as benefit from fund-raising (i.e. American Cancer Society etc.) for ‘diseases’ that never get resolved, you have a very large conspiracy that is worth trillions of dollars to keep from public scrutiny. That’s the real bottom line. Research bears all of this out. You are now informed . . . . What is being done to the world population constitutes criminal negligence of genocidal proportions. Creating a clean, biologically harmless, yet effective vaccine is not possible – it would be just too laborious and expensive, over and above the fact that the paradigm of vaccines is 19th century technology brought into a 20th century illusion. It is also fraud” (Ibid.).
“One of the indications that vaccinations may in fact be changing the genetic structure of humans became evident in Sept. of 1971, when scientists at the University of Geneva made the discovery that biological substances entering directly into the bloodstream could become part of human genetic structure” (“Mutagenic Nature of Vaccines,” trufax.org). Thus, at the very least, before children are forcibly vaccinated, there needs to be a mandated disclosure and genetic tests done ($99 through 23andme.com) so that parents can choose to opt out upon disclosure of genetic results. Approximately 15% of the population have two mutations in the MTHFR C677T enzyme, meaning that they are unable to get rid of toxins from their bodies, thus causing all sorts of health problems.
“Between 1977 and 1980, an article came out in a major medical journal that detailed the effort to raise $10 million in funding for internal pressure on the Surgeon General of the United States in order to stop him from revealing to the public, by virtue of package labeling, that the combination of salt and sugar in virtually all pre-prepared foods cause replicative and structural failure in DNA and RNA within the human body” (“Leading Edge Master Analysis of the Vaccination Paradigm,” Part 3, p.2).
Vaccines May Contain RFID Chips
“’As much as 70% of the human race will become obsolete within just three generations. . . . 47% of all jobs are at risk of being replaced by automation systems and robots in just one generation,’” Health Ranger Mike Adams wrote (“Coming soon to Amerika: Implanted tracking devices, forced vaccinations and euthanizing the weak and feeble-minded,” 3/7/15, naturalnews.com). Thus we see that since most people are no longer needed and only use up precious resources, those in power state right on government websites that they intend to eliminate around 250 million Americans by the year 2025. Why, then, do they pretend to be concerned that we remain in good health? Why have the “elite” used American taxpayer money to build underground cities, or bases, to protect themselves from nuclear war, radiation, meteors, volcanic eruptions, chemical-biological weapons, etc., with no thought about protecting the public from these dangers? (See “Russia Builds Miles of Nuke Bunkers While U.S. Does Nothing,” YouTube 15:16 min.). Why insist that the public be vaccinated unless they have an ulterior motive in mind?
“The Illuminati have been using . . . computers-in-viruses implants at least since the 1990s” (Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula, 1997, pp. 170, 462). “In fact, there is a little-known technique used by the CIA for injecting a computer chip into the bloodstream, which delivers it to the brain where it catches and lodges” (Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship In The U.S.A., Portland, Oregon, 1995, p.2). The Air Force admitted in a 1996 article called “Implanted Microscopic Chip” that the precedent for chip implantation was vaccination, and specifically, mandatory vaccination.
Dr. Edward L. Spencer, a neurologist, reported that since he has retired, he has encountered several people with RFID chips in their bodies who didn’t know how they got there. These people were being tortured by remote electronic attacks. In some of these cases he was able to have them surgically removed (“Finding Implants in People who are Clueless about how they got them,” 3/1/15, fourwinds10.com). This evidence should satisfy those who believe the government would never misuse this technology or take advantage of those who agree to be microchipped. The Spectrum magazine (Oct. 3, 2000) reported that the nurses in England implanted all newborn babies in the hospitals with a silicon microchip – with or without parental consent (“Quietly Placing Tracking Chips in Newborns”).
A study by John Brugle, Ph.D. and Mary Franz, Ph.D., of the Wyoming Institute of Technology, analyzed the prevalence of RFID chips in three geographically discrete populations and found that on average one in three individuals carried an RFID chip, mostly in dental work (witscience.org/analysis-of-radio-frequency-identification . . . ).
Today, the infrastructure is also already in place to combine vaccines with the implanting of RFID chips. “The very fact that an ‘integrated circuit (IC) chip is as minute as a speck of dust’ indicates that just about anything is possible at this late date” (“UPDATED: Cosmic Convergence . . . ,” p.13, jhaines6.word press.com). “Can it be a mere coincidence that Bill Gates . . . went from working with computer chips to vaccine chips practically overnight?” (Ibid., p.14). Since these microchips can both send and receive signals, they can be used not only to monitor, but to control, one’s thinking and behavior. They can read your thoughts, hear what you are saying, speak to you through the chips, and in some cases even see what you’re seeing. The chips can also be used to kill people who disagree with or disobey the government.
