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The CDC is one of the most evil, dishonest and dangerous institutions to ever exist on our planet. It espouses toxic medical interventions that maim and kill children on a routine basis, and it censors any science that might bring the truth to light.

Published December 17, 2018 by the Weston A Price Foundation:

Mark Green, currently a senator in Tennessee and a newly elected member of the U.S. House of Representatives, publically stated in a town hall meeting that he intends to hold the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) accountable regarding their own “fraudulently managed” data on autism and vaccines.

As a graduate of West Point, a decorated war hero, AND an emergency care physician, Green intends to “stand on the CDC’s desk and get the real data on vaccines.”

The autism rate in America is skyrocketing. It is up 30,000 percent since the early 1980’s, now affecting 1 in 36 children (between 3 and 17 years of age). And the CDC has indeed “fraudulently managed” the data — senior CDC researcher Dr. William Thompson and his team found a strong association between vaccines and autism, but did as their bosses told them and changed the parameters of the study to get rid of the association, so the CDC would not have to report it to the public.

Please help us thank Congressman-elect Green for his courageous and honest voice. We want him to have a stack of letters from people all over the country that he can share with his colleagues when he starts in Congress in January!

View Green’s town hall speech here:

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Email or send a letter to Mark Green and thank him for vowing to hold the CDC accountable regarding vaccine and autism. Be sure to include your name, city and state.

Send letters to his State Senate Office:

425 5th Avenue North

Suite 748, Cordell Hull Bldg.

Nashville, TN 37243

Fax: (615) 253-0193


If you or a family member has experienced a vaccine reaction – whether related to autism or any other type of vaccine reaction – we encourage you to share that fact in your letter.

Or, your letter can be simply a thank you and encouragement for Congressman-elect Green to push ahead with the inquiry.


1) According to senior CDC research scientist Dr. William Thompson, his team found a strong association between vaccines and autism, but changed the parameters of the study to get rid of the association, so they would not have to report it to the public. To date, despite efforts by Congressman Bill Posy, Congress has not subpoenaed Dr. Thompson to testify, nor have they held hearings to investigate his claims.

2) The CDC recommends 70 doses of 16 vaccines to today’s child. Today 1 in 36 children has autism. There has been a 30,000 percent increase in autism since the early 1980’s – during which time we have nearly quadrupled the number of vaccines given to children.

3) This is a political issue as well as a devastating reality for many families. Who will pay for the future needs of so many autistic persons? Autism is already crippling our schools, in addition to impacting the quality of education.

4) Denying the increase in autism hurts our children. Tens of thousands of parents report that their previously-healthy children regressed after vaccination; yet, our government, the medical community, pharmaceutical companies, and mainstream media continue to do everything in their power to conceal the truth that vaccines cause autism.

5) The U.S. Supreme Court ruled vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and the U.S. government has paid out approximately $3.9 billion for vaccine injury claims, including millions of dollars to vaccine-injured-autistic-children.

6) Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. The vaccine manufactures reap all the profits from vaccines, without having to pay for any of the injuries or harm. The global vaccine market is projected to be worth 77 billion dollars by 2024.

Learn more truth about vaccines at