Joseph Farah - WND
© 2009
The U.N. convention of climate change begins Monday in Copenhagen with what organizers sought all along – "consensus" and press coverage that doesn't ask tough questions or report skeptically.
Welcome to the New World Order – where life-changing, world-altering decisions are made behind closed doors by unaccountable elites free of the worries of opposition and debate.
The largest independent English-language Internet news organization in the world – WND – has been denied credentials to cover the event, and the world's state-directed media outlets have failed to notice.
If you had any questions about the status of the free press in the future global government, the answer has been delivered. There won't be any.
Only government-approved press will have access to the deliberations of the unaccountable big brothers meeting in Copenhagen and future conclaves.
Whether or not my colleagues in the press care about the exclusion of WND, I will carry on the fight for free press rights – no matter how long it takes, no matter what the cost.
And I enlist your help to take on the United Nations.
I believe this fight could be as important in exposing the coming tyranny of any future global government as was the "Climategate" e-mail scandal in exposing the hoax of "global warming."
How can you help?
I seek your prayers and your contributions to WND's legal defense fund – now battling on multiple fronts for the First Amendment.
America's founders understood and stated it clearly: A free society cannot remain free without a truly independent and vibrant free press.
They believed, as I do, that the central role of a free press in a free society is to serve as a vigilant watchdog on government and other powerful institutions – institutions like the U.N.
Sorry to say, my colleagues have no commitment to that mission.
We are getting a glimpse now of what it is like living in a totalitarian closed society that doesn't respect free-press rights – a society that in fact disdains the notion of a free press.
The organizers of the Copenhagen U.N. climate summit tolerate only a faux press that willingly publishes pre-approved propaganda disseminated by elitists interested only in solidifying their power.
The U.S. and international press demonstrates no concern whatsoever about the denial of press credentials to a leading news organization on grounds completely without merit.
Am I angry about this?
You bet I am.
Is it merely a self-serving righteous indignation?
No, it is not.
In fact, anyone who knows me understands that I am a free-press absolutist. I fight for the rights of others to report freely and express their views, without regard to their ideology.
That's what free speech and the free press are all about.
Even U.S. talk radio, usually a beacon of truth and light in a world of pack journalism, has been virtually silent on the egregious, discriminatory denial of access to Copenhagen.
Yet, who led the fight against the threat of a "Fairness Doctrine" that threatened to squelch the important voices of talk radio?
I did.
I organized a summit of talk radio hosts in Washington, pulling together a group of "competitors" who unified on the issue of free speech.
Where are these voices when my free-press rights are denied? Happily talking about the same old things – and Tiger Woods.
That's why I need your help.
If you like having at least one enterprising, intrepid, independent, courageous and fearless news agency unafraid to challenge the powers that be, I ask you for your support.
I need it more than ever.
If you want me to take on the United Nations, I need you to join me, back me, support me with your prayers and your financial support.
Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. His book "Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice" has gained newfound popularity in the wake of November's election. Farah also edits the online intelligence newsletter Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, in which he utilizes his sources developed over 30 years in the news business.