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Pseudo-Revisionist Platonov
Courtesty of AHRS by Peter Hedrook
This essay has been presented here for educational purposes under the ‘Fair Use’ Exclusion for educational purposes. Many thanks to Peter for sending us his work. Edited by AHRS. Commentary by AHRS in red.
Oleg Platonov is considered the main Russian revisionist. For a long time, he has been a member of the editorial staff of the Journal of Historical Review, published by the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). In January 2002, Platonov [attended], in Moscow, the International Revisionist Conference. Also, Platonov is known for his series of works on [Free]masonry. Today, Platonov works at the Institute of Russian Civilization.
Many revisionists throughout the world treat Platonov with respect and consider him a truth-seeker, courageously fighting against the international Jewry and Masonry. However, it seems they know about Platonov only from hearsay and, that they have never read his works. Well, let us become acquainted with Platonov more closely. Below, we will examine a few select quotes from his works, which will tell us a lot of new and interesting stuff. For the most part, they concern Hitler and National Socialist Germany.
So, let us begin. In his book Why Will America Die[1], Platonov compares the United States to the Third Reich:
“[...] The American system deserves the Nuremberg trial [IMT], while its administration deserves the fate of Hitlerian criminals.”[1]
“1965 -- 1973: Military aggression [of USA] against Vietnam. [...] After the model of Hitler, peaceful villages were completely destroyed.”[1]
Also, the author “reveals” to us the secret of the economic success achieved by Hitler after he came into power:
“The prosperity of the USA, with its disastrous effect for the fate of millions of people in other countries, can be compared only with the economic growth of fascist Germany, which owing to the mobilization of resources of the occupied European countries has been able to accumulate gigantic assets and to achieve extraordinary results.”[1]
It seems Platonov does not know that Hitler managed to stop the collapse in his country, to completely eliminate the unemployment, to reorganize the peasantry, to raise the German economy and to return to Germany its rightful place within the international arena, before the war—without any “resources of the occupied countries”. [This is described in detail by Mr. Henry C.K Liu.]
Platonov spouts off to his readers an egregious lie:
“As everybody knows, most of German churches [during Hitler’s reign] have been closed down, and service there has been forbidden. Hitler was frightened even by the [mere] resemblance of Christianity, which has been represented, since the moment he came into power, by German Protestantism and Catholicism.”[2] [Platonov means to say that the Orthodoxy is the real Christianity, emphasis here and thereinafter added.]
And here is the secret of the downfall of the Third Reich:
“Djinghis Khan and Hitler, with their inhuman regimes, were doomed, because they contradicted the Divine nature of man.”[1]
Generally, the German people during Hitler became very degraded:
“[...] A similar tragedy has been experienced by the German people, a victim of crazy racist ideas of Hitler, which had transformed the cultured nation into a gang of impudent marauders and violators.”[3]
It does not come as a surprise, since Hitler was a nullity, like the US presidents and politicos:
“When one sees video reports from the American party congresses, he calls to his mind immediately, for some reason, the scenes from the Nazi rallies -- an excited crowd, scanning and stamping with their feet, joined by a common puppet feeling to a puppet Führer or President -- an absolute zero by human potency.”[1]
“Hitler made a pact with [the] Devil.”[2]
“Hitler was [the/an] Antichrist.”[2]
It should be mentioned that Platonov writes with great respect [for] Stalin, calling him the leader of the Russian people, who saved Russia from Jewish Bolsheviks. [This is, indeed, at least partially true. According to John Lukacs, Stalin expressed many regrets and anxieties about his opposition to Hitler and his superficial alliance with America and Britain. See Lukacs, The Year Zero.]
