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LIFE IN THE THIRD REICH - and the Political Situation in the World at that Time and Today
Friedrich Kurreck
English Translaton by Frank Schmidt
I am pleased to speak to you about our life in the Third Reich during the Hitler era because that time in our history has been intentionally and maliciously misinterpreted by today's politicans and a compliant media.
I am a Thuringian and was born into a smallhold farm family with seven children. I lived through the Hitler era and am mindful of that time in our history. I am a graduate engineer and began my studies in Thuringia, my home state. My father died through a stroke and my mother could not raise money for my education. That was no problem for a child from a large family in National Socialist Germany. The money for a free education as well as subsistence allowance was provided by the state. All one had to do was to fill out an application. When the English (British) dropped the first bombs on German cities and thereby on German men, women and children in order to liquidate the civilian population, I volunteered for service in the Luftwaffe (Air Force) as a light leader in order to shoot down the English terror bombers. During the war I served as flight leader in a fighter group. When the war ended I became a prisoner-of-war. After my release I temporarily returned to my Thuringian homeland which was then under Soviet occupation. When a personal friend and others were taken away by the Soviets and their German accomplices never to return, I saw the light. I hastily fled the communist criminal system in central Germany (called East Germany by the victors) and escaped to the west.
I earned my livilihood in the West while continuing my studies and completed my education in West Germany. After six years of professional activity I was offered a position as lead engineer in a large industrial enterprise. Because of the inventions and expansion of this company I was able to provide employment for a great number of German people.
The current decline in practically all fields of endeavor is caused by the present political system and the failure of the establishment politicians in post-war Germany. Returning from the war German soldiers - still young at the time - and the men and women of our homeland rebuilt West Germany. At our side stood the older leaders of industry who, even during the hail of bombs from English and American aircraft still managed to raise Germany's war production. We were all dedicated to rebuild Germany in the spirit of German togetherness in the Federal Republic of Germany.
A temporary arrangement was offered until the reestablishment of the German state. Today's establishment politicians accept this arrangement without a constitution in silence. None of today's politicians has ever referred to this untenable situation that will surely harm our future. According to international law the German Reich still exists, but is prevented from functioning. The fate of the politicians we elected in a free election in the 1930's is gernerally known. The Nuremberg Tribunal was flagrant injustice.
The spirit of the German People's Community
still existed even after the war
Here is an example: After the war when the Ruhr district was still a giant rubble heap, the English came and took machinery that was still intact as reparations to England. As you know, the Soviets did the same in the East. In order to prevent the removal of a giant 10,000 tonne forge press the recreated labor unions were going to call a general strike to prevent it. This press was the largest in the world and could have given us a great economic advantage. I would like to add that the union leaders of that time were still German loyalists. The press was vital to the employment of union members as well as the security of our people. There were also representatives of management who attended this labor rally. After many quarrelsome speeches by union members, an elderly manager asked permission to speak. He told the union membership "Let them take that old press. We have produced a great part of our war production on it. Let them have it. We will build a new and better one." He had spoken the redeeming words and with one stroke the contentious atmosphere disappeared. The old spirit of the people's community was still perceptible in those years.
In the National Socialist state workers and employers formed a united
front agains their common enemy,
Capitalism and Communism
The English did in fact transport the forge press to England, and it is still in use today. We the young engineers of the time remembered the words of our elders and constructed the most up-to-date production machinery. It gave us a decided advantage over England and other victor nations in the grandiose upswing of our West German industry which followed. In England decades old overage production facilities were still the norm. Belt transmission drives for individual machines were still commonplace in English workshops. In Germany we had long ago gone to direct electrically powered production machinery, which proved to be a great technical advantage. The take-over of English automobile firms by Germans is proof that even today English firms are not overly productive. The hatred of capitalistic Englishmen for the more efficient Germans has its source therein.
In the Second World War they had to call upon practically the whole world to defeat the more capable and courageous Germans in a long war that was forced upon us. As already stated, in the National Socialist state under Hitler the principle was in effect that the worker and the employer belonged to a comprehensive whole. They were not to be agitated or played against each other - contrary to today's state of affairs in our captialistic system.
