The Khazar Strawman
A "VERY" worthy read for truth seekers.
Instead of an error in a date so far back in the past-You should be more worried aboot the zionistssssssssss within America-Our $$$ SUpply, media, drug running, war profiteers in the MIC, BIG Pharma & esp in the executive & pentagon.
Who do You thimk is behind the Words of Mass Deception in the lame stream media, the fiat FRN as the worlds reserve currency, global drug trade, global arms sales, financial terrorism by the use of the illegal taxing of Our right of labor, the kenyan, rigging the 2000 & 2004 elections, the police state, S-510, swat raids against food coops & family farms, the incarceration nation, the wall street fraud, TARP theft, isreali sanctioned terrorism by the corp US, genocide & the Palestine Holocaust.
Tis a proven fact isreal is a rockefeller/zionists strawman for the worlds largest criminal terrorist entity in history. Look at those in PNAC & WHODID911-they even look like they r spiritualy dead, zombies
Ask where the "missing" 1918 flu samples disappeared to, the missing 440 tons of explosives in US control at thestart of the Iraq butchering, the numerous "missing" nuclear bombs, how pharmecutical grade anthrax was spread, the explosions under Va & Colo, where is the 61 truck convoy of explosives that went "missing" in India, where is the "missing" 4 tons of nitrate fertilizer from Canookia during the Olympics, why is it only Motorola phones made in isreal that r 1st used in IED's strong enuf to flip over 70 ton US Tanks, who is Juba the Sniper with that isreali made cam rifle, why r mossad agents allowed to work in US Motor pools-now electronic radio waves r used to detonate IED's n this is not the work of an illiterate Muslem
----- Original Message -----
From: ro
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: The Khazer Strawman