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TOTAL election meddling, voter fraud by criminal Twitter

Ethan Huff

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Image: TOTAL election meddling, voter fraud by criminal Twitter

It was recently announced by Twitter that the social media platform will now be ‘verifying’ all congressional and gubernatorial candidates in order to “level the playing field” in politics. But political commentator Laura Loomer, who’s decided to run for office in Florida after having been banned from virtually all of the major tech platforms, reportedly won’t be included in this new “fairness” effort.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Twitter to find out whether or not Loomer would be reinstated after having been permanently “suspended,” and the Silicon Valley tech giant revealed that she won’t be, even though she’s now a legitimate political candidate just like her verified opponents.

What this means is that Loomer won’t be able to get her message out directly to the people like President Trump does, nor will she have the ability to get her message out at all, seeing as how she’s also been banned from Facebook, PayPal, GoFundMe, and even Uber and Lyft, all of which have permanently axed her from using their services.

Twitter claims that verifying all other candidates besides Loomer will somehow improve the ability of grassroots candidates in general to reach potential voters. But this apparently doesn’t apply to Loomer no matter what she does, which basically means she’s been permanently blacklisted from participating in digital communications and networking.

The irony with this move by Twitter is that it actually does the exact opposite of what the platform is claiming. Instead of allowing true grassroots candidates to have equal footing with their deep-pocketed establishment counterparts, the new rules effectively tamper with future elections by creating the illusion of “fairness.”


There’s nothing at all fair about continuing to silence Loomer’s voice online, especially since she’s trying to unseat Democrat Lois Frankel from Florida’s 21st district. By keeping Loomer banned, Twitter is actually engaging in election meddling and voter fraud by inhibiting her ability to effectively run for office in the age of social media.

Was Loomer blacklisted by Big Tech for confronting Hillary Clinton?

Despite being a target of discrimination and censorship, Loomer has already raised some $150,000 for her campaign, and news like this is sure to drive even more grassroots support her way.

Loomer has also been fighting in court for a legal remedy to her current plight, which she’s previously stated has ruined her life and career.

It could be that Loomer was permanently blacklisted from the Big Tech gamut as a consequence for having personally confronted failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea. Loomer has also confronted Huma Abedin, James Comey, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Michael Avenatti, Tim Kaine, Linda Sarsour, Alyssa Milano, and former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Keith Ellison.

The good news is that Loomer has some big names on her side, including Fox News‘ Judge Jeanine Pirro, who’s been speaking at various book signings throughout Florida in recent days.

During several recent signing events in Boca Raton and West Palm Beach, Judge Jeanine told her audience that “you must do everything you can to elect Laura Loomer for Congress in Florida. She is the most bright, quick witted candidate I have ever met. She must win. She’s the only one who can take on the squad.”

The squad, just to be clear, includes Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, all of whom are pro-Muslim, while Loomer is vehemently anti-Muslim.

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