In my professional career I have often had to think about this decisive, correct and important concept. What can an entrepreneur do with his invention and progressive ideas if he does not have a dedicated workforce to produce them? Nothing! COnversely, what can a worker do if he does not have the backing of enterprising and creative management to make the proper decisions in regard to the marketability of advanced technology. Nothing!
I believe that a worker's brains and braun should belong to a common working community. This political principle, as well as the renunciation of the gold standard by German in the 1930's and the muzzling effect of the Versailles Dictate showed us that Germany under Hitler was no longer an object of exploitation by the victors of World War One.
Hitler's concept of a united people's community is often denigrated and reviled by today's capitalistic political vassals. There is not one among them who shows even a trace of a pro-German attitude. Economic power development through further amalgamation is today's magic formula, playing one group of our people against the other, i.e., workers against employers and vice versa. This is the overriding principle of today's capitalistic pseudo-democratic system. What led to this can be observed in the many negative examples of our economy. It is obvious that German workers have become a plaything for foreign interests.
That is capitalism and globalism in its purest form!
We must fight it with all our strength.
I would like to add that the six to seven million unemployed inherited from the "Weimar Republic" were already working in the first 2½ years after Hitler was elected. In only five years after the National Socialists took power there was full-employment in Germany. His enemies stil continue to maintain that full employment was only reached due to Germany's rearmament. That is absolutely untrue. Rearmament only began to play a major role in Germany's economy in 1939 due to England and France's declaration of war on Germany. Here are a few numbers according to Wagenführ's: "Die deutche Industrie in Kriege 1939 to 1945" in which he lists Germany's pre-war rearmament expenses in Reichmarks and percentages of the national product.
1933/34 1.9 billion RM = 4% of the national product
1934/35 1.9 billion RM = 4% of the national product
1935/36 4.0 billion RM = 7% of the national product
1936/37 5.8 billion RM = 9% of the national product
1937/38 8.3 billion RM = 11% of the national product
1938/38 18.4 billion RM = 22% of the national product
Let's begin with the economic situation in the so-called Weimar Republic after World War I, which emanated from England. Through the British blockade and encirclement Germany was forced into an unprecedented hunger war. In his book Propaganda and War Prof. H.D. Peterson wrote: "An estimated 763,000 Germans perished from undernourishment and illness on account of the (British) blockade. The aforementioned were mainly children, women and the elderly - in other words, the weakest members of society."
Charles C. Tansill, another writer, states in his book, Back Door to War, "Even after the signing of the armistice argreement on Nov. 11, 1918 the blockade of German was not lifted. It continued for many months after the war during which time the allied powers did nto allow the delivery of foodstuffs to Germany.
Even at that time the victors fully intended
to exterminate the German people
Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty wrote: "We did everything in our power to starve woman and children in Germany."
Churchill, who was an influential politician in 1919, when interviewed by the London Times was quoted as saying: "Should Germany begin to trade in the next 50 years we will have fought the war (WWI) for nothing."
After the signing of the Versailles Dictate, when the hatred of the Allies was put to paper, Germany had to give up its gold reserves to the victors. This amounted to the unimaginable sum of 100 billion gold Marks. And even this amount was subject to augmentation.
In comparison, when France delcared war on Prussia (1870-71) to the accompaniment of drums and trumpets over a triffling matter, the War of the Spanish Succession. France lost that war and when a peace treaty was signed in Frankfurt on May 10, 1871 France was obligated to return to the German Reich lands of Alsace and Lorraine and to pay reparations to Germany in the amount of five billion francs. A trifling sum when compared to World War I when Germany was forced to pay exceedingly high reparations, which it could not possibly pay. As a result the French occupied the Ruhr and the Rineland in order to transport the coal mined in that region, to which they were not entitled, to France.
