American USSR
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December 21, 2010 | December 20, 2010 | December 19, 2010
December 18, 2010 | December 16, 2010 | December 15, 2010
December 14, 2010 | December 13, 2010 | December 10, 2010
December 09, 2010 | December 08, 2010 | December 06, 2010
December 02, 2010 | November 29, 2010 | November 28, 2010
November 26, 2010 | November 15, 2010
American USSR's War on Citizens NEW! WIKILEAKS ARCHIVE: CIA Using False Flag Ops to Destroy Wikileaks' First Amendment Rights to Publish
NEW! TSA--Airport Abuses and Scandals,
American USSR's Lies and Deceptions
Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, America's Fake War on Terror, America's Fake Cold War, Pearl Harbor, U.S.S. Maine, U.S.S. Liberty, Israel's "Special" Relationship, Israel is an Ally of the U.S.A., Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Nigerian Nuclear Yellow Cake Lie, Weapons of Mass Destruction,
American USSR's Human Rights Abuses--Torture, Rendition, & Murder
Report on America's brutal torture and murder of Iraqi civilians with original documentation link, Guantanamo Bay Murder & Torture Terror, International Rendition Torture Chambers, German WW2 Leadership Tortured & Murdered by America, America's World Terrorism, America's Indigenous Atrocities, Liquidation of Long-Time CIA Agent & Panama Leader/Torturer, Manuel Noriega,
American USSR's Political Liquidations -- Government Dissidents
Martin Luther King, Jr., Bill White, Matt Hale, Hal Turner, Kevin Alfred Strom, Shawn Walker, Branch Davidians, David Koresh, Joe McCarthy, Emma Goldman, Ezra Pound, James Traficant, Aaron Burr, Manuel Noriega, Robert Jay Matthews, Eugene Debs, Lyndon LaRouche, Mary Sorrat, American Nazi Party Leaders & Organizers,
American USSR's Assassinations--Domestic
American USSR's Conspiracy to Murder American Presidents
John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, James McKinley, James Garfield, Harry S. Truman,
American USSR's Conspiracy to Murder or Liquidate American Activists and Politicians
Huey Long, JFK, JR., Lyndon La Rouche, David Koresh, Martin Luther King, Malcom X,
American USSR's Assassinations--International
American USSR's Conspiracy to Murder Democratically Elected International Presidents
Saddam Hussein (Iraq), Salvador Allende (Chili), Nguyen Van Thieu (Vietnam), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Necolae Ceacesceau (Romania), Patrice Lumumba (Belgian Congo),
Politicians: Huey Long,
American USSR Trends
Stock Market, Salvador Allende (Chili), Nguyen Van Thieu (Vietnam), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Necolae Ceacesceau (Romania), Patrice Lumumba (Belgian Congo),
American USSR's Constitutional Rights Violations
1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 3rd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment, 7th Amendment, 8th Amendment, 9th Amendment, 10th Amendment,
11th Amendment, 12th Amendment, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, 16th Amendment, 17th Amendment, 18th Amendment, 19th Amendment
Other Amendments are mostly procedural changes not associated with anyone's rights...
Smallpox, Syphilis, LSD, Pure Plutonium, Depleted Uranium War Crimes, H1N1 Bird Flu Conspiracies, Cancer Producing Polio Vaccines, Profitable Vaccines in General Contain Deadly Toxins,
American USSR's Terrorist Operations [Scholarly Research in Progress]
Under Construction
- America USSR's Illegal & Bizarre Medical Experiments on Its Own Citizens
NEW Year-By-Year Chronicles of Illegal American Experiments on Innocent and Medically Misinformed People, Wikipedia's Research on Unethical and Illegal Experiments on Humans in the USA, Human Radiation Experiments, Interrogation Torture Experiments, Anthrax, Syphilis, LSD, Pure Plutonium, Depleted Plutonium, Medical Torture Experiments, Utah A-Bomb Experiment on Army Personnel and Others, Poison Gas, Biological Tests, U.S. Army Marijuana Weapons,
- America USSR's Abuse of Its Own Sick Citizens to Help America's Billionaire Criminals in the Medical-Insurance-Banking-and-Pharmaceutical-Industrial-Complex to Exploit Them
America's Healthcare Debacle, Michael Moore's "Sicko" Video Focuses on the Horror of American Medicine, America's Overpriced Medical Costs, Medical-Congressional Corruption,
- American USSR's Empire -- Imperial Colonies, Satrapies, and Hegemonies Threatened with Deadly Terror and Economic Sanctions
The Philippines, Guam, Micronesia, Cuba, Antarctica, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Germany, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guantanamo Bay,
- American USSR Imperial Naval Surveillance of the Earth's Oceans and Seas
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Red Sea, North Sea, China Sea, Sea of Japan, Bering Sea, Arctic Ocean, Magellan Straits, Cape of Good Hope, Persian Straits, Bases and Ports in North America's Great Lakes
- American USSR's Imperial Empire - American USSR's Oceanic Empire -- Oceanic Treaties, Nations and Ports
NATO, SEATO, Japan, Korea, Hawaii, Samoa, Diego Garcia, Panama, Gibraltar, Suez, Australia, Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Falkland Islands, Iceland, Greenland,
- American USSR's Imperial Empire -- European Terrorist Allies
United States of America, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Japan, NATO, United Nations Security Council,
- American USSR's Disinformation Services
Office of President of the United States, Office of Vice President, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Department of Justice, Joint Terrorism Task Force, Department of Homeland Security, The Pentagon, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Health, Commerce Department, Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, Corrupted Zionist Christian Denominations, Internal Revenue Service, International Monetary Fund, Wall Street, Federal Reserve System,
- American USSR - American USSR Crime Syndicates - American USSR Capitalist / Fascist / Banking / Drug Crime Syndicates
- America USSR's Illegal & Bizarre Medical Experiments on Its Own Citizens