Dallas Woman Claims to be the Daughter of Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Morrow’s quandary began decades ago. She claims her parents withheld important information from her all her life. Her siblings always teased her about being adopted. In 1989, she says her mother, Mrs. Ida Mae Campbell Gabbard, excluded her from her will in a codicil witnessed by nine persons. The overt exclusion led her to more questions than answers.
It was obvious that someone in the records bureau in Frankfurt, Kentucky had tampered with the birth certificate accorded Anne Morrow. The more she inquired, there were more questions raised. She always felt her true identity had been hidden. Her childhood memories were filled with teases of her alleged adoption and secret relationship to Eisenhower.
After several attempts at writing the Eisenhower Library, she turned to Attorney Frank K. Wheaton of Scolinos, Sheldon & Nevell, in Pasadena, California. Mr. Wheaton was the lawyer who brought to the front pages of America the story of Essie Mae Washington Williams, the 80 year-old African American daughter of the late Senator James Strom Thurmond. Mr. Wheaton promised to help, so long as there was no disrespect to the presidential office or to the Eisenhower family. Mr. Wheaton placed her in contact with Eduardo Mendoza, a lawyer and member of the Eisenhower family. Mr. Mendoza inquired of Susan Eisenhower whether or not the family would allow a DNA sample for Ms. Morrow. A week later, Mr. Mendoza stated that the family would respectfully decline because it would open “Pandora’s Box.”
Anne Morrow continues to pray that the Eisenhower family will change their mind. She continues to search for the key that she hopes will help her unlock the lifelong mystery regarding her kinship with the 34th president. Ironically, Anne Morrow was born on October 13th, the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower on October 14th.
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Anne Morrow can be reached at:
Phone: AC 940 498-9283
Website: http://www.palatinepress.com