Sorcha Faal / David Booth
those who read David Booth trust him implicitly, they will also trust that what he says about the individual Sorcha Faal must also be true and correct. This is simply not so. Does this answer the question? Questioner: It does to a point. If her information... I understand it is a group of people, so that just one person is not involved in this.
Cosmic Awareness: This is so. Questioner: If the majority of her information is correct and yet, as the Soviet Union Russia, some of the information is biased toward them, is the information that is not correct, is that what a person should be looking for? Cosmic Awareness: What this Awareness would suggest is the following: An individual always question "any" report. There is first and foremost a presumption that the information reported may not be correct, no matter what source it comes from, no matter whether it is from David Booth, Sorcha Faal, or even from this Awareness.
that occurs here also. Those who are seekers of the truth often still presume that simply because they have read this or that report from a source that they may consider as credible, for in the past the truth has been reported and has been shown to be valid; their assumption is that all truth, all reports from that source will always be valid.
reports that are false as well as accurate, that lead those individuals astray. It is not a matter of whether or not the entity and organization of David Booth is more accurate than the entity and organization of Sorcha Faal. It is that these are sources of information available to those who seek this information out, and that neither is 100% without bias, neither is 100% true and accurate.
that are held by those who report the information. Much of theinformation that is reported does not contain a spiritual perspective or an idea that this may all be part of a greater picture, a greater reason and purpose for being. This must also be part of the analysis of any report. What is the greatest purpose here? What is the Greater Picture here? All of these factors taken together will allow the individual who is receiving such information to make up his or her own mind.