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Steve Bannon: "War On The Unvaxx'd Is About To Commence"

Tyler Durden

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"Get Boosted or Die!" is the message from The White House that is repeated ad nauseum by every talking head virtue-signaler.

"This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"... "it's patriotic to get the jab"... and on and on...

And, despite the fact that breakthroughs are common, vaccine efficacy has collapsed, and Omicron is basically a common cold, don't expect this 'blame it on the unvaxx'd' propaganda to stop anytime soon.

In fact, as former Trump White House Chef Strategist Steve Bannon said on his 'War Room' show this week, the 'war on the unvaccinated' is only just beginning:

"Herd immunity can be upon us if you don't get in the way of it with a redonkulous, blunt force instrument, which is mass vaccinations," Bannon said on Tuesday during his War Room Pandemic podcast.

"It's really the war on the unvaccinated is about to commence and I mean war."

Watch here:

And judging by the viral spread of mandates for triple, quadruple jabs and masking across blue states nationwide, Bannon is being proved right... and will likely be right up until the midterms (and the need for mail-in ballots for everyone, alive or dead).