At that time in Germany the people froze and starved
Because of the monstrous reparation payments in gold, the mark was no longer covered by this metal. This led to uncontrollable inflaiton. The peoples' savings became "null and void." At the timea loaf of bread cost two billion marks and a pound of butter two quadrillion marks. The currency "mark" became paper money without any coverage. The "Rentenmark" introduced in 1924 ended the inflation but led to higher prices and did not solve the basic problem. To make matters worse the common people were unable to buy food doe to high unemployment.
The years under the "Weimar Republic" were characterized by unemployment and hunger, could dwellings in winter, and a hopeless future. The suicide rate in cities climbed. Children wee especially affected by the destitution of the time.
The government, because of the hopelassness of the time and also because of its democratic incompetence could only rule by emergency decree. Hitler showed these unqualified politicians, who hailed from 32 political parties, what methods had to be undertaken to save Germany. About that later in this discourse.
How did I surive this predicament? From my own perspective
Whole armies of unemployed went to the country to beg for food for their families. In smaller towns the unemployed offered their services to local farmers just for the bare necessities of life. After the potato harvest, throngs of hungry people went through the fields to glean whatever potatoes were left in the ground.
For lack of money the average worker could not buy coal, the preferred heating material. During winter some could obtain a so-called wood certificate which gave them the right to gather broken-off brances for firewood in the forest. Everyday one saw columns of people heading toward the forests to gather firewood. And, I must say our forests were in much cleaner condition then, than they are today.
Cynical and mendacious journalists of today tend to speak of the "Golden Twenties." Golden for whom? Not for the German people, but their exploiters. Everything else is an impertinent mockery and lie about the multitude of starving and freezing people of that period of German history.
The Communist Party of Germany confirms its larceny.
The farmers in Thuringia were mostly smallholders and were generally short of money and often in debt. The Communists rate them as landholders and were therefore seen as political opponents. Our little farm was surprise attacked by them many times. These intrusions were always accompanied by rude and arrogant behavior. They demanded that food be put on the table for them. Naturally without any offer of payment. My father told my mother, "Give them anything they want, otherwise they will burn the house down." In fact the sky was sometimes lit up by a burning farmhouse. It was said that the Communists were responsible. Fear was our constant companion at the time. A revolutionary situation prevailed in the countryside. Only after Hitler formed the SS did the nightmare end and relative peace and order return.
Catastrophic conditions prevailed throughout the country but especially in the mountainous areas of the Thuringian and Frankenwald as well as in the Ore and Giant Mountains. For the common people hunger was omnipresent.
On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was democratically elected as leader of the German Reich. He took over from the former Weimar Republic, a bankrupt state with more than seven million unemployed. The country's gold reserves had beenconfiscated by the victors and the treasury was empty.
The German people looked hopefully forward to a new beginning and a better future under Hitler. He had promised them "Work and Bread" and had kept his promise, contrary to the politicians of today's "Second Republic" on German soil. We should never forget that!
For Hitler there was no question of obligating the nation by taking loans from Jewish global bankers to finance the German economy. He would therefore have become another indebted vassal of Jewish interests. The National Socialist people's state was therefore a contradiction to the irresponsible indebtedness fostered by today's politicians in the German Federal Republic's servile captialistic system.
Hitler had found a new and better way, an economy by and for the people. This was his unique and great achievement. Of course, he thereby earened the displeasure of the world's capitalists. He actively fostered the people-oriented economy, a concept that today's generation is not allowed to learn about.
In order to alleviate a great need, he immediately started the charitable Winter Help Campaign of the German people. Under its motto" "None shall hunger and none shall freeze," it was an immediate benefit to the German people.
The Winter Help Campaign was a great charitable undertaking
for the poorest of the poor in the mountainous areas and in the cities
It was a social project of the greatest magnitude and was a great success. The recipients produced small wood carvings, glass objects and other handcrafted items. These were given as a sign of gratitude for donations they received. People wore or displayed these items as a sign of having contributed to the campaign. This was also an incentive for the rest of the German people to contribute.