Most of Platonov’s works are dedicated to the examination of secret Masonic organizations. Of course, [according to Platanoz], Hitler himself was a Mason and a Jew:
“A Jew by his mother, Adolf Hitler [reference to Kardel, Adolf Hitler -- begrunder Israels, 1974] from his first conscious steps in life personified a bellicose Antichristian, Judeo-Talmudic spirit. His first mentors were Jews [by religion] and Masons.”[2]
“Namely this stream of the Masonry [“Golden Dawn”] has fertilized the man-hating ideas and the Satanic rituals of Hitler and of his followers.”[2]
In his book The Mystery of Iniquity, Platonov dedicates Chapter 43 to the “Satanist,” “occultist,” and “Mason,” Adolf Hitler. Just a few fragments from this chapter are as follows:
“Throwing down an open challenge to Christianity, Hitler and his followers were building their ideology on the basis of occultism, [black] magic and cabbala, ritual worship of forces of evil and Satan.”[2]
“When developing his Satanic ideas, Hitler recruited for their realization the most dreadful monsters of his days [...].”[2]
Interesting to note that, in the same book, Platonov also quotes the fake conversations of Rauschning (Rausching). [Sold as either The Voice of Destruction or Hitler Speaks.]
According to Platonov, Judaism and “fascism” had a lot in common. Particularly, this is discussed in detail in the book, The Mystery of Zion Protocols[3]:
“The racial, man-hating nature of the laws of Judaism can be compared only with some racist documents of fascist Germany.”[3]
“Despite the Christian Orthodox interpretation of peculiarity as the duty to serve one's neighbor, Talmudic Judaism and fascism interpreted the peculiarity as a special right to hold sway over people.
“It is no wonder that many ideological directions of fascism were a transposition of the ancient racial ideas of Talmud, repeating verbatim the thoughts and the theses of Zion Protocols. In the books of the Third Reich’s main ideologists -- Hitler’s Mein Kampf and A. Rosenberg’s The Myth of XX Century, the Antichristian motives of the racial peculiarity have an open ring of the ideas of Zion Protocols.”[3]
“Many declarations of the Judaic leaders coincide word-for-word with revelations of the Third Reich ideologists. It is attested, in particular, by a comparison of the main theses of Zionism with the directions of A. Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”[3] [Then comes the section “Comparison of the Zionist ideology with the fascist ideology”, where some statements of Zionist leaders are compared with some quotes from Hitler’s Mein Kampf]
“Feeding on the same Antichristian, godless, Satanic source, both Talmudic Judaism (which gave birth to Masonry and is tightly connected with it) and fascism (which sought to use the Masonic methods) were, for the 20th century, the main effective forces of the collusion against humanity.”[3]
“The New World Order, which the secret Judeo-Masonic government tries to impose on humanity, does not differ very much from the world domination plans of Hitler”.[1] [Hitler never wanted to “dominate the world.” That was the dream of the Bolsheviks, not the Nazis. Platonov has obviously refused to address such works as Hitler’s Table Talk, The Hitler-Bormann Documents, Memoirs of a Confidant, At Hitler’s Side, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, The Holy Reich, and Stalin’s War of Extermination—just to name a handful.]
And here is the “revisionist” Platonov’s view on the “Great Patriotic War”:
“During the rule of Stalin, Russian people had faced the most difficult trial in the whole history of the Russian civilization. A series of Western countries led by Germany, aiming at establishing the “New World Order”, committed an aggression against Russia. The 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War became the combat between two adversarial civilizations, with [the] Western World having, as its goal, the total destruction of Russia-USSR as state and nation, the seizure of a considerable part of its territories and the creation on its other parts of puppet regimes under the control of Germany. Hitler was encouraged to levy war on Russia by the Judeo-Masonic regimes of USA and England, which saw in Hitler a tool for carrying out their plans of world domination and destruction of Russia.”[4]
“Fascist Germany and fascist Italy had been considered by Judeo-Masonic leaders as instruments for the definitive destruction of Russia. The Satanic orientation of the Third Reich was fully suited to the spirit of the Masonic elite of [the entire] Western world. The Hitlerian invasion of our country [Russia] represented the Jewish rulers’ attempt to destroy the main obstacle on the path to world domination.”[2]
Platonov grossly overestimated Germany’s military strength and greatly underestimated that of the USSR:
“On June 22, 1941, German armed forces consisting of 103 divisions, including 10 armoured divisions, invaded the Russian territory. Their overall strength was five-and-half million people, with more than 900,000 representing the Western allies of Germany -- Italians, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Finns, Romanians, Hungarians etc. To that treacherous aggression, 4,300 tanks and self-propelled mountings, 4,980 airplanes, 47,200 guns and mortars have been attached.
