CNN readers were outraged that THIS story even was reported
'back on national stage'
CNN credits Corsi book for pushing birth certificate back into headlines
A CNN report is crediting Jerome Corsi's "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President," a New York Times best-seller, with pushing the issue over Obama's qualifications under the Constitution's requirements for presidents back into headlines.
CNN readers were outraged that the story even was reported.
"Will the silliness never stop?" wrote one, called "Ferret out the B.S.," "Not (sic) matter what twist somewon (sic) puts on the issue, the guy's legit."
"Sad pathetic people. Just mad that the guy in the WHITE House ain't WHITE," accused "Tam."

"I am starting to dislike CNN very much. They are the main ones keeping this Birther mess alive. By CNN I am done with you as of toda. (sic) I refuse to follow the birthers and Sara (sic) Palin and this seems to be the main story for CNN," said "GL."
And "forget to mention?" repeated a falsehood fabricated by Esquire and posted as "news," "200,000 copies of the first draft of this book were mysteriously recalled and shredded by the publisher."
That never happened.
WND reported earlier when the book, after hitting No. 1 at Amazon.com, debuted at No. 6 on the New York Times best-sellers list and was listed on other major best-sellers lists as well.

CNN reported the book "argues President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. Citizen and therefore cannot be president."
The CNN report, by associate producer Gabriella Schwarz, explained how the arguments reached the headlines "earlier this year, as billionaire businessman and real estate mogul Donald Trump repeatedly discussed the issue while considering a run for the White House."
CNN noted Obama later released "the long-form version of his birth certificate that shows he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961."
But CNN lamented, "despite the president's actions, 17 percent of Americans think the president was definitely or probably not born in the U.S."
There have been a multitude of experts who say the online image released by the White House has been forged, and the officials with the state of Hawaii refused to respond to WND's request for a simple verification that the image released by Obama is an accurate representation of the state's records. The original records, of course, never have been seen by the public.
One CNN commenter, "John," was infuriated by those who don't believe the president's statements about his birth, and question the documentation that purports to represent the still-hidden original records.
"Just how many times these IDIOT (sic) have to see It be for (sic) they believe It. It just go (sic) to show you It (sic) not about them not believe (sic) President Obama was born In the US. I mean they have been show (sic) both the long form and the short form of it. … I mean the Prove (sic) Is all there, It really (sic) just about the Color of the man skin."
An Obama critic who happened onto the CNN site was more abbreviated in his comment:
"Very funny stuff. GO BIRTHERS!" wrote "Ricky L."
WND reported when the book debuted on the Times nonfiction list at No. 6 – joining virtually all the other top best-seller lists, including USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and Publisher's Weekly.
In its first week in release, the WND Book reached No. 8 on the Wall Street Journal non-fiction list.
On USA Today's list, the book scored at 26 overall in the combined rankings of fiction and non-fiction.
And, on the Publisher's Weekly bestsellers list, the book came in at No. 9 among non-fiction.
The book topped out at No. 1 at Amazon nearly a month ago in pre-release, and most recently was No. 1 among books on government, constitutional law and other categories.
The author, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., senior staff reporter for WND, is the author of many other New York Times best-sellers, including two that made the top of the list – "Unfit for Command" and "The Obama Nation."
"Where's the Birth Certificate" is available autographed by Corsi exclusively at the WND Superstore.
June 6, 2011