Twitter starts blocking alternative media sites like PressTV
The Unhived Mind
Thursday, June 12th, 2014 | Posted by Stew Webb
Twitter Goes Evil and Blocks Veterans Today
Twitter_Evil_BirdBy Stew Webb – with Glenn Canady
Glenn was notified today by a 19 year old patriot that Twitter is blocking all messages with Veterans and in them.
Glenn verified this today and took screen shots.
These are the only websites being prevented from being sent in direct messages. Glenn tried other websites and they work just fine! Twitter is apparently trying to censor and stop the growth of the #1 news site on the planet now putting out all the truth – Veterans Today!
Glenn and I am urging all twitter users to get the word out about Twitter’s evil right now!
Send this story viral so they must back down or be destroyed by the alternative media.
Why is Twitter censoring VeteransToday and PressTV?
Was this evil censorship by Twitter against Veterans and due to the huge interview Gordon Duff did with Stew Webb on June 4, 2014 ?
In this interview Gordon dropped some major Intel and it has caused major waves throughout the US government! Gordon took a lot of heat for his information concerning the confirmed use of mini nukes on 9/11. It has certainly driven the shills in alternative media nuts. Here’s the interview that is being talked about everywhere now. Gordon unloaded on this one! Please share it everywhere you can!