Democracy prevails when the majority are convinced that evil is good and that all who resist evil shall be ridiculed and punished by a jury NOT of their peers. In other countries, we call democracy ‘communism’. The Greek roots of democracy translate to: “rule by man.”
In this democracy, real estate, income and inheritance taxes fill the first 3 planks of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Resist one of these and win a free all expense paid vacation behind bars, then find your property confiscated as called for in plank #4.
Plank #5 gave an exclusive monopoly in the creation of money to a few foreign bankers spur- iously known as the “Federal Reserve”, whom Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson called an “om- nipotent counterfeiter” in his Economics, Fourth Edition. #10 got us free indoctrination in pub- lic schools. No.6 called for the centralization of control of communications and transportation. ERA, if ratified will fill No.8 “Equal liability of all to labor” and give women the same right to avoid the draft that men have!
God forbids democracy, Ex.23:2.The Constitution precludes democracy Art.4, Sec.4. In all pla-ces, democratic or communistic, the people are controlled with legal tender, credit, fear, lies, illusions, disease and amusements that inhibit serious thinking. De. 25:13-15 bars paper money.
This is a nation of jet propelled, air conditioned, steak eating slaves who are abused, amused, confused, defused, diseased, divided and conquered as well as aborted, indoctrinated, intimid-ated, regulated, alloxanated, alumated, alienated, chlorinated, fluoridated, intoxicated, interro-gated, incarcerated, hallucinated, relegated, vaccinated and decimated.
We can not be independent, self governing and free unless all in public office are dependent on being paid with something that workers produce, be it gold, silver, corn, coal or whatever. Our dead Constitution limited their payment to gold and silver coins. Beware of non thinking slaves who insist there is not enough gold and silver when their scarcity makes them an ideal means of payment. Lead coins would work but we’d need a wheel barrow to haul them to buy groceries.
To restore Constitutional government, you must stop your ridicule and punishment of those who want God’s law upheld. Exodus 23:1, 2 De. 25:13-15.To file tax returns is to waive your rights that millions bled and died to preserve for us and all returns are false that report an income of “dollars” if you received no substance measured in dollars. Nothing but silver is so measured.
Neither the IRS nor your CPA can produce a statute making most of us subject to income tax.
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