From Hitler to Iraq: How Fascists Took Over America
Tafataona P. Mahoso
Progressive leaders within the African Union and elsewhere are calling on those that work toward U.N. reform to first form themselves into a global resistance movement against Nazi-like imperialism, which is led today by U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
But in order for this global movement against imperialism to succeed, it must understand the Nazi elements of the new unilateralism, and prepare to face new and truly vicious forms of intervention, far different from the liberal interventions that prevailed between 1945 and 1975.
The first thing to keep in mind is the continuity between liberal imperialism and rightwing imperialism. The Nazi-like "elements" that came out into the open after the collapse of the former Soviet Union were recruited, nurtured and even deployed during the liberal years. Therefore it should come as no surprise that one of the hotbeds of White liberal activism in the 1945-1975 period - the Scandinavian countries - has turned out to be among the most reactionary, rightwing and racist collaborators with North American unilateralism. Rightwing imperialism is merely reaping what liberal interventionism sowed.
In my PhD thesis in the mid-1980s, I concluded that one of the purposes of White liberal activism in Africa was to capture and groom the future leaders of Africa on behalf of imperialism. What was not clear in the mid-1980s was that the new right-wing would reap the benefits of White liberal activism, and then demobilize the liberal activist movement altogether, replacing it with NGOs dependent on right-wing financial support.
Nov. 6, 2005