“The Russian armed forces of five Western Frontier Military Districts and three Fleets, opposing the aggressor, had a half of the personnel as compared with the enemy, and the first echelon of our [Russian] armies had only 56 rifle and cavalry divisions, which made difficult for them to vie with armoured divisions of Germans. Also, the aggressor had a big advantage in artillery, tanks and airplanes of the latest design.”[4]
We find out that the Western countries provided great support to Hitler in his fight against the USSR:
“In order to arm Hitler against Russia, Jewish bankers, mainly from the USA, granted him huge credits.”[2] [Roosevelt and his Americans funded both Lenin and Stalin—for some time. Who was lending Stalin money in the mid-1940s? The Jewish banks funded every side, so, Hitler wasn’t alone in this respect.]
For unknown reasons, Platonov “forgets” that the USA furnished the USSR with its entire fleet numbering 595 ships, over 13,000 airplanes, 3,820,906 tonnes of food, mainly tined stew, butter, chocolate and etc., 2,541,008 tonnes of oil and oil products, 2,317,694 tonnes of steel, including the armoured one, 50,413 tonnes of leather, 15,010,900 pairs of army boots etc. The list can continue ad infinitum.
Platonov prefers not to mention this. Instead, he passes off as reality his paranoiac pseudo-religious ideas:
“The ruling regimes of the Western countries, which belonged to the Judeo-Masonic civilization, nurtured Hitler with great care, in order to use him for the total destruction of the Orthodox Christianity and of its main bulwark -- Russia.”[3]
“The tasks in Russia, which Jewish Bolsheviks destroyed at the end of the [19]30s through the will of Stalin, [have not been accomplished]; [Russians] had to be finished by the fascist hordes. The Western politicians, which knew the Satanic nature of fascism were watching, with satisfaction, its movement into the East.”[3]
My goodness... Why do people hate Russia and the Russian people so much? The response, according to Platonov, is evident:
“Hard trials that fell upon the Russians were a consequence of the fact that, during the last [few] centuries, they were the people representing God, the main guardian of [the] Christian faith. Because of that, the main strike of the enemies of the human race fell, exactly, upon the Russians.”[4]
The “rotten” West is a horse of a different colour:
“The roots of Western civilization stretch into the Jewish Weltanschauung of the Talmud, which declares a small part of mankind as being the “Peculiar People,” having the “right” to rule over other peoples—to misappropriate their work and property.”[4]
“The Russian civilization has been the main obstacle [interfering with the Western [will] to world domination. For centuries, it has been hampering the greedy pressure of the Western consumer upon the treasure[s] of the East.”[4]
According to Platonov, the Western politicians were the ones who brought Hitler to power:
“The Antichristian spirit of many ruling elites of Western Europe and the USA gave birth to a horrible ideological monster -- fascism, which was based on…Talmudic Judaism, with the paranoid idea of “peculiarity” and racial supremacy.”[3]
Unfortunately, Hitler became unmanageable:
“[...] The Satanist Hitler threw down a challenge to his Judeo-Masonic sponsors. In the person of fascism, a dreadful monster of the Judeo-Talmudic ideology was born -- the snake which devours its own tail.”[2]
Wow, it really [is quite scary].
