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Sisters of Sorcha Faal Daily Global Broadcast (with video)

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I was recently sent a number of video links from American mainstream news programmes and was greatly dismayed at what is passing for news for these peoples during what are the most critical times in our history.  I would like to believe that the majority of people watching these slick propaganda pieces filled with nothing more than emotionally based trivia actually know that there is more substance to our world occurring than they are being allowed to see.  My experience though tells me this is not true.

As an International organization devoted to keeping the channels of truthful information flowing to our own Order we rely on many modern communication means to accomplish this task, our website, WhatDoesItMean.Com, is one aspect of this.  Another way of communicating within the Order is our Global News Broadcast for those Sisters not able to immediately access any of our websites but are able to receive podcasts on their various personal devices, such as iPods, Blackberries and cell phones no matter where they are located in the world.

Due to the ongoing, and aggressive, suppression of real world news now occurring in the United States, I have received permission from the Sorcha Faal to offer this same daily broadcast to you.

Our daily Global News Broadcast is produced in London and is hosted on a secure server in northern Sweden which assures its security and availability on a worldwide and 24/7 basis free from any government’s attempts to block it or disrupt its content.  This daily Global News Broadcast is currently only accessible to the Sisters of the Order and various other affiliated organizations that like us deal with sensitive and time limited critical information.

I have included here on this page an edited broadcast for your viewing and I strongly encourage you to subscribe to this video broadcast so that you will be able to see the real news of what is happening in the world you live in.

Though the information you will be viewing is certainly not what you are being told by your own propaganda media, it is, nevertheless the truth.

A great deal of thought, and numerous discussions, have taken place among my group in deciding what the cost should be for this service and we have arrived at the figure of US$12.95 per month which covers the added bandwidth costs we’ll be experiencing due to our making this service available to the public at large.

I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this offer as being an informed citizen is everyone’s most important obligation in these chaotic times we live in.  And, as the situation in our world grows more critical by the day, you can be assured that there will be an even more effect campaign being waged against you by your propaganda media to keep you from knowing the true state of things.

Their goal is to keep you as uninformed as possible so that you can not prepare yourselves and your families for what is to come.  Our mission, on the other hand, is to keep you as informed as possible so that it is YOU that is making the choices for your protection and survival, not your governments.

Our mission cannot be realized unless YOU cooperate in your own survival.  Our daily Global Broadcast of true news and information is yet another critical tool needed for your survival and protection, please arm yourself with it!


Sister Bernadine

To Subscribe To The Sisters of Sorcha Faal Daily Global Broadcast Please Click HERE Now.