German workers, i.e., the German People
were to drive on the Autobahns in their own cars
In order to provide employment for the army of jobless people, the program "Motorization of Germany" was initiated. The building of the Autobahn was begun using only German materials. This oil product would have had to be imported and paid for in dollars. But we had no dollars, so the concrete plate construction was invented. The top layer of this type of road is made of concrete plates, poured on the spot with aggregate readily available in Germany. The inventor and builders of this type of roadway were Dr. Ing. Todt and Dr. Dorpmueller.
Germans auto manufacturers were required to prepare estimates for a car the average worker could afford. These were to retail for 1350 to 1600 Reichsmarks ($238 to $400 dollars). However, Hitler thought these prices were too high. Therefore, a new more modern car at a lower price, closer to Hitler's concept was to be produced for the people by Prof. Porche who constructed this revolutionary new vehicle called the Volkswagen (People's
car). It was new in every regard and became the most produced vehicle in the world. Origianlly it cost 955.-- Reichmarks ($249.00) and could be purchased on installments. We should not forget that the term Volkswagen was coined by Hitler himself, a label that could not be erased during the post-war Zeitgeist. Think about that when you see a Volkswagon.
In order that Germany would not become indebted to international (mostly Jewish) high finance, German chemists produced auto tires from domestically available material such as coal which was converted to a usable element through polymerization. The BUNA works in Merseburg were especially constructed to produce this element. The tires produced from this synthetic German material were actually more durable than those produced from natural rubber.
As everyone knows, cars need gasoline for fuel; and this is derived through a process of distillation of crude oil. This raw material could of course be purchased only with dollars, which we did not have. Fortunately, German inventive genious and entrepreneurship solved this problem by producing fluid gasoline from coal. The LEUNA Works in Merseberg were constructed for this purpose. This process is still being used in South Africa today. The inventers were the German chemists Fischer and Tropsch.
The German people also had to be clothed, but there were not dollars to buy cotton in foreign countries. Consequently, the first synthetic fibers that could be spun were produced under Hitler. The factory that originally produced it still stands in Schwarza, Thuringia. Combined with German wool very agreeable and comfortable clothes were produced from this material. After we lost the war that was forced on us, we were allowed to buy clothing and other fibrous material produced in the U.S.A. made according to patents stolen from us after the war. Naturally, we had to pay in dollars because the patents were not considered to be war booty of the U.S.A.
Dollars were not available to purchase high quality iron ore from Sweden which contained 81% to 85% iron. A new process, the so-called "Krupp-Ren Process" was therefore developed which enabled us to use the low 23% to 25% iron content ore mined in the Siegerland and Salzgitter regions. German miners and steel workers were not employed and metal working plants were back in business. This was accomplished without becoming indebted to Jewish international financiers headquartered in the victor states of England and America. That this did not please them need not be repeated here. This state of affairs had to be changed according to the financiers -- if necessary through war.
The construction of owner-occupied houses and apartments for workers was visible everywhere in Germany. Financing was extremely favorable. Young families with children received generous low cost loans or mortgages with an amortization period of ten years. This enabled them to buy a new home with a garden or spacious apartment. For newly married couples their mortgage was reduced by 25% on the birth of their first child, and by the same percentage for each subsequent child. On the birth of their fourth child their mortgage was written off altogether. Hitler's personal view of this arrangement was: "In a period of ten years a family will not only have its loan paid off, but the state will recover these moneys through taxes on the hundreds of household goods that were purchased during this period." The houses were, of course, built to the highest standards of the time in regard to convenience and the health of the occupants. A factor that previous administrations had severely neglected.
Even before the year 1933 ended Hitler's government had built 202,119 houses through this building program. In four years 1, 458,178 new houses had been built for the German people. The rent for apartments was established at 26 Reichsmarks per month and was not allowed to go above one eighth of the income of the average worker. Salaried employees with higher incomes paid up to a maximum of 45 Reichsmarks per month.
