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Thirteen Year Old Dies Five Days After HPV Vaccine

Carol Adi

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May 12, 2016

A thirteen year old fell ill just hours after receiving a second dose of HPV vaccine at school and died five days later.

Shazel Zaman started suffering with a severe headache, vomiting and dizziness a few days after having the cervical cancer vaccine and her symptoms became so bad a few days later that her family took her to hospital.

Shazel’s family claims that a doctor dismissed that her condition was linked to the HPV vaccine jab saying she “came across as a lazy child” and diagnosed her illness as a stomach bug before sending her home.

Her family strongly believe that there was a link between her death and the vaccination

The Mail Online reports:

She was found collapsed and unconscious with no pulse an hour later at her home in Bury, and died in hospital four hours later.

Now Pennine Acute NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has launched an investigation into the standard of care Shazel received at the hospital.

Her family believe her death is linked directly to the cervical cancer jab.

Shazel had been given her second course of the HPV vaccine at Derby High School in Bury on April 13, and fell ill just hours later. Her condition rapidly worsened and she died on April 17.

Her sister, Maham Hussain, 19, said: ‘She had the injection on the Wednesday. On Friday she was complaining of a sore arm – no swelling just redness.

‘On the Saturday she complained of a severe headache, and by the evening she was throwing up. Come Sunday she was very pale, and my aunt took her to Fairfield.

‘Whilst she was there she was in and out of consciousness. My aunt had to get a wheelchair for her.

‘She had a blood test, and her heart rate checked, and everything was said to be normal.

‘She was asked to provide a urine test and when my aunt took her to the toilet she fell to the floor, she was so drowsy.

‘My aunt took her back to the doctor and that’s when the doctor made the comment that Shazel “came across as a lazy child”.

Shazel’s aunt, Saimah Naseem, who took her to Fairfield, said she was ‘shocked’ at the comment.

She said: ‘That was a horrible thing to say. One of the nurses also made the comment “she’s fine”.’

Maham said: ‘I was at home when Shazel returned. She was in a really bad state. As soon as she came home my aunt put her to bed.

‘My aunt gave her water so she wouldn’t dehydrate. My aunt and grandmother kept checking on her.

‘An hour later she went blue. She had no pulse. The paramedics were here in seven minutes but she was not responding.

‘At hospital it was just the machines that were keeping her alive.’

The family said that following her death she underwent a CT scan but it was unable to find a cause

They then paid £670 for an MRI scan at Oldham Royal Hospital. That too was inconclusive and an autopsy has now been carried out. However, the results will not be available for several months.

Mahan said: ‘The family strongly believe that there is a link between her death and the vaccination.

‘Before that she was perfectly normal, and active. Our own GP was really shocked that she had passed away. The reason we are speaking out is to raise awareness of what might happen.