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U.S. Government Working on Treaty So Government Can Read Your Hard Drive At Will, Then Confiscate It !

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From: F
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 4:36 PM
Subject: Gov't working on treaty so government can read your hard drive at will, then confiscate it.
Note the language:  they are suddenly worried about counterfeiting of copyrighted material from the net.  Counterfeiting concerns..  wow.. so important.. right?  Hmmm...  then please tell me why this Godless government has just allowed 2 decades of the banksters naked short selling stocks, selling unbacked gold and silver certificates and the banks printing electronic and unbacked funny money to the point of stealing trillions out of America, all of which is what - COUNTERFEITING!  This very day and every day, naked short selling is continuing at a rate of over $6 billion per day and the regulators could care less because the politicians are getting their cut, evidenced by the fact that NOBODY is going to jail.  Now, they want to criminalize citizens who may have one or more copyrighted songs on their computer that they shared with others, voluntarily, not to mention to further spy on us without a warrant.  Can someone please share with me if these pieces of human garbage in our government have ever heard of the 4th Amendment?
One set of rules for the banksters, another set of rules for us - right?  They steal a few hundred trillion and go Scott-free and we download a song instead of paying the .99, and go to jail and have our computers seized.  Wow, what a land of truth and justice, huh?  The truth is that the international bankers and Wall Street elites,20as well as their government lackeys have been behind both the stealing, and now the criminalization of your computer's hard drive not because they could care about copyright protections for private corporations (there has been adequate civil penalties already in use to remedy that issue), it is because of one thing:  they want to spy on us and those people who have subversive materials (like the truth about their corruption and treason) on their hard drive, will have it confiscated by the government and punish the dissenter - plain and simple.
Oh sure, we "conspiracy theorists" are the stupid ones, right?   Smell the coffee yet America?