The Greatest Tragedy in Known Human History
Rebel of Oz
What makes the events of World War II the greatest tragedy in known human history, is not the tens of millions of innocent victims. It’s that it foiled the biggest – and almost successful - effort ever undertaken to rid an entire continent of the supremacist, parasitic and psychopathic Jews.
One of the biggest cultural differences between European and English speaking countries is the liberty and passion with which Europeans discuss political and historic events, in public and in private, with family, friends and colleagues. In English speaking countries, on the other hand, talking about politics and history is avoided even when drunk.
One topic though, you can’t discuss in Europe either, without parroting the mainstream narrative, and that’s Hitler and the Jews. I can understand why Americans and Brits don’t like discussing history. They have so many skeletons squashed in their closet; they are afraid they are all going to spill out and never fit in again.
What’s sad though is how not even the Germans dare to look into what really happened, even though they would benefit the most from it. Instead, they lock up anyone trying to spread the truth. Nobody has tougher laws against historic revisionism than Germany and Austria, the two European countries which are the main losers of World War II. No wonder quite a few Germans are thinking they are still occupied.
I never understood why anyone would be punished for questioning the veracity of the mainstream narrative of a historic event, unless the rich and powerful have something to hide. The fact that the defendants in such cases are not allowed to support their historic claims with evidence proves beyond reasonable doubt that this is not a case of protecting the truth from vicious lies, but the other way round.
Historic narratives are dictated by very powerful people. The more powerful they are, the harder it is to question their version of the truth. History is what the ruling ‘elite’ wants us to believe because it suits them. The least it does is make them look better than they really are.
Who started World War II?
One of the big fat lies about World War II is the question who started it. It wasn’t Germany, Britain did. While it cannot be denied that Hitler - understandably - wanted to win back the territories Germany had lost to Poland under the shameful dictate of the Versailles Treaty, Poland’s genocidal treatment of the German minority provided Hitler with the perfect justification for seizing them by force.
He couldn’t simply stand by watching Polish and Jewish thugs raping and killing tens of thousands of ethnic Germans, nor could he allow Poland to destroy Danzig’s economy with its crippling blockade. Encouraged by the British government, the atrocities were designed to force Hitler to invade Poland. The British government wanted war with Germany; otherwise it wouldn’t have told the Poles not to compromise. Hitler’s truly humanitarian intervention provided the Brits with the 'moral justification' to declare war to Germany.
I would feel sorry for the Poles, if it wasn’t for the pogroms against the German minority, which got even worse in the first week after the liberation of Danzig. At least 5000 German civilians got brutally slaughtered and many more girls and women raped. Captured German pilots who had to parachute off their planes and fell into the hands of the Poles got merciless massacred. They had their eyes gouged out and their bodies hacked into pieces like a pig in a butcher's shop.
Satan or Messiah
There are many reasons why the Jews and their minions are so afraid of the truth about Adolf Hitler and his government, especially the so-called ‘Jewish Holocaust’. Without the heresy law protected myth of the six million, Hitler and his actions suddenly look very different and people start wondering what else they got lied about. The more you find out the truth about Hitler’s actions and achievements, the less he looks like the Satan he’s had been made out to be for the past 70-80 years and the more he looks like a Messiah, not just for the German people but for the whole of mankind.