There was never a financial crisis in Hitler's Germany
These grandiose accomplishments were the result of the inventive genious and creativity of the German workers and their leader Adolf Hitler. Have gave the German people their self-confidence back. Without putting our country in debt we had become a free and independent nation again. This, too, we should not forget.
This enumeration could also be applied to other sectors of endeavor. As just mentioned, I come from a familiy of farmers. That is why I would like to speak to yu about how Hitler solved the problems of the farming community. Because of the inflation German farmers had lost all their savings. Foreign Jews and other speculators took this opportunity to gouge Germany financially and make a killing in the process. It was said among them: "Go to Germany, there you can purchase a factory or farm for a few dollars." And they came in droves. By taking over loans with high interest rates the way was open for our dependence on them. Forced auctions of our property and loss of ownership were the result. Things changed drastically after 1933 when Adolf Hitler had a say in the matter. At a huge gathering of farmers on the Bückenberg on the Day of the German Farmer in 1935 Hitler proclaimed the Law of Agricultural Succession. It stipulated that only properties of 7.5 hectars or more (18.5 acres) could be inherited as farmland. Farms that had been acquired by foreign speculators during the capitalist depression were to be returned to their original owners. The acquistion of these properties by foreign interests for a few dollars was thus annulled. That National Socialist government provided the funds for German farmers to buy back their farms. The farmers were, of course, overjoyed. This was a stroke of genius for the protection of German agriculture. The farms were purchased at current market value. The speculators were thuys deprived of huge profits because they were paid in Reichsmarks that were not convertible to foreign currency. That naturally stoked the hatred of these people for Germany.
Even more workable measures were undertaken for the benefit of the German farmer, some brough only a trifling income. In 1933 along 17,611 new farmhouses were built, 91,000 were built within the next three years. Through these and other measures Hitler considerably improved the standing of the German farmer.
Trade with foreign countries
Because Germany had gotten off the gold standard, its trade with foreign countries was transformed into a well-functioning barter system. Every country not dependent on the U.S.A and England, gladly adopted this system of trade. We sent them machienry and in return we received iron ore, coffee, tropical fruits and other important raw materials from countries like Spain, Portugal, Brazil and others. This method of trad was gladly accepted by overseas and European countries because Germany had developed a trade balance that was favorable to them. There was not settlement of accountes in U.S. dollars because Germany's trading partners were also very short of dollars. Even today these countries speak of the fact that they were treated correctly by Hitler's Germany. And, they have remained our friends to this day.
To the advantage of Germany's trading partners the products in question were no longer listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This type of trading arrangement was naturally a thorn in the eye of Anglo_American Jewish world bankers because they made no money from them. As a result a virulent smear campaign against Germany was launched by the U.S.A. and England.
The first declaration of war against Germany by the Jewish World Congress ensued only three weeks after Hitler was democratically elected. This sensational delcaration was published in big headlines on the front page of the Daily Express of London on March 24, 1933. Here are a few quotes from that article: "Fourteen million Jews scattered throughout the world are bound together as one man to declare war on Germany on behalf of their persecuted co-religionists in that country. World Jewry has resolved not to remain silent in the face of the resurrection of medieval hatred of the Jews - Jewish merchant princes will leave their businesses, the banker his bank, the merchants their store, and the pedlar his modest hamper. All are united against the Hitlerite enemies of the Jews."
As we know today, they were not so much concerned about their 600,000 co-religionists in Germany than about Hitler's replacement of the gold standard by the power of the German working people which deprived them of the lucrative German profit market.
On March 26, 1933 only two days after the Jewish declaration of war on the German Reich and hate-filled pronouncements of World Jewry, the Zionist Alliance of Germany declared that: "Already on March 17 we informed Jewish organizations around the world through the Jewish Telegraphic Union that we are categorically against the anti-German hate propaganda fostered by them. Furthermore, we have raised our formal objection in notes agains the spreading of mendacious horror stories, sensational unscrupulous news reports being disseminated and repeat our objection today. We strongly object to making the Jewish cause (in Germany) subservient to the political interest of other states or groups. Our civil rights and maintenance of our economic position must not be tied to the political process of Germany or the foreign policy of the German Reich."
