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Illuminati Bankers Hired Hitler to Start WW2

Henry Makow Ph.D

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igence officer. Throughout the 1920's the Reichswehr secretly funded his party and trained his SA "Brownshirts."

I suspect General Kurt Von Schleicher was the point man for Illuminati bankers like Max Warburg, whose Frankfurt I.G. Farben HQ was spared by Allied bombers, and whose Jewish mother lived in comfort in Hamburg throughout the war.

In the Protocols of Zion, the author, an Illuminati banker, boasts they create or sanction anti-Semitism when it serves their purpose. "Anti-Semitism is indispensible to us for the management of our lesser brethren...this matter has been the subject of repeated discussions amongst us." (Protocol 9). Hitler is an example of how anti-Semitism was created. The author continues:

"It is from us that the all engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind...striving to overthrow all established forms of order. All states are in torture... but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super government..."

There, in black and white, is the blueprint behind the NWO, UN, the EU and NAU, and every war until today. But the bankers have made us think it "racist" to pay heed. As if more than 1% of Jews were/are a conscious part of their heinous, diabolical conspiracy.

Modern history consists of this long-term plan to foment needless wars in order to enslave mankind by destroying nation, religion, race and family. Most historians are paid to obscure the horrible fact that the people ultimately responsible for Auschwitz, the Gulag, Hiroshima and Verdun, still run the world. They are responsible for 9-11 and Iraq.

Our leaders are chosen by their ability to lie and follow orders. Conflicts are charades between "antagonists" who actually serve the same masters.

(For newcomers, the Illuminati consist of selected members of dynastic Jewish central banking families intermarried with Euro-American aristocracy, along with Jesuits, who have reached the highest degrees of Kabalistic Freemasonry.)


Dr. E. J. Dillon of the London Daily Telegraph wrote in his book "The Inside Story of the Peace Conference," (1920): Many delegates deduced that "henceforth the world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon people, who in turn are swayed by their Jewish elements..." (i.e. the central bankers and their factotums) p 497.

Germany was the major obstacle to using England and the U.S. to impose Illuminati rule upon the world . Thus, onerous reparations were imposed to prompt another much more devastating world war. Once it begin, the British vetoed attempts to assassinate or replace Hitler, and insisted on "unconditional surrender."

Hitler didn’t come to power until 1933 but Germany started rearming in 1919 in contravention of Versailles provisions. The Allies turned a blind eye to a program that saw Communist and German soldiers train in Russia with the latest weaponry, including whole bases devoted to air force, armor and chemical warfare. When Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany already had an advanced air force.

Another way to evade Versailles was for the Reichswehr to fund and train paramilitary organizations like the Nazi SA which later could be incorporated into the regular army.

General Kurt Von Schleicher and Captains Karl Mayr and Ernst Roehm were in charge of this "Black Werhmacht" program.

Sefton Delmer, who was the Daily Express correspondent in Berlin, describes all this in his autobiography "Trail Sinister" (1961). He cites documents showing that Hitler was "acting under Mayr's orders when he joined the tiny German Workers Party and began to build it up..." (64) Delmer says Mayr also funded mass meetings and pamphlets in which Hitler railed against the Jews. "This anti-Jewish campaign ...was being promoted by no less a power than the Staff Officers of the Reichswehr." (63)

The Reichwehr's purpose was to create popular political support for WW2. According to Delmer, "Schleicher paid out no less than two million pounds from the Reichswehr's secret funds for the Nazi storm troopers..." (120) They were also funded by Illuminati industrialists and bankers.

(Born and raised in Berlin, Sefton Delmer knew Hitler personally, and had a wide range of confidential sources. During the war, he took charge of British "black propaganda" running a range of radio stations aimed at German soldiers.)


Communism, Nazism and Zionism are triplets, movements conceived and nurtured by the Illuminati to dupe and manipulate humanity.

In his book "The Hidden Hitler" Lothar Machtan, a Professor of History at Bremen University says Hitler almost joined the Communists in 1918. He demanded a senior party post that would have exempted him from work but they refused. "Hitler did not set foot in the extreme right wing camp until he had been rejected by left wing groups," Machtan writes. (71)

This book asserts that Hitler was an active homosexual with a thick police file of molestation complaints both in Vienna and Munich.

According to Ian Kershaw, Hitler took part in pro Socialist and Communist demonstrations in 1918-1919 and served as a Socialist Soldiers' Council representative. ("Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris, p 118-120.)

According to Brigitte Hamann, Hitler's best friends in pre-war Vienna were Jewish. He benefited from Jewish charities and hospitality. Jews bought most of his artwork. For this reason, real anti-Semites shunned him. ("Hitler's Vienna: A Dictator's Apprenticeship, pp.347-352)

Hamann suggests that Hitler's ideas of Aryan racial purity and superiority were based on the Jews. She quotes Hitler:

"Through Moses the Jewish people received a rule for life and living one's life that was elevated to a religion which was entirely tailored toward the essence of one's race, and simply and clearly without dogmas and dubious rules of faith...contains what served the ...well being of one's people, nothing toward consideration of others." (351)


There is nostalgia for Hitler, in the belief that he represented resistance to the New World Order. In fact, he was created by the Illuminati to start another war. It is possible that he broke with them at some point. On the other hand, he may have deliberately sabotaged the Nazi cause by not promising to liberate the people under Communist yoke.

Similarly, Hitler's crusade against ordinary Jews was gratuitous and self-defeating, costing Germany international support and the atomic bomb. The anti-Semitic campaign seems tailored by the Illuminati to create racial strife and traumatize Jews into advancing the Zionist agenda. The intermarriage rate in Germany was 60%; in another generation German Jews would have been of little value as Illuminati pawns.

People pin their hopes on leaders like Putin and Ahmadinejad but like Hitler, they were obscure figures who were raised to power by an unseen hand. We don't have real political (or cultural) leaders, just Illuminati pawns.

Human history is always the same: A minority wants to monopolize all power and wealth, at the expense of the many.

Mass serial killers are in charge. No matter how they make nice, they will always revert to form. Iraq and 9-11 are examples.

If only they could devote their energy to good instead of evil, the world would be full of natural joy.