“Certain military super computers are said to be utilizing technology that integrates human DNA into the circuitry to make the computers operate at the speed of thought. Some soldiers, since the mid-70s, have been tagged with chips inserted in their heads that contain a tiny compartment housing a highly corrosive type of acid. This compartment can be caused to burst remotely, killing the soldier within milliseconds. The tracking super DNA computers are called B.E.A.S.T. computers, which stands for Battle Engagement Arena Simulation Tracking” (Leading Edge #138, p.39). “The Master computer and central HQ for electronic mind control is reported to be Boulder, Colorado. . . . in the . . . National Bureau of Standards building” (Springmeier, p.176).
Elizabeth Russell-Manning writes in her book Mass Mind Control of the American People (1992) that the nation’s “elite” students are being taught in San Francisco how to control people remotely who have been implanted. Springmeier adds that “a full cadre of trained operatives (men and women) . . . staff the secret bases from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves” (Springmeier, p.163).
One woman who had been implanted with more than one chip described her ordeal:
“’Before I was hit with the full-blown sadistic torture program, I was awakened one night by a feeling of my head being raped. A light went on in my brain, and I heard voices discussing me and cruelly laughing . . . The first added torture (accompanied by filthy language . . .) was a genital-urinary prod, pulsing about twice per second, and causing nearly incessant urination. . . . [N]ew added features . . . are body bangs and head bangs . . . The arrogance with which they announce what torture will be next is unbelievable. . . . I have had almost no normal dreaming since this system was locked onto me’” (Ibid., p.182).
Vaccines May Contain Nanobacteria
“In May 2005, Dr. Olavi Kajander . . . [warned the FDA] that vaccines are contaminated with nanobacteria. . . Perhaps the highest scientific authority saying vaccines are contaminated is Garth Nicolson. He is a cell biologist and . . . is one of the most cited scientists in the world . . . . Nicolson goes further and says that we are all being damaged by them and contracting chronic degenerative diseases . . .” (Dave Mihalovic, “Mysterious Virus Spreading Across U.S. and Canada and Primarily Affecting Vaccinated Children,” 9/24/14, infowars.com). “Nanotechnology deals with structures smaller than one micrometer . . . 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair” (“Chemtrails Not Just for Weather Modification Anymore: Vaccines On The Wind,” 11/27/14, p.6, thelibertybeacon.com). In Nanotechnology, computers and robots are being built that are the size of one-billionth of a meter. Modern microchip implants have 250,000 components (Springmeier, p.167). (See “New brain implants are so microscopic, you won’t even know that you’ve been implanted,” 7/17/15, naturalnews.com.) “Nanobacteria are novel microorganisms that are not detectable with present sterility testing methods, but they are detectable with new culture and immunomethods” (Mihalovic, p.4). They can be activated to mimic a severe, deadly flu virus by a radio signal from a drone or a cell tower (“Classified docs on ‘Nano Domestic Quell’ DoD kill-switch program released by Dr. Bill Weld . . . ,” billhweld.blogspot.com/2013/10).
A picture of the six-legged T4 nanobot being used in vaccines (including flu and Gardasil) can be seen at worldtruth.tv (“Brain Eating Nanobots Being Put in Vaccines, Says Whistleblower!”). It inserts DNA into your cells which instructs your cells to produce more copies of itself, and that is how it replicates. A short video showing how the T4 operates is on YouTube called “Bacteriophage T4 – Seyet LLC” (45 sec.). It never backs off – until your cells die from overwork. These nanobots have been engineered to attack the brain cells rather than bacteria, making you incapable of free will. They also deliver their DNA payload into your reproductive cells to ensure being transmitted to future generations. Young women who have taken the Gardasil vaccine say it feels like their brains are on fire.
Vaccines using animal DNA and nanobots can rewrite one’s genetics so that a person is no longer fully human. Being part beast could thus be the fulfillment of taking the mark of the beast, making one ineligible for salvation. This is what Transhumanism is all about(“Inhuman – Part 10: Gene Editing and the ‘Mark’ of the Beast,” skywatchtv.com/2015/08/09).
You can also listen to a person at the Pentagon brag about a new virus that attacks the “God center” of the brain so that people will no longer believe in God (“Brain Eating Nanobots . . . ,” worldtruth.tv). Mike Adams reveals that one scientist said the name of one vaccine is FUNVAX – to eliminate religious fundamentalism. The greatest enemy of the government and the vaccine industry is people capable of independent thought and who believe that a higher authority than the government exists. People who are brain damaged or dumbed down are easier to control (and enslave) (“600 strains of an aerosolized thought control vaccine already tested on humans . . . ,” 1/20/15, naturalnews.com).
