Nazi-Eara Newspapers Being Sold On Berline Streets
Jon Swaine
Jan. 13, 2009
Thousands of copies of the original 1930s papers are being bought for €3.90 (£3.50) each by German readers.
The currently available edition of Der Angriff (The Attack), originally published in 1933, has the front page headline "Hitler Chancellor of the Reich" and features a commentary from Joseph Goebells.
The editor of the project, Sandra Paweronschitz, a historian, told The Times: "From today you will have a unique opportunity to read what information was available to your grandparents and your parents."
The publisher, Peter McGee, told the newspaper: "It should be read by people who would never read a contemporary history textbook but still value quality analysis of the information."
Mr McGee's company, Albertas, which is based in London, is being advised for the project by leading German historians of the era, including Prof Wolfgang Benz, the head of the Centre for Research into Anti-Semitism in Berlin.
Mr McGee had to obtain special permission to reproduce Nazi propaganda, which - along with the swastika and Hitler salute - is banned in the country.
To ensure a spread of opinion, the material from Der Angriff is published alongside that from Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, a conservative paper, and Der Kämpfer (The Fighter), a Communist paper.
However, a Jewish Berlin resident told the newspaper: "We're a tad nervous. The Gaza action is propelling thousands on to the streets chanting anti-Israeli slogans - it's not a great moment to give publicity to Joseph Goebells."