The NWO: 8 of 32: The Banking System
Alarm 8 of 32
The Banking System
“I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington, they would not wait for an election....
Consider the following excerpts from the Washington Post Weekly (May 4, 1992) "The IMF [international monetary fund], the World Bank, and the major industrial nations have decided to take a risk with Russia and former Soviet Republics ... Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar ... last week swept through Washington, reassuring business leaders, as well as finance ministers and central bankers from the Group Of Eight even major industrial nations."
"In an effort to get the banking system under control, Gerald Corrigan, the President Of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (CFR/Trilat member), has been visiting Moscow regularly since September 1991 to advise the Central bank and commercial banks. An acquaintance of former Fed Chairman Paul A. Volcker (CFR/TC member), Says Volcker is close to an agreement that would make him consultant to Russian President Boris Yeltzin, and now V. Putin." "in addition, David Rockefeller (CFR/TC member), a former Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, says he has agreed to be part of a group Corrigan is assembling that might help establish banking business in Russia.
"Once the IMF program is in place, the World bank will supply direct support to the agriculture and oil sectors of the Russian economy." "The oil sector is enough to solve any financial crisis they (the Russians) might have", says World Bank President then Lewis Preston (CFR & formerly with Morgan Guaranty). He says there are 33 undeveloped fields in W. Siberia."
Isn't that interesting? The World Bank and the IMF, are "supporting" the agriculture and oil sectors thereby controlling the food and energy. It would be more accurate to say that the CFR/Trilat Comm are controlling the agriculture and oil sectors. Furthermore, the CFR/Trilat involvement in Russia's central bank has recently (July 26, 1993) mandated a call-in of all pre-1993 rubles, crippling the ability of the Russian citizen to provide for his family. Not only does the U.S. taxpayer underwrite about 94% of the IMF and World Bank funding, but the afore-mentioned "G-8" central bankers are also stockholders in our Federal Reserve!
Yeltzin [it is now time for Putin to get in on the gravy since Yeltzin is dead] was working closely with the CFR/Trilat - what about Gorbachev? A transcript of Gorbachev's May 6, 1992 speech given at Westminster College follows. On page 9 he states: "However, even now, at a time of sharply increased interdependence in the world, many countries are morbidly jealous of their sovereignty, many peoples of their national independence and identity! [no kidding! Damn this is news!] This is one of the newest global contradictions, one which must be overcome by joint effort." (Speech May 6, 1992, Westminster College, "The River of Time and the Imperative of Action" pg 9, by Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.)
In Vancouver earlier, President Clinton promised Yeltzin $1.6 Billion dollars in direct assistance (off budget), in addition to the billions promised by the G-8 (which also includes the USA); yet most Americans have no idea as to how long and how much Western aid and trade has gone into the USSR since 1917.
1) After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Rockefeller) bought 50% of Nobel's huge Caucasus oil fields;
2) In 1927, Standard Oil of New York (Rockefeller) built a refinery in Russia;
3) In 1928, Rockefeller'
(Have we forgotten the hundreds of millions (total still unknown by Congress) that the Democratic Congress, (was promised by the new President Clinton to President Yeltzin), gave, in individual grants, yes Grants, to each Russian Officer ($25,000 each) who would go back to Russia to live because Yeltzin said he had no place to put them? Have we forgotten that Yeltzin immediately promoted over 300,000 top ranking enlisted personnel to officers rank so that they could get some of the largesse from the Taxpayers of The USA?)) (Senator Jesse Helms, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ph: 202-224-4651, Fax: 202-224-0836)
In the Congressional Record of June 15, 1933, Congressman Louis McFadden said:
"The Soviet government has been given U.S. Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. and other banks in New York City... Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the
former Soviet Trade Organization, and the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. and you will he staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the U.S. Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York".
“The Federal Reserve Board and banks are the duly appointed agents of the foreign banks of issue and they are more concerned with their foreign customers than they are with the people of the United States. The only thing that is American about the Federal Reserve Board and banks is the money they use...”U.S. Rep McFadden, 10 June 1932.
We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks...Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers...
It is important to note that Congressman McFadden shortly thereafter died under "mysterious circumstances"
The following information is derived from Antony Sutton's comprehensive book "Best Enemy Money Can Buy", (by Antony Sutton, 1986, Liberty House Press, 2027 Iris Ln., Billings, Montana 59102). Sutton is acknowledged as the foremost expert on western technology and Soviet economic development.
