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Doctor calls for lockdown for ... the VACCINATED!

Bob Unruh

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Procedure 'should be declared by public health authorities'

A German doctor is calling for a two-month lockdown to fight COVID-19 – for the vaccinated.

A report at Free West Media explains Dr. Kenan Katmer believes those people are "the biggest virus spreaders."

Free West reported," According to a report by the WAZ, the doctor runs a family doctor’s practice in Altenbochum, where he also offers Corona tests and vaccinations. From the results of the tests in his own practice and the four test centers in Bochum, he was able to conclude that '90 percent of the positive people who were tested by me were vaccinated.'"

Further, he said those people – the vaccinated – "think that with the vaccination the Coronavirus will no longer harm them, but that is a fallacy."

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He said a two-month lockdown "only for vaccinated people should be declared by public health authorities. If these restrictions were then adhered to, the contacts reduced and the vaccination campaign continued, 'the pandemic would then end quickly.'"

The physician is not the only one with those perspectives, according to Free West, which noted that Dr. Michael Tenholt from the Medical Quality Network in Bochum suggested instead of a lockdown, there should be more mandatory testing for the vaccinated.

"It is true that many people who are vaccinated feel too safe. Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to also test the vaccinated," he said.

And in France, the report said, "Professor Christian Perronne, one of the most renowned French experts on infectious diseases and long-standing government adviser, has long been a firm skeptic of the Covid-19 vaccination policy – and not just in his home country. With a view to the situation in Israel and Great Britain, Perronne has now publicly called for people vaccinated against Covid-19 to be quarantined and isolated from society."

That all is the opposite of what politicians in America and elsewhere have demanded to date.

But the report cited scientific evidence showing the effectiveness of the shots diminishes rapidly, and at different rates for different people.

The article explained government officials have been promoting the shots as "safe and effective" even though they really don't know what the shots do – and what side effects might occur.

The report explained the hypocrisy showed up in print in the German tabloid Bild just days ago.

"On November 21, the BioNtech founder declared that the 'protection' of the shot was still 'very high' after nine months. Four days later, the EU Commission announced the expiry of health passports… after nine months."

A commentary at Truth Based Media explained, "We’ve seen clear facts, unambiguous data, and trustworthy studies that have demonstrated three things beyond a shadow of a doubt: The 'vaccinated' are just as likely as the 'unvaccinated' to contract Covid-19 when they come in contact with the disease, the 'vaccinated' are just as likely as the 'unvaccinated' to spread Covid-19 when others come in contact with them [and] many of the 'vaccinated' have been lulled into a false sense of security that makes them more likely to engage in Covid-spreading activities and are therefore the real coronavirus super-spreaders"

It noted the "experts" continue to echo "the vax-nanny mantras because they know far too many Americans refuse to look at the facts or think for themselves."

The commentator wrote, "Perhaps the saddest realization for me in the era of Pandemic Panic Theater is seeing how reliant Americans are on the 'experts' for information and direction. The data is available for anyone with an internet connection to see. But many if not most Americans have willfully stuck their collective heads in the sand and ignored the science in wholesale. Why? Because the 'experts' deliver false conclusions from the science and most are simply too lazy to do some fact-checking on their own."

EDITOR’S NOTE: Last year, America’s doctors, nurses and paramedics were celebrated as frontline heroes battling a fearsome new pandemic. Today, under Joe Biden, tens of thousands of these same heroes are denounced as rebels, conspiracy theorists, extremists and potential terrorists. Along with massive numbers of police, firemen, Border Patrol agents, Navy SEALs, pilots, air-traffic controllers, and countless other truly essential Americans, they’re all considered so dangerous as to merit termination, their professional and personal lives turned upside down due to their decision not to be injected with the experimental COVID vaccines. Biden’s tyrannical mandate threatens to cripple American society – from law enforcement to airlines to commercial supply chains to hospitals. It’s already happening. But the good news is that huge numbers of “yesterday’s heroes” are now fighting back – bravely and boldly. The whole epic showdown is laid out as never before in the sensational October issue of WND’s monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE GREAT AMERICAN REBELLION: ‘We will not comply!’ COVID-19 power grab ignites bold new era of national defiance.”

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