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agree, with Mr. Fulford.

This writer, after my most recent article, “ On the trail of assassins- A tribute to Christopher Story” attracted such heart warming, and gratified responses, and my appreciation to all, who wrote me. On the opposite side of the spectrum, the Tribute to the “Editor” rattled some sensitized nerves.

The comments were not merely negative, but the barbarians were pounding merciless at the gate, with a “ how dare you” demeanor !!! These “black-op parasites”, did not even have the decency, class or human integrity to pay respect to a revered intellectual and a mentor, to each of us, who waited impatiently for his next update. One specific, tasteless and degrading operative( a word that will always be associated with the editor) decided to download all his correspondences ( ficticous or not) with Christopher into my inbox. The correspondence or “smear dialogue” by this undesirable leech, stated how they were going to put another( infamous on ‘Four Winds) writer, out of his misery.. This “parasite” made it a point to inform( or warn) me, he had captured my computer coordinates and once served at an Airbase near my home. Do you really think, threats and degrading tactics, will have me alter my writings??

For any well informed and good hearted student of the Art of writing, with any interests. One of the most exceptional and eloquent tributes to Christopher was written by his great friend, Ashley Mote ( Ashley leaves us with a closing epithet, that has not been addressed, so far. “What, if anything is to be done with Christopher’s massive and priceless collection of Private Papers?

George Karavelis

( 727) 742-2555

August 4, 2010