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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 24 Two Bush Brothers: A Nazi Spy, A Nazi War Hero

Jon Carlson

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According to FULL documents from a Dachau, Germany Military court trying Nazi war criminals after WWII, Hitler ordered a Special Operation that involved Nazi personnel dressed up in American uniforms to infiltrate behind American lines. American uniforms and supplies were taken from Red Cross supplies intended for prisoners, such as US cigarettes, candy, and K rations. They had to speak English and the best speakers were the leaders. They interviewed American prisoners to learn mannerisms and proper speaking.

Top Hitler operative, Otto Shorzeny, was in charge of the operation and Shorzeny told Germans that wouldn't cooperate that he would tell Hilter which brought full cooperation. The military court had plenty of evidence and witnesses to convict of the war crime of misusing American insignia and uniforms. Normally when acquittals occur, the court give an explanation. However, no explanations were given. American traitor, who was honored with having Dulles Airport named after him, John Foster Dulles kept a heavy hand in the military court procedings in Germany and probably was the reason for the corrupted court decision.

Journalist Eric Orion's original research and writings brought to light Otto Shorzeny's exposure of the Bush family of America as the Scherf family of Nazi Germany. His research is the basis for The Nazis in the White House Story. A principal of the Skorzeny case was Walter Scherf, a Nazi war hero.

Of course the use of foreign-born English speaking personnel to infiltrate behind American lines since the 1930's to operate for mother Germany is exactly what the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and a score of spies have done.

Eric Orion in an email exchange sent this photo of Otto Skorzeny, Bush I (George Scherf, Jr.), Barbara Bush far left (German name unknown) and probably Walter Scherf in their teenage years. The 1932 German automobile in the backrground dates the photo. Otto had a shoebox of 60 photos to back up his story. This is one of them:


March 5, 2011