Ingri CAssel
“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.” ~former U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Hi Arden,
I just talked to Teri Arranga who has been in the movement as long as I have. She and I are on the same page here. Over the years, there have been MANY class action lawsuits and nothing has changed - just gotten worse. This is because the American Bar Association keeps the system in place. My radio partner has written quite a bit about this on her website :
Please watch this Vimeo on the front page of this website:
Currently parents are giving medical power of attorney to schools through a form slipped in during the admissions process. This is quite serious to me. The form I have seen actually gives power of attorney to anyone in the school district making vaccine exemptions a moot point.
For 50 years people have gone before Congress to expose the corruption with pubic health, now the CDC, and hold them accountable. And for the same amount of time, people have tried to sue the manufacturers of vaccines. And this is where we are at today an ignorant and enslaved populace.
Here is what I wrote a few years ago about the gravity of the predicament we are in: Excerpted from the Foreword to The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & the Struggle for Human Freedom by Walene James, founder of Vaccination Liberation.
“[S]ince the inception of the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), over $3 billion has been paid to families claiming their child is suffering from a debilitating disability or died as a direct result of a vaccine. The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision on February 22, 2011 (Bruesewitz v. Wyeth) proved what many of us knew would happen once the federal government took medical liability away from vaccine manufacturers. Although the VICP was to compensate families who suffered a vaccine reaction through no fault on the part of the manufacturers, if there was proven negligence in the design of the vaccine or subsequent batches of vaccine produced were contaminated due to manufacturer negligence, families were told they could sue manufacturers civilly. This was all reversed when SCOTUS ruled in favor of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, essentially giving a green light to vaccine manufacturers to produce vaccines intended to maim or sterilize recipients with no legal recourse for victims.
“With the vaccine paradigm and the germ theory of disease being the foundation of modern medicine, it is extremely difficult for many to grasp the concept that medical doctors are merely glorified 'legal' drug pushers who know very little about how the body actually works and what creates optimal wellness. However, if we paid doctors our insurance premiums each month our families experienced optimal health and stopped payment as soon as a family member experienced an illness, our current system would be turned upside down. Under the current regime, the National Institutes of Health conducts research and development for vaccine manufacturers; Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention purchase, license, and promote vaccines; and through VICP and the recent SCOTUS ruling, drug companies are released from all liability for the deadly injections they manufacture.
The caveat is that the marketplace for all the drugs needed to treat the ailments caused by the vaccines is guaranteed.
The only other business on the planet more profitable and corrupt is the international banking cartel.
“While this revelation is shocking enough, what Walene James so eloquently exposes is the mass mindedness resulting from programmed people blindly believing that injecting disease and known poisons into the body actually creates health. With dozens of new vaccines in the pipeline, including vaccines for diabetes and prostate cancer, The Vaccine Religion is essential reading for those aspiring to reverse the current medical tyranny while embracing a more harmonious view of the natural world.
“After you read The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind and the Struggle for Human Freedom
The Vaccine Religion: Mass Mind & The Struggle for Human Freedom
Feb 12th 2012
by Walene James
According to Walene James, The Vaccine Religion is a 21st century Mass Mind Virus marketed by a multi-billion dollar hospital, drug, and insurance racket and reinforced by the World Health Organization, the United States Government and mainstream media. James argues that no one has ever proven the efficacy of any vaccine, nor has anyone proven that vaccinating a population against a specific disease led to the decline or total elimination of that disease. A “must read” for thinking individuals who truly care about the health and welfare of their children and loved ones.
you will want to buy a copy for all your friends. This book is that important.”
Think of Gardasil and Cerverix -- vaccines intended to maim, sterilize and kill. Our page on this shot is here:
So the bottomline is NO -- Autism One has made it clear that they will not use their forum to solicit participants into a class action lawsuit or any other kind of court action. We don't have a lawful legal system in place. No courts are operating under the Constitution but under maritime law.
In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, directorVaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307
* Canada: Vaccine Choice Canada
* Florida:
Vaccine Injury Coalition/ Casi's Quest -
* Idaho/USA: Home Page:
* Indiana: Thank you, Jim O'Kelly for 8 billboards in Indiana.
The Gratest Lie Ever Told is that Vaccines Save Lives & Prevent Disease. Prove It or Repeal the Law!
Paid for by the Anti vaccination League of america & Friends
Jim O'Kelly 219-508-5597
* Ohio:
Ebola Response Plan | Vaccine Mandates are Just Corporate Statutes | Forms
Discover other lawful means to avoid vaccination
* Oklahoma:
* New York/USA:
* North Carolina: PAVE: People Advocating Vaccine Education -
* Wyoming:
Spreading the message through the nations schools:
* More informative Vaccine Aware Sites (hundreds!)
Are Vaccinations mandatory?
Check your state laws, get forms, etc., here.
Waiver Forms: READ VERY CAREFULLY any waiver forms before you sign. Find out why signing the AAP waiver form is a self incriminating act.
1. DoNotSign_Waiver_Info_page and 2. Signing_Under_Duress
A Notice of Non-Consent see above.(Your_Choice Section.)
Are vaccines rigorously tested before marketing? No. Vaccines are usually tested only in healthy populations but are given to all once on the market. Controls in vaccine trials are usually other vaccines not placebos. No independent verifications is made of the manufacturers claims. See: and
Are Vaccinations the only way to immunize? The only true immunization is natural. Natural immunity depends upon health not disease. Antibodies are not a measure of immunity. See:
for articles on Health - The Only Immunity and immunizing without vaccines.
Are unvaccinated children at risk? Basically, we answered that above. Unvaccinated does not mean non-immunized. See
Tune into "In Defense of Humanity" on Saturday nights, 8-10 PM Eastern Time at
“Free Your Mind....From the Vaccine Paradigm”
“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.” ~former U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD
To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical paradigm and why the only truly informed choice regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.
Ingri Cassel
to me
Yes, Arden, you can always call me. 208-255-2307. Most people that have a clue are pursuing avenues intended to take down the defacto government.
Anna Von Reitz has been doggedly pursuing this angle - See her articles posted here
But there are many others and AL Whitney has put together a booklet for people in order to help them maneuver in the current legal reality without getting poisoned or stuck with needles. The book is called Lawfully Yours! and is a free-download. I sell the hardcopy version off of our website.
BTW, I figured you had experience with the level of corruption in our courts so I was a bit puzzled about you pursuing this angle since it has been tried over and over again. Teaching people to simply say NO through the use of a Vaccination Notice is what we are trying to do through our websites, local support group meetings and radio show.
I will be out most of the day today. The new business I am doing currently is quite busy. The film I mentioned is The Truth About Cancer. Worth owning a set for sure. Although I haven't seen it, countless friends have told me it is fantastic.
The website where we are teaching people about Essiac Tea is here and
With Warmest of Regards,