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Comments on Christopher Story Article of 1/31/10

Anton Miller

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Dear Patrick and To Whom It May Concern,

In exercising responsible discernment, each one of us has to  decide which reporters/journalists are on track with facts and which ones are not.  We also have to evaluate the reliability of the hidden "sources", somehow, in this "my sources are more reliable than your sources" game that plays out on the internet every few days.  For example, C.Story's latest report about  Papa and Neil Bush being Commanded to meet with Obama  is presented as information from impeccable sources,  yet, an earlier report from his impeccable sources present a different picture, as fact,

of what took place at the Oval Office.

Directly from C. Story's Report:


The White House is ‘losing it’. It took them TEN DAYS to arrange a special photo-op. showing Godfather George Bush Sr., accompanied by Jeb Bush, at the White House, all relaxed and smiles (for the cameras), with President Barack Obama, for the purpose inter alia of trying belatedly to discredit our report that the Bush Crime Family had been threatening the Prez and his family.

The mind boggles at what must have been shouted down phone lines in order to bring this awkward pally-pally get-together to fruition.

It’s what’s known in the trade as a ‘quick shoe-shuffle’. How to deal with Story’s latest annoying revelation? It wasn’t an allegation: it was a revelation, because we were explicitly informed from sources whose integrity cannot be questioned, that what we reported was true. We had indeed already alluded to the fact that the Bush Crime Syndicate was threatening the President earlier. Naturally, if the information hadn't been correct, we wouldn't have risked reporting it.

He should call their bluff. Being President of the United States is a dangerous job: the country is in thrall to the mobsters. Mr Obama has to live with this situation.


President Obama, why are you afraid of thuggist President George H. W. Bush, Mrs Barbara Pierce-Bush, George W. Bush, Mrs Clinton, William Rockefeller Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Leon Panetta and their criminalist associates?

Have you not yet been informed that this Editor has, to date, received 34 threats since these investigations started in June 2002…?’.

[Actually, the list has risen to 36 as of this writing. The most recent threat was received from a Mr Rick Turner, of Shreveport, LA, ostensibly on behalf of LONDON-based Mr Roy Grantham, dated 28th January 2010 [received in the UK at 16:25], after we had ‘blown’ the relevant deception in our report dated 26th January 2010].


This came first, several hours before another reason for the meeting was posted.  The first reason, or presentation of "facts", is about Mr.Story and not about the event;  the line about the photo-op designed to discredit the editor and earlier reports made by the editor. Then this came after, a different presentation of the "facts" from "impeccable sources."  The reason for the meeting, this time, was Bush being COMMANDED to get their and sign off on certain financial instruments.  Who is doing a "quick shuffle now"?  See the following excerpt:

(Who is doing a 'quick shoe shuffle" now)


According to latest special intelligence which followed the earlier publication of this report on Sunday 31st January, Bush Senior was commanded to come into the White House on Saturday,

and to sign off on the accounts. They took the opportunity for a photo-op. as described below, but we now understand that the MAIN purpose was that Sr. and Jeb were ordered to sign off.

Furthermore, the reason Jeb Bush suddenly surfaced was that Jeb Bush was involved when the Delmarva funds were stolen in August 2002. It will be recalled that Jeb was on record earlier as protecting his own interests under the smokescreen of the lie that his father was too gaga to know what he was doing, which has always been baloney. So Jeb has been caught too.

Thus, what REALLY happened was that Bush Senior and Jeb were COMMANDED to appear at the White House to sign off on the accounts so that the funds could be released; and moreover, this was a command handed down from the World Court and imposed on the Bushes by Mr Obama.

It remains the case that what we reported earlier, that the Bush Crime Family was threatening Obama and his family, was accurate. And yet it is ALSO the case, that what we requested in our report dated the 26th January 2010, that Obama should stand up to these snakes, HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Therefore, our 'treatment' of Barack Obama and his situation all along, is ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED, on the basis of the intelligence currently to hand.

Let me see if I have this straight.  Bush SR is blackmailing Obama and has threatened the lives of Obama and his children but Bush SR is then commanded to meet with Obama, Obama is all smiles in the photo op used to discredit the editor, and Bush SR is responding to the commands of the World Court!  So, Mr Editor, is it true or not true, is it information or disinformation that Bush SR is senile and cannot even lift a fountain pen?  Is it true or not true that Barbara Bush has had to step in a take care of family business?  Since when would Bush SR ever allow himself to be knowingly commanded by anyone, especially since his alleged handler "Heinz" has apparently disappeared?  Since when would Bush SR ever follow a court order, World Court or otherwise?