And now, let us see what Platonov writes about the Second World War. It was unleashed, of course, by the evil Hitler:
“[...] the war of extermination, which was unleashed by the most consistent exponent of the imperial ideas of the Western, Judeo-Masonic civilization, the maniac and the man-hater (not only towards Jews), Adolf Hitler.”[3]
An important step on the road to World War II was the Munich agreement:
“The policy of Hitler’s “appeasement,” which ended with the Munich collusion at the expense of Slavic states, has brought [humanity] to a New World War.”[5]
“The follow-up Munich agreement of Western powers, which left Czechoslovakia to be torn in[to] pieces by the German aggressor, has been prepared by Western Masonic leaders, who were pushing Hitler to the USSR’s borders.”[5]
Actually, in Munich, [the fate of] only one Slavic state was at issue; namely, the artificial territorial amalgam [of] Czechoslovakia, which had forcibly locked within its borders: 3.3 million Germans, 2 million Slovakians, 700,000 Hungarians and hundreds of thousands of representatives of other nations from the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. So, the dissolution of this new Babylon, which had only existed for 20 years, was the restoration of historical justice. But Platonov has his own view on this matter, and don’t ever try to argue with him, or you will become right away a Mason and a fascist!
To anticipate, after the war the totals of the Munich agreement were, fortunately, revised, and the injustice dealt to the “Slavic states” corrected:
“[...] Czechoslovakia regained the Sudetenland, which had been occupied by Germany.”[4]
But let us recall the war-time events. Within the occupied territories, the Nazis unleashed a cruel terror. The population of the USSR…suffered more so than any other:
“About 80 million people, or about 40% of the population of our country [USSR], lived within the German-occupied territory. All of these people became “objects” of the man-hating programme “Ost” implementation [the “Revisionist” Platonov really believes in the mythical plan “Ost”], were subjected to brutal repression, and were dying from hunger organized by the Germans. About 6 million people have been driven into German slavery, and many of them died from the insupportable conditions of existence.”[4]
“[...] namely in relation to it [the Russian people] the enemy has been unusually cruel and merciless.”[4]
And now hold tight. The “Holocaust denier” Platonov will speak about the Holocaust:
“[...] It was already January of 1941. Hitler’s general staff has elaborated and the Führer has already approved the gangster plan of aggression against the Soviet Union -- the notorious “Barbarossa” plan. It was the time, when Hitler and Himmler proceeded to the realization of one of the most horrible and bloody crimes in the entire history of humanity -- the plan of the “Final Solution” to the Jewish question.”[3]
Gee, that’s great! The peaceful internment of Jews into camps, were they spent all the war in the warmth, constantly receiving parcels with food from the Red Cross, was one on the most horrible and bloody crimes! And how about the Golodomor, the extermination of tens of millions of Russians since 1917, the forcible expulsion after the war of 14-16 million Germans from the Eastern territories? How about the fire and the nuclear bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki? For some reason, Platonov does not mention them.
