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NY Take Action: Call your elected officials now (and keep calling) to stop new vaccine laws
Autism Action Network
The New York legislature begins the 2020 session in less than 10 weeks on January 8. They have cut a month off the 2020 session to give themselves more time to run for re-election next year, so we expect that they will be voting on important bills much earlier in the session than usual, and they will spend even less time considering how bills will affect the people of New York.
There are three vaccine-related bills we expect the legislature and Governor Cuomo to attempt to pass in 2020:
S3899a (Krueger-D-Upper Eastside)/A973a (Paulin-D-Scarsdale), This bill will allow children of any age to “consent” to vaccines for sexually transmitted infections at whatever the minimum age is for giving the vaccine allowed by the federal government. That means ANY age for hepatis b, and nine years old for Merck’s Gardasil, the only HPV vaccine licensed in the US. Please click on the following link to send an email to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to the bill.
S298b (Hoylman-D-Westside)/A2912 (Paulin-D-Scarsdale), This bill will require all seventh graders in the state to get Merck’s Gardasil, the only HPV vaccine licensed in the US. This bill would require at least $114 million a year of Gardasil sales. . Please click on the following link to send an email to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to the bill. Please click on the following link to send an email to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to the bill.
S2776 (Hoylman-D-Westside)/ A2316 (Dinowitz-D-Riverdale) This bill will require annual flu vaccines for all children in the state in daycare or preschool and K-12. This is bill is worth at least $54 million per year in flu shots vaccine sales. Please click on the following link to send an email to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to the bill. Please click on the following link to send an email to your State Senator and Assemblymember expressing your opposition to the bill.
Please call the Governor’s office and the offices of State Senator and your Assmemblymember and politely ask the staffer what the position is on these bills of the elected official. Please write an old-fashioned letter expressing your opposition to these bills. Please get back to us at with their responses. Their names and contact information should appear below.
Print out this letter and save it you will need to contact these folks many times in the next few months if we are going to stop these bills.
State Senator, Albany
State Senator, District
Assemblymember, Albany
Assemblymember, District
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