One of the difficulties in wading through the sensational quagmire of the British Pontif's  view of American and World affairs, setting aside his tendencies to pat himself on the back in his efforts to make his reports "the center of the stage" or the frequent touting about continued survival of death threats,  is the extensive use of word modifiers when he writes a report.  Examples: HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED,  REALLY happened,  ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED, what must have been,  impeccable sources.  Modifiers leave impressions in less than a split second.  Some of these modifiers give the impression of fact,  but is it fact?   Is there such a thing as an impeccable human source, one that is free from error or mistake in perception?  Using the modifier, impeccable, sets up the line of deductive reasoning that if the source is impeccable, so then is the writer/author, or in this case, the editor.  Tomeros Maasu Korton provides example of this approach in Wisdom of the Rays,  Communication Is The Key To Breaking The Spell, when he says:

Your current society has been molded to swallow the mainstream media’s explanation of events, and you have been diligently trained to NOT question, else the fear of ridicule and outright persecution will surely follow—most often from your closest friends, relatives, and co-workers.

However, there are measures you can take to learn to sift through the façade of presented information, and learn to LISTEN for key words that will give you clues and help you to discern when you are being manipulated with half-truths or blatant lies.

LISTEN for key words such as:

“Insiders are REPORTED to have said....” (You should be thinking to yourself: But they may not have.)

“Officials say it APPEARS to be....” (But it may not be what it appears.)

“The ALLEGED terrorist was....” (But we could be wrong.)

Your news media sources know that often they are forced to report truly important news with a certain slant or spin that will often lead to the news stations presenting fabricated stories from “protected” sources. To help these news organizations protect themselves from being sued into non-existence, the ones writing the stories (that are then fed to the teleprompters to be read to you by the so-called “talking heads”) are trained by very skilled lawyers to use such key words and phrases as: IT APPEARS, ALLEGED, REPORTED TO HAVE SAID, GENERAL OPINION IS, INDICATORS SUGGEST, and so on.

Learn to LISTEN for these modifiers. The more you hear, the more you know that the truth is being misrepresented. Next listen to the ones who would be the first to ridicule you if you were to suggest that the news media sources are lying to you. Listen to how they parrot back the same news stories WITHOUT the modifiers.

The other difficulty  in attempting to communicate with Mr.Story is his persona is of a rather high altitude wherein people whose perceptions do not agree with him are usually slotted to file13 and he has built a wall around himself, perhaps for collateral damage purposes, in the statement on his website:   Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.  Why is this so?

There are approximately 3,740,000 references on Google at this hour concerning this latest meeting at the Oval Office.   Most of them in a random sample are the usual sanitized mainstream media presentations,  with other alternative news perceptions available also.

Sorcha Faal from her sources presents the following perception(s) about this Oval Office meeting and it's purpose:

Sorcha Faal Report:

A GRU report prepared for General Shlyakhturov circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Obama was warned this past week by former President George H. W. Bush that should he, Obama, not “immediately back” the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Mossad’s planned “Thunder Strike” war on Iran he would have to “pay the consequences”.

According to these reports, Bush, now 85, made an “unscheduled” and “unannounced” visit to the White House accompanied by his son, and former Governor of Florida, Jeb to issue this ultimatum to Obama. Important to note about Bush is that aside from his having been the 43rd President of the United States he was also the former Director of the CIA under President Ford.

Tom Henghan's recent report reflects the following perception(s) from his sources:


UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that former President George Herbert Walker Bush met today with President Barack Obama in the White House in which the former President engaged in blackmail and extortion given the former President's concern about cases currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, which would directly affect the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.

We can report that the meeting was short and Obama did not succumb to daddy Bush's blackmail and extortion attempts.

Daddy Bush wanted Barack Obama to unfreeze Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that were illegally parked in CIA-owned southern California law firms and offshore hedge funds tied to both J.P. Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs.

In another very brief report from RumorMillNews  and agent stated the following perception:

Exiting the White House after 35 minutes Bush Senior said: "good meeting, good meeting."

It looks like final instructions for war on Yemen, whose scope is to control the Persian Gulf oil flow and Gulf of the Aden stargate, were given.

Using a sentence with some modifiers based upon deductive reasoning,  I could easily say that it APPEARS  what ACTUALLY  HAPPENED at the recent Oval Office meeting was that the meeting was held for a variety of reasons based upon a variety of "sources"!

Discernment is always advisable, drawing from your own God Spirit within!

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: Anton Miller
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 11:27 PM
Subject: Comments On C.Story's Article Of 01.31.10