He was a research fellow at the Hoover Institute On War & Peace; and therefore had access to information most researchers outside establishment circles were denied. Revealing this information cost him his job. Sutton documents that:
1) Ford set up the Gorki vehicle plant in 1929, upgraded by the Lend-Lease programs of WW II; vehicles produced in this plant were used against U.S. troops in Korea and Vietnam, and Iraq;
2) The Soviet tank industry began in 1929 under the guise of producing tread-type tractors; The Stalingrad plant was entirely constructed in the U.S., dismantled, and re-erected in the U.S.S.R. by American engineers. This was just one of several which utilized American machine tools and equipment;
3) In 1946, the Soviets bought 55 Rolls Royce turbo-jet engines from Great Britain, and reproduced them in quantity on American and German machine tools. These engines powered the MiG-15 fighters, used against our F-86 Sabre jets in Korea;
4) 37 of the 96 Soviet ships regularly employed on the "Haiphong Run" during the Vietnam War (keeping North Vietnam supplied) used diesel engines of western origin. The missile-carrying Soviet ships of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis were propelled by engines produced in Denmark-a NATO ally;
5) From 1960 until 1972, the Soviets sought acquisition of a specialized machine tool manufactured by the Bryant Chucking Company of Springfield, Vermont. This machine, the "Centalign B", produced high-precision miniature ball bearings, supplying 85% of its output to the U.S. defense industry for guidance systems in our missiles. Under President Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, approval was given in 1972 to export 164 of these machines to the U.S.S.R. By 1974, the Soviets had MIRV'D their ICBMS. This was made public on March 8, 1983 by Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger (CFR), stating that the greatly improved accuracy of Soviet missiles was derived from U.S. technology;
6) In the 70's, the Kama River truck plant was built in the Soviet Union. It covers 36 square miles and can produce 100,000 multi-axle 10-ton trucks/year. 75% of the equipment and technology is from the U.S.; 25% is Italian and European, including European subsidiaries of U.S. companies. American taxpayers underwrote the Kama River financing through the Export/Import Bank. Chase Manhattan (Rockefeller was the lead financier. It was built by the Pullman-Swindell Co. (a subsidiary of M.W. Kellogg Co.) of Pittsburgh;
7) The Volgograd automobile plant, built 1968-1971, has a capacity of 600,000 vehicles/year. Three-fourths of the equipment were of U.S. manufacture, including key transfer lines and automated tools. The construction contract was awarded to Fiat S.P.A., a firm closely associated with the Chase Manhattan Bank;
8) The 647 mile highway which connects the U.S.S.R. with Kabul, Afghanistan was under construction in 1966, built with Soviet money and U.S. foreign aid money. A 67 mile stretch of road through the Salang Pass cost $42 million, prompting a U.S. engineer to say it was the costliest section of road he had ever seen. This highway
felt the rumble of Soviet tanks, heavy trucks, and military vehicles (many produced with American equipment and
money) in December, 1979 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, (yet we provided aid to the Afghanistan rebels). The results -over one million casualties. Richard F. Starr, a former U.S. Ambassador, has said that the former Soviet Union has stored at least 362 million metric tons of grain (much of it from the West), in fallout shelters. These supplies, according to University of N. Carolina economist Steven Rosefield, could feed the entire population of the former U.S.S.R. for 3-4 years. In addition, there are reserves in 87 cities throughout the U.S.S.R. giving them total reserves in excess of 5 years.
By contrast, the U.S. has 30-45 days of reserves. These Soviet reserves, given to them by the U.S through credits with deferred payments, are being paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. Senator Malcom Wallop (R-Wy.) pointed out that Soviet indebtedness is estimated to be at least $100 billion and that Western loans to Soviet banks located in the West are not included in that figure; 80% of these loans are "untied", not restricted to any program or project. As of 1990, $700 million a month were being loaned to the Soviet government. In the meantime, the U.S. has spent billions in defense budgets to protect us from those who are recipients of not only loans and credits, but our technology as well! ("Best Enemy Money Can Buy" contains at Appendix F: "U.S. firms trading with the Soviet Union in the 1960-1986 period, pages 231-235).
David Funderburk, a former Ambassador to Romania under the Reagan Administration, stepped down from his post in protest of U.S. policy toward Communist Romania and Eastern Europe. In his book, "Betrayal of America", he documents the collaboration between the leadership elite of the State Department and the Communist countries:
"We're propping up Communist regimes which are bankrupt and would fall without our aid..aid from the U.S. government, from big business, and from big banks in America..." (Betrayal of America" by David B. Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, 1991, Dist. by Betrayal of America, P.O. Box 1124, Durham, N. Carolina 28334).
In his book, "Reminiscences"
Is it any wonder? The CFR has dominated the State Department since WW II!
Why don't we hear about these things from the media? At the 1991 Bilderbergs' (European-based globalists) meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany, the opening speaker was David Rockefeller. He said this:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings, and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years ... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years."
Who was among the invited guests? Bill Clinton and Dan Quayle.
Maybe not us, but the Council On Foreign Relations?
Why do you think Gorbachev & 100, more, sometimes less, were set up at The Presidio in San Francisco, at our expense, and why was I sent there to test the upgrade of Communications!
Read the Creature From Jekyll Island!
“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” James Madison, 1787. (America was NOT originally founded or established by our Founders as a ‘democracy’ and was warned never to allow one to exist in the nation. America was founded as a FREE REPUBLIC. Democracies are for those who plot and plan (CFR) to rule over a subservient people. (Name withheld.) NOVEMBER, 2007.))
(“If the Federal government should ever pass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed (The South Was Right! Deo Vindice, CLM Sr.), and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify”. Alexander Hamilton, 1788.
(“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddam piece of paper.” ) George W. Bush, November 2005, as reported by www.capitolhillblue
Prepared by: Chester L McWhorter Sr, 504 N. Brighton Rd, Lecanto, Occupied Florida, USPLC 34461-9533
For Southern Independence (F S I), God Will Vindicate (Deo Vindice), Remember PEARL HARBOR!!!!
REMEMBER THE U. S. S. LIBERTY, Remember the WORLD TRADE CENTER!, mailto:chetmcwhortersr@