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April 26k 2016

Can vaccines trigger autism? This is the topic of the film "Vaxxed", which was originally scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival, but was pulled from the lineup on March 26.

The decision has created so much blowback and publicity that whoever was pushing for its removal may have cause to regret it, because it has given the film a much higher public profile than if it had simply been screened as scheduled.

The Tribeca Film Festival was started by Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro and producer Jane Rosenthal in 2001 in an effort to revitalize lower Manhattan after the 9/11 attacks.

Strange as it may seem, according to Rosenthal, it was primarily other filmmakers that were threatening to pull their films out of the prestigious festival unless "Vaxxed" was removed. De Niro says he will look into who lodged the complaints, and why.

De Niro Brings Vaccine Safety Into the Limelight

While De Niro felt pressured to pull the film, he makes it clear it's a film people need to see, noting there are many issues relating to the way the CDC evaluates and monitors the safety of vaccines that are not being spoken about openly — and they should.1

De Niro has an 18-year-old son who is autistic, and he admits he has concerns about vaccines and autism. "There is a link," he says, and draws a parallel between people who have severe, even fatal, reactions to penicillin. De Niro points out that the same might be true for some people who react to vaccines.

He also makes the point that everyone really should have the choice whether or not to vaccinate their children.

Interestingly, while De Niro called for more discussion and more research into the safety of vaccines, Rosenthal appeared openly uncomfortable about the entire topic when she and De Niro were originally interviewed on NBC's "Today Show" on Apr. 132 and even more uncomfortable when she and De Niro appeared in a follow-up interview on the "Today Show" on Apr. 18.3

One of the potential reasons for her discomfort could be related to the fact that her ex-husband, Craig Hatkoff, is a board member of the NYU Child Study Center, which is involved with the research and treatment of child psychiatric disorders. As noted by journalist Jon Rappoport:4

"The NYU Center would never, ever, in a million years imagine that vaccines could cause autism ... A film that claims to show a link between the MMR vaccine and autism would be a hideous affront to the NYU Child Study Center, where Craig Hatkoff, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, sits on the Board."

Rosenthal's sister, Pamela Rollins, Ph.D. is also deeply involved in the field of autism, and is a member of the Texas Council for Autism.5 The conventional view is that whatever autism is caused by, it's NOT caused by a medical intervention like vaccines, and to suggest that it might be related simply isn't permitted.

Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has created a petition to encourage Robert De Niro to continue seeking the truth about vaccines. Click the button below to sign the petition.








Vaccine Shills Coming Out of the Woodwork

A number of industry shills have already written derogatory articles about "Vaxxed." This includes Dr. Paul Offit, whose article6 places the focus squarely on Andrew Wakefield, the director of the film.

Taking aim, Offit makes sure Wakefield's character and qualifications are brought into question in order to try to discredit the information in the film.

No surprises there, as character assassination is part of Offit's modus operandi — regardless of whether he's got his facts straight or not. Offit does not have a good track record for being accurate in his assessment of the facts.

In at least one case, a newspaper was forced to issue a correction, noting that Offit's disparaging statements about CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson (who had written a report critical of vaccines) were actually found to be wholly unsubstantiated and/or false.7

The fact of the matter is, anytime you hear or read terms like debunked, discredited, quack, conspiracy theorist, the science is settled, the debate is settled, the scientific consensus agrees, or the poison is in the dose, you can be more or less assured you're reading agenda-driven propaganda.

The same can be said for anyone relying on Offit as the sole voice of what is true and what is not true about vaccine safety.

There are many respectable researchers out there who are well-qualified to speak about vaccine science, and I have interviewed a number of them. And contrary to what Offit proclaims, the science is far from conclusive when it comes to safety.

Science on Vaccines Is Nowhere Near Settled

Science has shown that when you overuse antibiotics, antibiotic resistance develops. So what is the science of mass vaccination with multiple vaccines? The truth is the science is nowhere near "settled" when it comes to the potential long-term risks of mass vaccination.

Moreover, vaccines are clearly not as effective as previously thought. For example, recurring outbreaks of whooping cough (pertussis) have been linked to vaccine failure, not lack of vaccination. Most recently, 56 people contracted whooping cough in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and every single one of them was vaccinated.8

If you're like most people, you probably thought vaccines the government recommends have been scientifically proven effective.

But every year we hear about many vaccines besides whooping cough failing, including mumps, measles and chicken pox — with a majority of the outbreaks again being among fully vaccinated people. So if the science isn't settled when it comes to effectiveness, perhaps it isn't so settled when it comes to safety.

Just last year, researchers made the remarkable discovery that the brain is actually directly connected to the immune system via previously unknown vessels.9

According to researchers, the discovery of these new vessels has "enormous implications for every neurological disease with an immune component," and that certainly would include autism.

So just how does vaccination affect this system? Anyone who claims we have the answer is either uninformed or lying, as up until last year we didn't even know the brain and immune system were linked!

Every year we make new discoveries about how the body works, yet we're to believe that everything there is to know about how vaccines affect human biology was discovered decades ago?

Did Mass Vaccination Eradicate Measles in the US?