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J.D. Heyes

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(NaturalNews) Count North Carolina among the growing number of states terrorizing young students and parents with vaccine violence, while at the same time threatening to deny them the long-established fundamental (and taxpayer-supported) right to an education.


As reported by WSOC-TV, state authorities are preparing to remove kids from school who are not vaccinated, as per changes in state statutes implemented by the legislature and governor this past summer.


According to the local TV station, a series of vaccines and boosters are required, with just a few possible exemptions for religious or philosophical reasons:


Pneumococcal vaccine is required for students under 5 years old.


The meningitis vaccine is required for entering seventh-graders or by 12 years old, whichever comes first.


The polio vaccine booster is required for students at least 4 years old. A second dose of chickenpox vaccine is needed before entering school for the first time.


The TDAP booster is required for students who never got it before and who are starting seventh grade or are 12 years old.


Denying education and parental choice

What's more, if kids are actually removed from school, they won't be allowed to return until all vaccines are up to date, state officials said. The official requirements and statutes are listed here[PDF].


Earlier this year, the North Carolina legislature sought to emulate California and eliminate all religious exemptions for receiving vaccines, effectively taking away another parental right even as they are forced to send their kids to government schools (if they cannot afford a private school, which most can't).


Ironically, one of the bill's sponsors - Sen. Terry Van Duyn, D-Buncombe – has a son with autism, although she said she does not believe that there is a vaccine-autism link.


"We do not know what causes autism. You can't prove a negative, but I am 100 percent confident that there has never been research" proving that vaccines cause autism, she told the local Citizen Times newspaper.


Apparently Sen. Van Duyn is unaware of – or does not believe - a public admission from CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who said in late August 2014 that he and other CDC scientists intentionally hid data indicating that young African American males were more likely to develop autism after being vaccinated with the MMR vaccine.


"I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics," Thompson said in a statement published here.


"The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed," he continued.




Is North Carolina the next California?

That admission alone proves that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been grossly dishonest about the autism-vaccine link, which was first divulged in a scientific study by British researcher and physician Andrew Wakefield in 1998.


"The relevant portion of Dr. Thompson's statement is contained in the first paragraph. It is an open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC, and the admission of this by William Thompson is an historic moment for our world," wrote Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at the time Thompson published his statement.


As for California, the state made vaccines mandatory for school-aged children while simultaneously removing virtually all exemptions this summer, with SB 277, a piece of legislation that was sponsored by state senator and physician Dr. Richard Pan.


As noted by the website


According to, which tracks campaign contributions, Pan has received money from Eli Lilly, the global Big Pharma corporation that over and over has won protection from autism lawsuits. This shifts the burden of cost (and the tragedy) for vaccination damages and autistic children to the taxpayers, including the parents of the vaccine-damaged child or children, since fifty percent of the cost comes from the state (the other half from the federal government in the form of taxes paid by Americans).


Sources include:[PDF]