CNN caught in the most outrageous vaccine-autism FAKE NEWS headline lie we’ve seen yet
Ethan Huff
A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics that disingenuously declares no connection between vaccines and autism is being paraded around by the mainstream media as more “proof” that vaccines are completely safe. Of course, included among these is CNN, which in typical fake news fashion completely skews the truth in order to push the pro-vaccine agenda of its controllers.
In essence, the paper, which is entitled “Vaccination patterns in children after autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and in their younger siblings,” makes the claim that parents of children who develop ASD are much less likely to continue vaccinating these children post-diagnosis because of fears that the jabs may have been responsible for triggering their children’s health conditions.
It’s not necessarily an irrational conclusion, but it’s also not what the paper actually found. As explained by Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., a vaccine expert from the World Mercury Project, the researchers involved with the study openly admitted that they used a flawed study design that failed to look at vaccination rates prior to ASD diagnosis. In other words, it appears as though the intention was simply to arrive at the conclusion that there is still widespread fear among many parents that ASD might be caused by vaccines, and that more needs to be done to combat this “misconception,” even though the methodology used couldn’t have accurately arrived at this conclusion.
But this is how the study was presented, and it’s how CNN decided to run with the story, publishing its own deceptive headline entitled, “Children with autism less likely to be fully vaccinated” – the implication being that the study somehow showed that “vaccines don’t cause autism.” But this is just more dinosaur media trickery, as the junk paper didn’t actually state this.
While the paper does appear to have been constructed to arrive at a different pre-determined outcome, even this approach was flawed in the fact that the paper failed to establish a legitimate correlation between ASD diagnosis and “vaccine hesitancy” – nor did it even attempt to evaluate why, assuming there is a correlation, many parents choose to make this decision.
“… [T]he researchers ‘only assessed vaccines recommended after the child’s ASD diagnosis,’ enabling them to informally ‘infer’ that the diagnosis influenced parents’ decisions to delay or refuse further vaccines,” writes Hooker.
“Rather than try to understand the rational basis for these decisions, or support parents’ efforts to protect their children from further vaccine injuries, the JAMA Pediatrics researchers appear content to scold beleaguered ASD families for poor compliance with the vaccine schedule.”
ALL of the cited “research” in JAMA Pediatrics study has been proven fraudulent
Worse is the fact that the nine studies cited in the JAMA Pediatrics study as “evidence” are all entirely fraudulent. Two of them were merely review articles published by a corrupt scientist from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who offered no original data on the subject, while a third cited study by that same author was actually proven to be fraudulent.
Another study that contained data on the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine has since been shown to have been corrupted, while yet another was actually debunked after the fact by subsequent data published by the CDC itself – though the agency never actually set the record straight on the matter.
All in all, this latest attempt to “debunk” the vaccines-autism connection represents yet another prominent example of pseudoscientific fraud – and ironically enough serves as a perfect example of why an increasing number of parents are now questioning the official government narrative on vaccine safety. It’s truly a matter of fact that the CDC has utterly failed to honestly investigate vaccine safety in a comprehensive and realistic way, especially in light of the ever-growing vaccine schedule that’s forced on the youngest members of society, which is part of the reason why many parents are wholly distrusting of what “health authorities” tell them.
“In this way, the JAMA Pediatrics study indirectly furnishes a perfect demonstration of why families with ASD-diagnosed children become ‘vaccine-hesitant,'” explains Hooker. “After sustaining such a diagnosis, who can blame them for hesitating to sacrifice another child to the ‘herd?'”
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