Despite this warning from German Jewry, Jews in the rest of the world continued to disseminate horror stories about their version of conditons in Germany. That is how the political climate in the world was poisoned against Germany. Even the president of supposedly neutral America got mixed up in the affair. In a speech in Chicago on October 5, 1937 (the so-called quarantine speech) Roosevelt differentiates for the first time between what he called "the peace loving nations of the world" and the "aggressor nations," i.e., Japan, Italy and Germany. "They will have to be quarentined," in his words. In other words, there would be no trade between America and these nations.
At the end of his speech Roosevelt hypocritically proclaimed: "I am determined to further a policy of peace and to seize every practical opportunity to take measures to prevent entanglement in a war. Postive efforts must be undertaken to preserve the peace. America hates war. America hopes for peace. That is why America is active in order to preserve peace.."
A year later on Novemeber 21, 1938 Jerszy Potocki, the Polish Ambassador in Washington reported that the American Ambassador in Paris, William Bullitt told him during a visit that President Roosevelt was determined to lead America into the upcoming war war which could last six years. Roosevelt also spoke of Germany and Hitler with extradordinary vehemence.
On December 27, 1945 James Forrestal, the Under Secretary of the American Navy during the war, wrote in his diary: "Played gold with Joe Kennedy today. I asked him about a talk he had with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain in 1938. Among other things he told me that Hitler would have fought Russia without a subsequent conflict with England, if Bullitt (the American Ambassador to France at the time) had not pressed Roosevelt in the Summer of 1938 to humble Germany because of Poland. Neither the French nor the British would have mad Poland a cause for war if they had not been goaded on by Washington. Chamberalin told Kennedy that America and World Jewry had driven England into the war.
A repetition of the Jewish delcaration of war on Germany took place in 1938. Americans were urged to boycott German goods by the Jewish controlled press. Bomb attacks paid for by Jewish thugs were directed against German merchant ships.
Wilhelm Gustloff, the National Socialist leader in Switzerland was murdered in his office by a Jew. And, vom Rath, a councillor in the German embassy was shot down by a Polish Jew. Because of the Jewish delcarations of war against Germany by world Jewry and the attacks on undefended German institutions throughout the world also became a threat to Jews in Germany with the result that Jewish businesses in Germany were also boycotted. "Germans defend yourselves, do not buy from Jews," was the slogan. This protest took place for only one day on April 1, 1933 on a Saturday when stores were only open for half a day.
Internatioanl Jewish organizations were responsible for this sate of war. Those who took part in demonstrations against Germany on German soil were treated as prisoners-of-war and were incarcerated. You should also know that on March 24, 1933 the Association of Jewish War Veterans of Germany sent a note to the U.S. Embassy in Berlin which among other things stated: " It is our considered opinion that the so-called Jewish intellectuals in foreign countries refrain from making unsubstantiated hateful anti-German remarks about Germany. These people, the overwhelming number of whom never classed themselves as Germans, left their co-religionists in Germany in a lurch when they fled to other countries. Now they claim to champion the cause of those they left behind and even claim the right to speak on our behalf. Their poisoned arrows shot from a safe hideout not only harm the German Reich but also the German Jews. There is no credit even to themsevles because their utterances are replaced with false accusations."
The Jewish warmongers on the other side of the Atlantic do not give a damn about protecting the livelihood of the Jews living in Germany. They continue to spout hatred against Germany and Hitler until it came to a war, which ended with the unconditional surrender of the German Armed Forces on May 8, 1945. Germany's enemies had reached their goal and immediately began to pluck and draw out Germany like a dead goose - something they have continued to do to this day.
Our offspring are not allowed to know anything of this larceny. The German people have intentionally not been informed of this by their political lords. Why?
How a few foreign voices have spoken about Hitler
and National Socialist Germany of that period.