From bad to worse:
“People in ghettos and concentration camps were dying already, the fire of machine and sub-machine guns were destroying the Jewish women and children, the occupied European countries were experiencing one of the most heavy periods.”[3]
“In Hanna Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem [N.Y., 1964], on the basis of original documents from the Eichmann trial, the joint crimes of fascists and Zionists against the Jewish people were revealed. The initiators of the tragedy were Jewish leaders, and the executions of Jews subjected to ethnic cleansing [were committed] by special Jewish Sonderkommandos—troops with a special designation…”[2]
“A lot of quotes from Arendt’s book, mention “gas chambers,” “battalions of death,” “Jewish Sonderkommandos,” “gas chambers in Theresienstadt,” etc.”[2]
References to the archbishop Ioann, with fragments such as “extermination by the fascists of millions of innocent people”, “mass genocide, unleashed by the Nazis against the peoples of Russia” , “persecution on the basis of national criterion -- of whether Jews, Gypsies, Russians or Poles -- [...] was caused [...] by the racial and ideological doctrine of Nazism.”[3]
References to “selection of victims for extermination”, “extermination camps”, “thousands of Jews exterminated by the Hitlerists”, “the first big action [in Lvov] was carried out in March of 1942, when 15,000 Jews were sent to death”, “Newspapers of Judenrats were depicting the fascist genocide as a “concern” for the reeducation of the Jewish population. By meanly deceiving the ghetto inmates, the Zionists were depriving them of the will to resist, they were helping the murderers”.[3]
And after all this, would somebody dare to call Platonov the Holocaust revisionist? Here are some other quotes from Platonov:
“The genocide of the Jewish people, at the head of it being, along with Hitler, Ch. Weizmann, Ben-Gurion and other Jewish leaders, attested that both Nazis and Zionists were united by the common ideology of Zion Protocols, which made every nation the object of man-hating manipulations and horrible racial purges. Both Hitler and Ben-Gurion were congenial brothers, transforming their nations into a stuff for carrying out their insane ‘peculiar’ ideas.”[3]
“In the course of the Nazi criminal Otto [sic!] Eichmann trial (April 1961), it was revealed that Hitler and his cohorts had made a secret deal with Jewish leaders. The executions of Jews in Germany have been carried out with a tacit consent of the Zionist movement leaders [...]. With the hands of fascists and by agreement with them, the Jewish leaders had carried out an ethnic purge of the Jewish people.”[2]
And this is how Platonov describes the story of one of the leaders of Hungarian Jews, Joel Brandt, who made an offer to the Allies, on behalf of the Gestapo, to permit the emigration of one million Jews from Central Europe:
“In May of 1944, the Zionist leaders unhesitatingly agreed to supply to the German Command of the Eastern Front 10,000 trucks, in exchange for the promise to release the persons of Jewish origin, which were in German camps, in order to send them into Palestine. But the great victories of Russian weapons made the Zionists abandon the criminal bargain [Kimche J. and D. The secret roads. London, 1955. p. 13.].”[3]
This is how it was. Fortunately, the Russian people, with huge sacrifices, destroyed fascism, saving Europe and all of humanity from the inevitable death:
“The Russian people has destroyed the fascist monster; the Satanism of the Third Reich has been cast down by the people representing God, which had sacrificed during this fight tens of millions of lives. The expansion of the Judeo-Masonic civilization has been stopped for fifty years.”[2]
“The Russian people through its heroic fight against fascism succeeded to stop the Judeo-Masonic civilization advance on the territory of Russia [...].”[2]
“Russia paid a huge price for the great mission of saving mankind from the “New World Order”.”[4]
“Namely the Russian, and not any other people, drank from the big cup of sufferings in the Second World War and saved all of humanity from the “New World Order”, which even today the modern-day Hitler successors -- the American presidents and their colleagues in Israel -- try to impose.”[3]
This is pseudo-Revisionist Oleg Platonov -- a crazy Christian Orthodox fanatic and Slavophile, who hates everything Western, who insults, with the lowest curses, Hitler and the entire German people that had the courage to defy the international Jewry and, because of it, had been mercilessly crushed and slandered. By doing so, Platonov exposes himself as an ordinary provocateur, just like his fellow “patriots” Yuriy Mukhin, Alexandr Sevastianov and others, who are in reality crypto-Jews posing as Russian nationalists, or, at best, merely idiots.
1. Why Will America Die, Russkiy vestnik, Moscow 1997.
2. The Mystery of Iniquity, Moscow 1998.
3. The Mystery of Zion Protocols, Moscow 1999.
4. The Russia’s Crown of Thorns, Encyclopedia of Russian Civilization, 2001.
5. The Secret History of Masonry. Rodnik, Moscow 1996.
This is a very good essay. I have edited it for English-speaking readers, in order to make it a little bit easier to read. I would like to thank my friend Peter for sending me his work. He has done a wonderful job providing all of us with a Russian point-of-view, even if it is a flawed or fanatical one—in reference to Platonov, not Hedrook. The important thing is that we can now begin to understand what kinds of ideas are being promoted and generated by Russian revisionists, especially some of the modern-day Jewish ones, as pointed out by Peter.
