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GENOESE AND VENETIAN FONDI MOVE NORTH - switzerland is a bank with an army attached - 2010 as the 17th Century - mafia turfs

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was conceived in July 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference; one of its principal architects was English economist John Maynard Keynes. In contrast to the vision of American and various other allied representatives, Lord Keynes intended the IMF as an expansion of the Bank for International Settlements [which is not accountable to any governments: it provides banking services only to central banks], established in 1930 under the guidance of Bank of England governor Montagu Norman and Hitler's future finance minister Hjalmar Schacht. The BIS itself was conceived by family-run "fondi", lending banks with a long tradition of playing both sides against the middle and taking over European ministries and governments by means of usury to use their armies to collect on further usury. In the late 1700's, the Genoese and the Venetian fondi created modern Switzerland as a bank with an army attached. It remains the fondi's stronghold.


Nov. 13, 2010