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This Friday is their deadline--unless . . .

Mat Staver

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The University of Virginia Medical Center (UVAMC) is forcing staff at all 18 locations to get the COVID shots—refusing ALL religious exemption requests, including Annie’s (whom we are helping).

Time is short. This week is the deadline for UVAMC employees to cave or be fired. The deadlines are fast approaching for many people we are helping. Yesterday was the deadline for all federal civilian contractor employees to get the shots. They could be terminated beginning Nov. 22—unless the federal court blocks the mandate next week. The hearing begins Nov. 15.

Emergency requests like these keep pouring in every day! We need your help to help these people. Your support will be DOUBLED by our Challenge Grant. — Mat

Annie applied for a religious exemption. She answered all UVAMC’s questions and even submitted a letter from her pastor who explained: “I can speak to the sincerity of her beliefs and the legitimacy of this request … Annie strongly believes that based on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, to inject these COVID shots would violate these sincerely held religious beliefs and would be a sin against God.”

Immunize UVAH replied with a misspelled, illegal denial of Annie’s religious beliefs, writing, “Your pastor states ‘Annie strong [sic] believes’ that is a personal belief—2019, we no longer accept personal beliefs … Our decision remains, denied.” Some employees were given until Nov. 13 or Nov. 16, and Annie has until Nov. 18 to comply or be fired.

Our staff is frantically working several avenues to stop this forced medical procedure. When you give today, you support this battle for freedom.

UVAMC does not have the legal authority to redefine what is (or is not) your religious belief and doctrine, especially in direct opposition to your clearly stated beliefs as recognized by your pastor. This is ILLEGAL!

As a pastor and an attorney, I know how critical it is to not allow the government or a government-affiliated hospital to define religion. This is despicable and undermines our basic rights to religious freedom.

Annie is not alone. Another UVAMC employee wrote us, “I have filed 2 religious exemption letters with UVA Medical Center along with 2 pastor support letters and both were denied. There is no appeal process and they give no reason for their denial … Help me.”

A third reached out to us, “I finally was informed that my request was denied because it was deemed a scientific argument, not a religious one … Perhaps they didn’t read it, because my first paragraph included at least five scriptures. I do not believe this religious exemption committee is legitimately considering my request.”

“We need legal action NOW! We can’t wait any longer,” said a fourth.

A fifth person told us she had heard estimates of 400 nurses at UVAMC that were fighting these forced medical procedures.

We are assisting directly with efforts to stop this forced medical procedure both publicly and privately. When you support our efforts, you help us fight for people like Annie and others standing with her. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift and help us STOP THE MANDATES.

We hear many stories from health care workers about why they do not want these shots. A first responder shared what she saw firsthand after the COVID shot. “I have witnessed several patients pass out after being vaccinated, several have had shortness of breath, and I did have to call the EMTs for 2 people.”

She also shared what she experienced personally after these shots. “I have experienced some long-term effects since being vaccinated—fever and chills, ‘out of the blue’ mood swings, headaches, extreme exhaustion and heaviness in my chest. The joint pain is the worst of all the symptoms that I have now. It’s miserable and I really wish I could find relief.”

These shots can be dangerous. To put this in context, the swine flu vaccine mandate was suspended in nine states after just three people died.

But now there have been 856,917 adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) after a COVID injection. In addition, reported deaths after these shots have risen to 18,078 people and there are 28,112 more people who are now permanently disabled as of Oct. 29, 2021.

But that doesn’t even count the very real death toll of miscarriages, which is an additional 2,786 innocent lives lost! One nurse shared, “I work in andrology in a fertility clinic. The rumors about the increase in miscarriages is not a rumor. It’s real. We are seeing it, and it started when the shots rolled out to the general public, in March/April.”

These precious little babies never consented to an experimental injection! If we don’t win these battles, medical professionals won’t have a choice either.

These mandates threaten life and liberty in a way we have never seen! Fight against MANDATORY SHOTS and VACCINE PASSPORTS by standing with Liberty Counsel Action today.

What might be the most shocking aspect is how susceptible our nation is to the federalization of private businesses, not by force but by mandate. Vast sections of our nation have fallen under the federal government dictating how they will open, when they will close, how many people they can serve, who they will hire and what substances employees must inject into their bodies.

This is a government takeover and federalization of virtually every industry in America. This has got to stop!


You can also send your faxes demanding NO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS to key leaders! Select here or the button below.

Your prayers are deeply appreciated.

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action



‌C19 Vax Reactions. 2021. “Real Medical Observations.” Accessed November 8, 2021.

OpenVAERS. 2021. “VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports.” Accessed November 8, 2021.

“Resources & Research: COVID Vaccine.” Liberty Counsel Action, 2021.

Times, Harold M. Schmeck Jr Special to The New York. 1976. “SWINE FLU PROGRAM IS HALTED in 9 STATES as 3 DIE after SHOTS.” The New York Times, October 13, 1976, sec. Archives.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
