Hope from Ria
Emma Ruby-Sachs - Avaaz.org
Dear friends,
Last week, Ria, an Avaaz member in the UK, sent these words:
"I am 65 years old and have terminal cancer and not long to live. I can do very little practically because of this. The state of the world and the amount of violence and injustice breaks my heart. Through your organisation even I can make a difference and try to help make this world a better place for others before I leave it. This is a positive and peaceful action which gives me great comfort. I am no longer helpless and powerless, I can vote, I have power to change things even now.
Thank you for giving me this priceless opportunity at such a time as this. Peace and democracy in Syria would be such a fantastic 'going away present'. However, this was really just to say say thank you for giving so many people who care a voice which is now heard world wide. 15,000,000! What a voice to be reckoned with. Thanks to you all."
We read this note out loud on a call with the entire global staff. We were so moved, we started gathering photos of ourselves with messages of hope and love to send to Ria as a way of expressing our gratitude. And then we realised that Ria deserved a much bigger thank you than any one team of campaigners could give.
When Avaaz launched only five years ago we were told it would be impossible to build a global community based on shared values across borders because we are so different. But we've learned that the connections we share across age, nationality, race, and religion are immeasurably more powerful than anything that could divide us. And week after week we unite to change our world, and we win.
That's what Ria expressed so beautifully. Let's take a moment now to thank her for her inspiration and share our own messages of hope -- she's watching the page in real time from her home in England as our words and pictures flow in:
With huge appreciation for each and every person in this extraordinary community,
The Avaaz team