I would now like to quote some statements from foreign politicians who were opponents of Germany during the First World War. Lloyd George, England's prime minister during the war visited Germany in 1936 and was quoted by the (London) Daily Express. :I have just returned from a visit to Germany and have met their famed leader, Adolf Hitler, and saw the many positive changes he initiated. Whatever one may say of his methods - and these are definitely those of a parliamentary democracy - there is not doubt that he has wrought wonders and changed the thinking of the German people. For the first time since the war there is a general feeling of safety in the country. People are happier. There is a feeling of optimism and well-being in the country. It is a more fortunate Germany and all this was wrought by only one man, Adolf Hitler. The fact that Hitler had saved his country from repeating the time of despair and humiliation gave him undisputed authority. He not only earned the admiration of his people but is also being honored as a national hero for having saved his country from degradation and toal hopelessness. He is the George Washington of Germany who have his country independence and saved it from oppression."
Knut Hamsun, the Norwegian Nobel Prize lauriate was quoted in teh Aftenposten of May 7, 1945: "Adolf Hitler was a reformer of the highest rank. However, it was his historical fate to have to work in a time of unprecedented brutality, of which he finally became a victim."
There were also others like Winston Churchill. During the Olympic year of 1936 he expressed the view that "We will face Hitler into a war whether he wants it or not." In 1937 he told German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, "If Germany becomes too strong we will smash her again."
Already in 1934 Roosevelt told the US Congress: "There will be a war with Germany, everything has been planned long ago.
Lord Halifax, British Foreign Minister, Viceroy of India and warmonger who, according to David L. Hoggan's 1962 book, The Enforced War, stated: "We are determined to shift the responsibility for the conspiracy against the peace to Hitler."
Hitler definitely did not want war! In his speech to the Reichstag on July 19, 1940 he declared: "I am saddened even today that in spite of my efforts it was not possible to establish friendly relations with England. A situation that would have been a blessing for both peoples." Hitler often took the special train from Berlin to Munich and vice versa. As soon as people on both sides of the track saw the train they waved or raised their arms in the German greeting. Hitler was one of us and wer were proud of him!
My father was a smallhold farmer who paid his land tax twice a year. The tax collector for the Revenue Ministry was a forester who lived on the edge of town. Although his house was only 150 meters from ours, my father always donned his best suit when he took his contribution for our state, called Germany. The payment of taxes was an honor-bound duty for my father, almost like a sacred commitment.
Compare that to the attitude and corrupt behavior of our
present politicans in the Federal Repbulic of Germany
After Hitler was elected he immediately banned the use of rubber truncheons by the police. After many abused the German people had to undergo under the so-called "System" period, Germans were never again to be beaten up by the police. People now trusted and did not fear our leadership. Criminality under Hitler was extremely low. Please bear in mind what it means today to possess a weapon. Gun permits in today's Germany are practically unobtainable. This can only be explained that in our German vassal state politicians mistrust and fear their own people. As far as drugs go, this problem was non-existant in Hitler's time.
The first holiday cruise ships for workers were built in Hitler's time
With the great crusie ships Wilhelm Gustloff, Robert Ley, Cap Arkona and others, German workers could go on very inexpensive cruises. These new ships were equipped with the most modern facilities. They were, however, prohibited from visiting English ports by the British government. The obvious reason was that English workers were not allowed to see what German workers under National Socialism could afford and enjoy. The Portuguese Island of Madeira, Spanish Islands and coastal cities were favorite travel destination.
We found that the years under Hitler initiated a fundamental change that led to a new dimension in our lives. Only a few years before the German people had been in dire need, and now after a decisive shift in direction a better future lay before us. Many foreign parents sent their children to Germany to be educated in political economics and to learn about the great German technical and scientific advances which had reached their pinnacle in Germany.
Hitler had shown the whole world that even without convertible currency an economy beneficial to the people had been created. His political opponents in captialistic foreign countries saw a challenge in Hitler's economic system and the danger it posed to their interests, such as the countless lucrative sources of incomes Anglo-American - Jewish high finace had enjoyed before.