“Dispersal of these vaccines has been tested via high-altitude aerosolized sprays [chemtrails], highway vehicles, the water supply, and even the food system” (Ibid.). (Aerial spraying of the Brucella bacterium was deployed on Chinese and Korean populations by the U.S. during the Korean War. Many American veterans later developed MS. Although the virus can lay dormant for decades, it can be triggered by vaccines.)
Alex Jones writes: “The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized” (“Media Pushes Brain Eating Vaccine . . . Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy,” 8/6/14, four winds10.com). The National Vaccine Information Center adds: “If the State can tag, track down, and force citizens against their will to be injected with biologicals of unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on what individual freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.”
Reject Medical/Obamacare
The CDC has said that Americans will not be able to obtain any “health [medical] care” unless they are up-to-date in vaccinations. This means that we must either embrace the whole medical system or remain outside of it. All who sign up for Obamacare will be required to be microchipped by December 31, 2017. Obama has said that is the cutoff date (“RFID 666 ‘Micro-Chip 2017 Closing In,” YouTube 12:46 min.; paulbegleyprophecy.com). Big Pharma is cleverly making people report on themselves when they file their tax returns, so the IRS is in on the scam and will not allow people to be employed unless they are vaccinated and chipped. Those who choose to remain in Obamacare should realize that more and more illegals contribute their blood to U.S. blood banks, so the risk of getting the Latin American disease, Chagas, increases all the time. This disease can take 10 or more years to manifest, and there is no known test to screen for Chagas-infected blood. Still, that doesn’t seem to stop the government from welcoming illegals into our country and accepting blood from them.
Dr. Paul Offit said that resistance to vaccines is “an irrational, fear-based decision.” What about the decision to make vaccines mandatory on the whole population? Isn’t that irrational and fear-based too? The difference is that those who push vaccines are in it for money and power, while those who oppose them are fighting not only for their freedom, but for their lives. Corporations lack morals altogether, because they only exist to make money. They are trying to seduce or sweet-talk us into betraying ourselves. Pharmaceutical corporations should be called by the same label that they give those who oppose vaccines -- “extremists” – or simply “medical terrorists.” Decisions regarding our health cannot be left up to corporations, corrupt government officials, or government agencies which operate in secret.
The government should not have the authority to arbitrarily declare a state of public health emergency that forces herd immunity on Americans with dangerous and/or experimental medical procedures and illogical medical policies. The State has no right to command that people sacrifice their lives in the name of public health (Jacobsen v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11). The renowned U.S. lawyer, Blackstone, said: “No laws are binding upon the human subject which assault the body or violate the conscience.” If Americans are faced with stiff fines and imprisonment for refusing to be vaccinated because of diseases brought into the country by illegal aliens, the same or greater punishments should be meted out to illegal aliens and anyone encouraging illegal immigration. Americans should not be penalized for the failure of government officials to protect the public health by enforcing the immigration laws. Remember also that a great many Americans, government officials, and Churches support illegal immigration even though this is against the law. Whole cities, such as San Francisco, have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for illegals, so we must not allow ourselves to be pressured into thinking that we must obey mandatory vaccination laws. If the liberals can get away with disregarding the law, so can we.
Contact your local Representative and tell him to vote against H.R. 2232 (“Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015”). Also reject any invitation to obtain a permanent “health” ID card that tracks all vaccinations.
To opt out of being vaccinated, go to: “Vaccination Liberation Exemptions” (vaclib.org/exemption.htm).
For further study:
1. “60 Lab Studies now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child,” 5/7/15, fourwinds10.com.
2. “Why Does the Government Care So Much About Vaccinating You?,” 10/15/12, infowars.com.
3. “U.S. government openly admits vaccines can cause polio, seizures and death in published ‘Vaccine Injury table,’” 3/4/15, naturalnews.com.
4. Jim Stone, “Intentionally Sabotaged Vaccines,” 2/15/15, fourwinds10.com.
5. “How vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare,” 2/4/15, wnd.com.
6. Mike Adams, “Same delusional people who say vaccines are safe also insist GMOs, glyphosate, aspartame, mercury, and radiation are safe too,” 3/9/15, naturalnews.com.
7. Dr. Katherine Albrecht, “DARPA’s Plan to Nanochip Soldiers Has a Darker Agenda Behind it,” 5/7/12, infowars.com, YouTube 15 min.
8. “Orgone Blasters – Sherry Shriner,” tearingdownstrongholds.com ; and see thewatcherfiles.com.