I would like to add a few of my own thoughts to the piece because Peter has really pulled some interesting quotes from Platonov’s books.
First of all, Platonov is not one hundred percent flawed in his belief that Hitler worked with the Zionists. That is very true. I have already addressed this issue in both my “Land of Confusion” and “Hitler’s Mid-East Wedge” essays. This is where ethos and methodology come into play.
Platonov is also correct in his belief that Hitler was backed by Western supporters. That conclusion has some truth to it. I have already addressed this in my “Was Hitler Undermined by Black Nazis” essay. There is little doubt that Hitler was prodded by a few key figures in London, but certainly not Washington. But, to act as though Hitler wanted to subjugate and destroy the Russian people is too ludicrous to entertain. Hitler himself has debunked this assumption. Furthermore, he did not fight on behalf of America at any point. He actually reviled America.
Here is an excerpt:
Jewry as the Demise of Both Russia and America
“According to Wagener (1985) Hitler felt that Germany was especially endangered, due to its geographic proximity to Bolshevist Russia. So, even though he understood that the Red subversion worked within the Comintern, and hence, sought to revolutionize the world, he nevertheless took the position that proximity would eventually endanger German sovereignty (p. 58). In fact, Hitler had informed Wagener that it was not Slavs or Russians that worried him, but rather, Jewish-Bolshevik thinking. He had argued that Communist Slavs would have been excellent potential allies against America’s growing hegemony—Hitler believed that the term democracy had actually been derived from the word daemon, the devil; not demos, the people—but, that Slavs who thought like Jews would undoubtedly serve as Germany’s future enemies (Wag[ener], pp. 167-168). Hitler said, “…I see Jewry’s determination to use Russia as a springboard from which to direct the removal of the existing order in other nations as well! For the organization of the Comintern is purely Jewish” (Wag, p. 167)! In other words, Hitler did not see the Slavs as the enemies in this case, but rather, their Jewish rulers. But, Hitler believed that in order for the Slavs to have allowed Jewry to have overthrown them in the first place meant that they must have had some inherent flaw, or cultural weakness, to begin with. He did not want to ethnically cleanse the Slavs; he [ultimately] wanted to Germanize them. He even wished to see the Ukraine as the breadbasket of a “Greater Europe.” He had told Wagener that he would like to see the fruition of a coalition of nation-states in Europe and the Middle East—the United States of the old world.
“Hitler had said of the Russians, during a speech in June, 1941:
You probably all felt that this was a bitter and difficult step for me. The German people have never had hostile feelings toward the peoples of Russia. During the last two decades, however, the Jewish-Bolshevist rulers in Moscow have attempted to set not only Germany, but all of Europe, aflame. Germany has never attempted to spread its National Socialist worldview to Russia. Rather, the Jewish-Bolshevist rulers in Moscow have constantly attempted to subject us and the other European peoples to their rule. They have attempted this not only intellectually, but above all through military means (“Der Führer an das deutsche Volk 22. Juni 1941,” Bouhler, pp. 51-61).
“In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead allows him to subjugate and govern the peoples with a dictatorial [USSR] and brutal fist [Jewish commissars]…Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen…The democratic people’s Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant [Lenin/Stalin] over peoples…The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.” [Hitler, pp. 325-26]
Lastly, Platanov is correct in his belief that Russia served as a Christian bulwark against Judeo-Talmudism and the NWO. What he fails to understand is that Germany, too, had served as a predominantly Christian bulwark against the same international onslaught. He is absolutely incorrect when he states that Hitler espoused the Jewish ethos. That is where he merely needs to expose himself to more memoirs and primary documentation of the Germans. Perhaps he should also know that Hitler had stated that “Christianity is a Weltanschauung.”