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March of the Titans - A History of the White Race - Chapter 8 Part III

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Chapter 8 Part III from a book titled March of the Titans - A History of the White Race by Arthur Kemp. The book can be purchased by clicking here.Click to go to Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(Part I), 5(PartII), 5(Part III), 5(Part IV), 5(Part V), 6(Part I), 6(Part II) (A), 6(Part II)(B), 6(Part III), 7, 8(Part I), 8(Part II).The book details the complete and comprehensive history of the White Race, spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events. This is their incredible story - of vast visions, empires, achievements, triumphs against staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles. Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires - that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else - a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution. This is a revolutionary new view of history and of the causes of the crisis facing modern Western Civilization, which will permanently change your understanding of history, race and society.

Chapter 8: Egypt: Nordic Desert EmpirePart Three: Racial Imagery in Tutankhamen's Tomb


Tutankhamen, the boy king (who died when he was 18) reigned around 1350 BC. Although he died too young to become a pharaoh of any great significance in his own time, he gained fame when his tomb was discovered virtually intact in 1924 (one of the few tombs to be found in such a good state - most had been the subject of grave robbers centuries before). It is the gold burial mask of Tutankhamen, which has come to symbolize ancient Egypt.

However, the real significance of the finds in Tutankhamen's tombs has been largely ignored: amongst Tutankhamen's possessions are some of the most graphic racial images in Egyptology.

One of Tutankhamen's thrones, the ecclesiastical chair, has on its' footstool the "Nine Bows" - the Egyptian name for the traditional enemies of Egypt. The finely crafted figures on the footstool are of nine Blacks and Semites tied together in chains. Their positioning on the footstool was so that when the pharaoh sat on his throne, his enemies would be under his feet.

Another graphically racial image found in Tutankhamen's tomb is to be found on one of his walking sticks. The handle is made up of a bound Semite and a bound Black: so that when the Egyptian king went for a walk with his royal walking stick, he held the enemies of Egypt in his hand.

Yet another candid racial image from Tutankhamen's tomb is to be found in a pair of his sandals. Inlaid with a picture of a Semite and a Black, the pharaoh would trample his enemies underfoot when he walked.

Tutankhamen's famous wooden chest, which was found in the antechamber of his tomb, contains yet another striking scene. On its sides, it shows the Egyptian King riding a chariot and trampling the "Nine Bows" or enemies of Egypt: Blacks and Semites.

By Tutankhamen's time then, the Egyptians were clearly aware of the growing numbers of their racial enemies creeping up on them. These graphic and stunning references to clearly identifiable racial enemies of Egypt are all the more remarkable when it is born in mind that the population make-up of Egypt had, by the reign of Tutankhamen, already started to swing heavily against the original White Egyptians, with Black and Semitic slaves being commonplace within that civilization.

In addition to this, a significant number of Egyptians themselves were now of mixed race, the Hyksos occupation having left behind a number of Egyptian/Semitic mixes. Significantly, Tutankhamen's widow attempted to strike an alliance with the Indo-European Hittites who had in the interim became the leading power in the Near East, by arranging her marriage to a Hittite prince. (The marriage never took place, as the husband to be was killed just prior to the ceremony).