Autism Action Network
Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz, the author of A2371, the bill that eliminated religious exemptions in New York, and State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, a co-sponsor of S2994, the religious exemption repeal bill in the Senate will be holding a meeting to celebrate, “the most productive legislative session ever in Albany,” Tuesday, July 16, 7-8:30 pm, at Riverdale, 5625 Riverdale, Bronx, NY 10471. They got wind that they we are coming and they are trying to keep us out of the meeting. See their statement below.
Dinowitz and Biaggi are both either sponsors or co-sponsors of bills to mandate for all New York students Gardasil human papilloma virus shots, annual flus shots, and allowing Gardasil and hep b shots for minors without parental knowledge or consent. Those bills will be top priorities for the vaccine industry and their allies in the legislature in the next session beginning in January.
Please come on July 16. This fight for our kids’ health and bodies isn’t over. Bring your germy kids. Bring your hooting and hollering and flapping kids who Dinowitz and Biaggi just denied a public education. Bring friends. Please save the information below, we need to stay in touch with Dinowitz and Biaggi.
Please click on the Take Action link and let Assemblymember Dinowitz and State Senator Alessandra Biaggi know you are looking forward to seeing them on the July 16. They will appreciate that.
Please call Assemblymember Dinowitz and congratulate him on his accomplishments:
(718) 796-5345
Please email Dinowitz at dinowitzj@nyassembly.gov
Please follow Dinowitz on Facebook so you know what he is up to, and where he is going to be and when: https://www.facebook.com/JeffreyDinowitz/
Please follow Dinowitz on Twitter. If you are not on Twitter please get on because that is where elected officials believe reality lies: @JeffreyDinowitz
Please call Senator Biaggi and congratulate her on her accomplishments at (718) 822-2049
Please email Senator Biaggi at biaggi@nysenate.gov
Please follow Biaggi on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SenatorBiaggi/
Please follow Biaggi on twitter at @Senator Biaggi
They know we are coming so Dinowitz and Biaggi are circling the wagons. They just posted this:
One of the hallmarks of democracy is our ability to maintain a respectful dialogue between elected representatives and the constituents they represent in government. In order to ensure that all residents of the 81st Assembly District and 34th State Senate District are able to offer their questions, comments, thoughts, and concerns, we respectfully request that attendees uphold basic standards of community decorum. There will be no signs, banners, or other visually disruptive items permitted inside the town hall event. There will also be no shouting, chanting, amplified sound, or other acoustically disruptive behavior permitted inside the town hall event. Follow up questions will only be granted at discretion of the moderator. Seating and standing room is reserved for residents of the 81st Assembly District and 34th Senate District. Those wishing to reserve seating in advance of the town hall must complete this google form by 10am on Monday, July 15 and present valid ID to confirm reservation at the event: http://bit.ly/July16Seats.
Please share this message with friends and family, and please post to social networks while we still can.
Autism Action Network <jgilmore@autismactionnetwork.org>