Germany was no longe a target for extortion
Leading Jews throughout the world have declared "We have the greatest power in the world, gold! The world's capitalists, however, saw a danger in the efficient economic system Hitler had created, for it would infringe on their own capitalist system. That the price of gold was declining was akin to the destruction of the earth for these people. Hitler's system was without precedent in the history of mankind. Even during its very beginning it was perceived as a considerable threat to capitalists. They knew that it could only be destroyed through a war and then began to pull strings to get the war started. In his speech in Fulton, Missouri, Churchill said as much when he told his audience, "There never was a war in all history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored to-day." The Jewish World Congress in capitalist countries like England and France declared war on Germany because their system of exploitation was in danger and they could not longer profit from it in the future. We should also not forget that the leaders of America belonged to these warmongers, even though they remained in the background at first.
The value of their gold was endangered.
One has to remain aware of the fact that the Allies wanted and forced Germany into costing the lives of 55 million people. Germany lost 11 million people including millions of women and children.
The Second World War was a war of annihilation against Germany. It was fought to eliminate it for all time as an economic power and especially to exterminate its people. The indiscriminate bombing of German cities which resulted in the deaths of over a million civilians is proof positive of that. The war was a millionfold bloodbath. It was caused by a small clique of capitalistic Anglo-American Jewish upper crust who were only interested in protecting the value of their gold and money.
The archives are open, and the truth can be ascertained today by those who take the trouble to investigate, as Honore de Balzac said, in the secret files where the true causes of the war hidden. Only the "cold war" saved us Germans from total annihilation - at least until now. Since the goal of the politicians we are allowed to elect to the Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament) is obviously to do away with the German people and to replace them with a multi-cultural society and a pluralistic state on German soil. The victors who went to war for our destruction will finally have reached their goal.
In order to cover up the cause and the hidden motives that led to the delcaration of ear against Germany, every effort of defamation, criminalization, historical falsification and outright lies have been employed by our enemies to vilify Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. They allege that democracy had to be protected against Hitler's plans for the conquest of the world. That is, of course, absolute nonsense. Our enemies did not and do not, shy away from the most vicious and mendacious atrocity propaganda.
Many of our post-war poltiicans as well as Jewish-owned mass media, never fail to take part in the malevolent outbursts against the German people. The whole political system in today's German vassal state has been set up so that the truth about the Hitler era will never see the light of day. This despite Article 5 of the Basic Law which was foisted on us by the victors. It states that everyone is entitled to freely and openly express their opinion. What a farce!
The captialistic Federal Republic has today a national debt of about 2355 billion marks. An unimaginably high debt. There are some 4.2 million unemployed in Germany. This on top of 1.5 million employables who have waited for over a decade for work but have subsisted in the interim on welfare payments. Those are the hidden unemployed. Our huge national debt does not allow the financing of public works projects to alleviate some fo the problem. Such an economic delcine would not have been possible under Hitler.
Today's deterioration at all levels of economic and cultural activity in Germany is due to the deliberate estrangement of German values resulting from the captialistic pseudo-democratic system placed upon our backs by the victorious powers. Through foreign infiltration and falsification of history they aim to destroy the great cultural nation of Germany. If German justice can levy hefty fines on those who are preparing for that treacherous undertaking, why do those who want to do away with the German people and replace them with a multicultural society go unpunished? A referendum concerning important national questions has never taken place in post-war Germany as it has in other democratic countries.
Freedom of expression regarding important topics is repressed in today's Germany by the application of the term "self-evident." Justice has become the whore of politics as are the collaborators of the allegedly "free" press who have become nothing more than intellectual prostituties of the powerful financiers behind the scenes. Juast as John Swinton, the one-time publisher of the New York Times alleged in 1914.
Only through a war forced on Germany, which we had to fight against a materially beter endowed and numerically superior occupying enemy could National Socialism be terminated. The only ones togain from that were parasitic capitalists. They still continue to gain from the continual wars which they have fomented throughtout the world.
Considering the above, National Socialism was by far the better alternative.
Friedrich Kurreck (2002)