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Murdered Doctors Had Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzymes In Vaccines

Sean Adl-Tabatabai

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FW:  Feb. 17, 2016

The recent cases of holistic doctors who were being killed in Florida all had one thing in common: They had discovered that the nagalase enzyme protein is being intentionally added to vaccines administered to humans
Nagalese prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, and stops the human body of being able to naturally kill cancer cells.
Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!! This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!! And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.
Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.
Dr Ted Broer breaks the above info (about the nagalese) in this clip. He explains it much better than I do. The clip is short (from his July 25th Hagmann & Hagmann interview) but it’s a MUST listen.
Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down. They asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.
It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is def some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.
And if you want to hear more of his interview this next video continues right where the last clip left off. The first video is just a clip of the most important part if you only have time to hear a little bit of it. As Dr. Ted Broer continues he explains WHY they’re doing this. Why they’re intentionally attacking our immune systems. This next clip is FASCINATING. Dr Ted Broer continued…
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From: Tim Sr Oropallo <>

To: Rose <>

Sent: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 8:25 pm

Subject: Fwd: Murdered Doctors Had Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzymes In Vacci...





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          ALERT    ALERT    ALERT
  This is VERY important information and since the corporate media and the politicians have recieved MILLIONS of dollars from big-pharma by way of advertising and campaign funds and because the government 501C3 "church" only cares apparently about drinking and smoking as dangerous to your body, we really need to be aware of this important informtion.
My people parish for lack of knowledge. Thanks to the axis of evil, the pulpit, (government churches), the press, and the politicians, we need to, and more and more folks are, finding alternative news sources like DRUDGE REPORT 2016®  Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries -  Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! and others who are not fronts for special interest.
BTW, we were recently honored to have had one of the oldest and most respected and successful Tax Truth Movement leaders contact us. Check out SAPF Official Web Page