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Take Action: Don’t let Congress take your vaccine exemption rights
Autism Action Network
The struggle to keep our vaccine exemption rights took a dangerous turn with the recent hearings on vaccines in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. None of the many troubling issues with the vaccine industry, the federal vaccine bureaucracy, vaccine safety and efficacy, or vaccine rights were addressed. But there was repeated criticism in both houses from Democrats and Republicans of religious and personal belief exemptions to attend school. Vaccine exemptions to attend school has always been the preserve of the states, and in some areas local governments, the entities that run the schools and provide 90%+ of school financing.
Don’t let the Congress take away your vaccine exemptions rights.
Before you take action, If you support the advocacy provided to you and your family by the Autism Action Network please make it possible for us to keep on fighting for you and your children by making a donation here:
Please use the link below to send email messages to the two US Senators from your State, and your Representative in the US House.
And please call the two US Senators from your state, and your Representative in the US House letting them you know that Congress should take no action to eliminate or restrict vaccine exemption rights. Your legislators’ names. addresses and and Washington DC phone numbers should appear below. And please write old fashioned letters to your legislators asking them to stay out of state vaccine exemption decisions.
Both hearings were carefully scripted dog and pony shows for the vaccine industry. The soul dissenting voice in either hearing was Senator Rand Paul, MD, who, as a physician, they could not discount.
You can watch the House hearing here:
And the Senate hearing here:
The States have always made decisions about vaccine exemptions policy to attend school. And new federal action would be a new and unprecedented expansion of power by the federal government. Public health policy and a couple hundred cases of measles has nothing to do with this new direction. The drug companies and their have been singularly unsuccessful at the state level so far, except California, to repeal religious and secular exemptions rights. The drug companies have far more clout in Washington than the 50 state capitals and they are obviously trying to use that power to get what they want which is unimpeded power to order people to buy their products.
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