Hitler's Germany
From Thunder
He did have 5 jewish generals and 150,000 hebrews in his army. It is difficult to write off views that part of the process was to round up Jews and send them to Palestine to form the state we see there now, whether they wanted to go or not. There is also credible evidence that he was trained in Britain. The master race theory would possibly have proceeded onwards in Germany but perhaps have been an admixture of the Khazar and German genes as Khazars were very prominent among the reich.
I certainly don't have any definitive answers as to what went on in the reich but right now I am more worried about an extinction level event ongoing in Japan and the Mississippi building towards a 500 year flood of biblical proportions with the St. Francis power plant on the water and several in Alabama already on generators and built to only withstand a 6.0 quake.
See Greg Hallett's book, on Hitler being a British agent.
2. Adolf Hitler – The Incestuous Catholic Jew
5. Hitler’s Psychiatric Condition
8. Hess and Hess Fly to Britain
15. Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII
19. Churchill, Hitler and Stalin Work Together
And then of course we see things like this
Whipping the sleeper on pedophilia in New Zealand is not a bad read either.
1. Faggots write Fiction – The Frank Sargeson story
2. Nuclear New Zealand – KGB agents Helen Clark & Margaret Wilson – early mission
3. How Exicting! – Governor-General Silvia Cartwright meets Angela D'Audney
4. Pedigree-Mongers – James K. Baxter meets Stephanie Johnson
5. Drugs and Corruption in TV New Zealand – Should we trust our news if we can’t trust Paul Holmes?
6. Whipping the Sleeper – Christine Rankin dominates Geoffrey Palmer
7. The Battle of Nelson Crescent – Joselyn Counsell’s mad influence over the NZ Police
8. Sex & Drugs and being a TV Personality as cover – Is Matthew Ridge a Policeman’s friend?
9. What dominates New Zealand – Unwarranted narcissism and manufactured charisma
10. The Ego has Landed - Paul Holmes on Paul Holmes
11. Dollars for Sense – Judicial Train Wrecks
12. Difficult New Zealand – Noah wins the Ark contract, Auckland 2007
13. The New National Anthem – ‘Hot Teaspoons’, The Parthenogenesis fisted ones
14. Fisting in America – How Helen Clark came to wear Incontinence Nappies
15. Where’s the Con – Cute Only
16. Goodbye’Pork Pie’ – Office of Lies
-----Original Message-----
From: Counter Bias
Sent: May 6, 2011 8:56 AM
To: George Ulicki -Rek
Subject: Re: What happened to Rebel News May 1st deadline?
*A couple of years ago, I came to conclusion that, as a Mossad time-waster, he is doing a pretty passable job. Earlier on, I tried to give him some useful hints, at least once, but heard nothing from him. And he didn't bother to put me on his mailing list, either - no doubt, for a very good reason!
As to his constant begging, as well asaccess-for-a-fee offered on his website, it may well have a great deal to do with
the 'sacred' Jewish belief that the 'goyim' must be made to pay for being SCREWED. Jack*
On 6 May 2011 21:14, George Ulicki -Rek wrote:
I am watching those miracles since few months because the same situation occurred in before.
Personally I find his begging a bit out of taste.> Many of us is spending thousands unpaid hours collecting and passing the information omitted or simply censored but the ZOG. We do it not for profit(it will be wonderful if people could pay for our time and work so we could do it better in less haste but life is life)but because we are idealists doing our human duty. Few times I wrote to Andrew asking him what service provider is he using and suggesting cheaper options like SiteGround recommended to me by RIP John "Birdman" Bryant .I didn't get any answer to my suggestions.
I find this "gimme gimme' routine disgusting. By doing this that way Andrew gives himself a status of unique fighter etc. The reality is that we have a lot of websites like his and if his website will disappear it will not be an information world Fukushima :)
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
----- Original Message -----
*From:* Counter Bias
*To: Bellringer;
*Sent:* Friday, May 06, 2011 8:17 PM
*Subject:* Re: What happened to Rebel News May 1st deadline?
*There are many more than one strange aspect to 'Andrew' and his sites. He started out som> years ago as a perfectly 'kosher peacenik' of 'anti-Zionist' persuasion... More recently, however, he had someone claim on his behalf that he is a 'German'... As Chairman Deng said, the colour of the cat's coat doesn't matter... Likewise, I don't care whether 'Andrew' is a Jew or a 'German', but I'm yet to see him catch any mice.*
On 6 May 2011 00:21, Carolyn wrote:
Why is it that Andrew Winkler puts at the top of his Rebel News website (http://www.rebelnews.org/) for several weeks an advertisement for fundraising, with a gauge showing he's received only a fraction of the amount needed, and big type saying the site will close down on May 1st if he doesn't "reach his goal." I forget what the amount was.
May 1st comes and goes and Rebel News is still there. What do you call this? Am I missing something?
Rebel News calls itself a dissident website, but it's really just a news site. News sites are important to the current captains of criminality because they keep people focused on what's happening "in the news" which is stage-managed by them. The best thing we could do is to stop looking at all news, which operates as distraction and indoctrination, give our brains a break, read some really good books and talk to each other. I have come to see all news outlets and "following the news" as part of the problem.
What if no one cared about this bin Laden hoax? Whether believers or non-believers? They would have no audience for their show. I still want the answer to the Rebel News fundraising threat.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thunder
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to Rebel News May 1st deadline?