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The King and the Occultists

T. Stokes - London

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The Duke and Duchess of Windsor 
Ben Fenton broke the news, that was long rumoured, the connection With Dr Alexander cannon and both the Royal family and Winston Churchill.
So serious was Churchill about keeping  secret news of the efforts of 'wartime Black Team' of occultists fighting Hitler, that Dr Alexander cannon was exiled to the Isle of Man,
and told he would meet with an accident if he spoke again.
The head of the Church of England's occult section Dr. Archbishop Cosmo Lang, disaproved of  the Focus group  funding Churchill into power, and the spate of murders of those who did not approve,
 he also disliked Churchill's mass fire bombing of civilians and the use of such people in the Black team as louis De Wohl  Dennis Wheatley, Violet Firth ( Dion Fortune ) and Aleister Crowley among others
 in black magic ceremonies  at the Devils chimney  Portland bill, which meant local rumours were common at that time of ritual human sacrifices, and Crowley who like Churchill
was a 33rd degree mason, would have been aware of the masonic sacrificial  term 'Burnt Offering ' the irony of burning huge numbers of German nationals in there homes at the wars end was
 said by Sir Anthony Blunt to be a deliberate act of psychopathic genocide.
 Churchill above all wanted secrecy,  Dr Alexander cannon was a top psychiatrist who had studied at several universities and was aslo a master occultist, who understood that many deep phobias were from obsessing or possessing entities  deceased personality fragments and magnetic elemental spirits,  and like society osteopath and healer Stephen Ward also treated Churchill for his depressive and alcoholic fits.
Ben Fenton mentions in his great article that Alexander cannon treated Edward VIII for alcoholism, but his own doctors records  do not support this, whereas Lord Moran said Churchillls do. 
Spy Guy Burgess  sent documents to his wartime Russian controllers which verify churchill's crippling alcoholism  and documents passed by John cairncross now in the Russian GRU library
from Patrick Kinna show Churchills violent  hatred for Edward VIII.
president Roosevelt commenting that Churchill was always unsteady on his feet was known to call Churchill; 'that drunken bum'
and amusingly Churchil while in the USA did fall over and broke his leg
The scenario for this whole event lay in the fact that in the 1917 Russian revolution, the Russian royal family were all murdered, so that Rothschilds who funded the revolution,
could take the Czars vast wealth, and strip his bank accounts in London and Paris, and  start the communist ball rolling.
The British royal family secretly supported Hitler as he was the only man in Europe who was prepared to stand up against the soviet advance, the Queen mother in particular
was a big supporter, the royals feared that the russians would kill them all too.
It was known Hitler wanted the royals to stay, whereas the Russians wanted to kil them off.
 Edward the VIII s abdication, was in fact nothing to do with mrs Wallis Simpson, Edward had a string of affiars with married women and no one said a word before Wallis.
His abdication was forced by Churchill over the fact he kept trying to broker a peace deal with Germany, his brother the Duke of Kent was murdered by Churchill
 in an air crash to stop him talking to Herman Goering which he often did.
The flamboyant MP Leo Abse was an alleged informer to both British and Soviet intellingence services, and always had insider gossip on the royals
claimed Churchill did not write all his speeches as claimed.
I have some of Archbishop Cosmo Langs personal letters and some from various royals to him,  and the history books lie and lie again.
If Dr Alexander cannon did treat Edward VIII it was not for alcoholism, but probably for erectile dysfunction.
T Stokes London
* with thanks to Ben Fenton.
Nov. 20, 2010
From AP