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Independent Journalists Speak Out About G-20 Suppression (VIDEO)

R. A. Louis

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with a number of journalists speak for themselves. The police were out of control and the violation of rights in Pittsburgh is being completely ignored by the mainstream corporate media. The following video expresses one of the most cogent and important statements on the subject. You may or may not find the statements in the following video very shocking, but you will probably find them to be just a wee bit disturbing.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Please check out my blog for more information about the G-20 protest.

Nihilo Zero (@ Twitter)

Author's Bio: Ray Louis is an aging, burnt-out, radical activist. He is of the opinion that most people have no idea how harsh and brutal the government is because they have never really done anything to resist or oppose it. While he doesn't at all engage in the level of activism he once did, he still has strong and unconventional opinions. His fear is the Orwellian nightmare coming true (with a mixture of environmental degradation and peak oil as the backdrop).