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On Wednesday the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the US House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing, “ Confronting a Growing Health Threat: Measles outbreaks in the US,” on the reported 157 cases of measles in a country of 330 million people. Measles was considered a routine childhood inconvenience a generation ago. In the current outbreak there have been no deaths, very few hospitalizations, and the paltry number of cases obviously indicates that federal action is not necessary. Why not have a hearing instead on the out-of-control growth of autism? Every year we see 50,000 to 100,000 new cases per year, but that public health catastrophe does not seem to merit event a comment from Congress.
The full Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will present Tuesday, March 5, 10 am, 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building, a hearing entitled, “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks.” One quarter of the Senate will be present, including two declared presidential candidates.
You can watch the Oversight & Investigations subcommittee hearing here:
The statements of witnesses and committee members sounded like they were written by Merck’s public relations office. Testimony was limited to two federal public health bureaucrats.
Please click on the Take Action link below to send an email message to your Representative and both US Senators from your state calling on them to stop wasting time with hearings on 159 cases of a mild disorder and focus on real public health disaster like autism. And to leave religious and secular exemptions alone.
Please call your your Representative in the House at their Washington DC office, and let them know politely that you want religious and secular exemptions preserved and strengthened, not eliminated. And that the House should be spending it’s time on 100,000 new cases of autism per year not 159 cases of measles. Their names and numbers should be below.
And in this age of electronic communications old-fashioned letters have grown in the amount of influence they have. Please write to your elected officials in Washington and explain how important religious and secular exemptions are to your family.
Clearly, the $20+ billion vaccine industry is creating hysteria over a trivial measles outbreak as a pretext to eliminate vaccination rights in the US. It's a program that worked successfully in California, France, Italy, Croatia and Romania, why not the rest of the United States?
But the facts just don't support the hype. "Overall vaccination coverage among young children remained high and stable in the United States in 2017," according to the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on October 12, 2018.
The vaccine industry's claim that measles vaccination rates are falling are not supported by the federal government's own statistics. According to the CDC's National Immunization Survey, there was no change in the percentage of children who received one or more MMR vaccines from 2013 through 2017, holding steady at around 91.5% with no statistically significant changes for the past 5 years. Children who are unvaccinated make up less than 1% of all children and pose no threat to achieving “herd immunity.”
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