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Comments on Christopher Story Article of Jan. 18, 2010

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Anton Miller" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:24 PM
Subject: Comments/C.Story Article 01.18.10
The British pontif of American and World affairs reports further about  the activity of the "DVD Nazi puppets" who are operating from American  soil. Chastisement for this perception and expression of opinion is to  be expected.

This ClintBush report is yet another exegesis of almost 9000 words from  the self appointed British authority on American and World affairs, Mr.  C.Story. Yes, it is clear. The Washington District of Criminals are  alive and still conducting crimes against humanity, being the puppets

that they are. Have you noticed within the vigilance of your own  reporting, Sir, that you may have a beam in your own eye concerning  questionable activities of your Queen, to whom you have stated you are a  "loyal subject"?

Another journalist/author, Marylyn M. Bornewell, in an article  concerning Mr. Story and Lee Wanta, relayed some words of caution when  viewing Mr. Story's reports. In her words:

"I got an email from Lee Wanta yesterday. For the first time since I’ve  known him, he responded to an article written about him by Christopher  Story, who writes and publishes a newsletter titled: International  Currency Review -- World Reports (ICR). If you can tolerate 200 word  sentences and constant contradictions of fact from one paragraph to the  next, it is an interesting publication. As long as you stick with facts,  the publication is good. When you start hearing words like “it would  seem” or “this must be” or “it could mean” – when words are used that  indicate opinion rather than facts are being referenced – be careful."  The entire article can be read at

In your persona as a journalist/reporter, it is now more noticeable when  you make a "peacock on a platform" approach to a situation when someone  else is not in agreement with your perception(s).

This occurs when, in your reporting, you chide and chastise other  messengers whose beliefs and perceptions are not the same as yours, or  have sources different than yours. On occasion you conduct your own  sorcery, your own "wizard of id machinations", by precipitating "facts"  that are " not facts at all", such as your latest favorites, the

Casper/CIA or the "new age web site" precipitations. Of course, these  perceptions are based upon information you get from your sources and  your opinions. As you have pointed out many times on the platform of your reporting, your sources are better than everyone else's, which you  seem to leverage into chiding remarks regarding other messengers

sources. The logical conclusion for this line of thinking is, of course,  that your perceptions are better than, or superior to, the perceptions of others, especially critics.

Greater questions are more important right now. Why is it that Mr.Story  expends so much verbiage on "criminal puppets"? Why is it that Mr. Story  is now expending so much verbiage regarding his Casper/CIA perception?  Could it be the old intel trick of diversion, keeping our energies  occupied while the"global elite puppet masters" are operating other

schemes? What are the real puppet masters up to while they handle their  puppets? One also wonders, if his factual exposures are so hard hitting to the powers that be, how is it he survives all these death threats  that he seems to tout?

Regarding this statement you made on the ClintBush scam warning , SECOND  THOUGHTS BEING SUGGESTED OVER HAITI At about 6:20 pm on this date, 17th January 2010, the Editor was  informed by ‘connected’ US sources that the perpetrators of the Haiti  operation ARE HAVING SECOND THOUGHTS and that, contrary to what we have  outlined in this report, the Haiti op. will be implemented rapidly and  wound down as quickly as possible.

It is, to put it mildly, EXTREMELY INTERESTING, is it not, that official  second thoughts are being entertained SO EARLY IN THE OPERATION, AND SO  SOON AFTER THIS REPORT WAS POSTED.", is this not putting feathers in  your own cap? Are you the only one to write or report about this scam on  the internet today? What about the fact that many other people have made  warning statements on the internet hours and days ahead of you!

Mr. Story, also, please clarify what is meant by the following statement  included at the end of your web-site:

"Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and  associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence  related to this or to any of the earlier reports." Does this mean their are no opportunities to discuss these things with  you via email?

Best Regards,

Anton Miller



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