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FOX NEWS Continues to Lead Way to America’s International Ignorance

Veteran's Today

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The war, she says, is being won by networks that offer “real news”. She praised Al Jazeera and said that it is changing peoples’ minds and attitudes.

Her comments came as Republicans plan to cut the state department’s budget by half.

Over the last 10 years, American’s have been forced fed political propaganda channels posing as “news” and the big losers have been the American people.    The dumbing down of the American public has NOT served the country well.  It has created a generation of uncompetitive foolish peoples that are now falling behind and unable to cope with 21 century challenges.   With programming from profit infotainment political propaganda channels e.g.   Fox News which criminally misrepresent and use the phrase “News” in their title when, in fact, are just a  arms of the political party with an agenda, Americans are doomed to remain in the dark when it comes to cold hard facts around the globe. 

What now?  Is the US really losing the information war? And is public funding the solution?

Al Jazeera’s Inside Story presenter Sami Zeidan discusses with guests: Tom Fenton, a former foreign correspondent and author of Bad News: The Decline of Reporting, the Business of News, and the Danger to Us All; Charlie Wolf, a political commentator and broadcaster; and Abdallah Schliefer, the former NBC Cairo bureau chief and now professor emeritus


March 7, 2011