An Internet False Flag Attack Coming Soon? Get Ready for Unjustified Government Censorship of the Internet
Could it be that the shadow government (the main government is the front) has to silence the truth and will pull its' next "9-11" on the American people with the shutting down of the internet? You have to know that the elites want to keep us as ignorant as sheep and controlled so we never learn the truth and hold them accountable for their degeneracy and treason.
Isn't it interesting that Senator Jay Rockefeller of the delightful family Rockefeller, who are controllers of the private-run- for-profit Federal Reserve, that controls our money supply (they create it, own it all and loan it to us at interest instead of the American public owning it), and who have engineered this American financial crisis and all others, has not only stated that it would have been better if the internet would have never been invented, but it is the number one threat to America's security today.
Isn't it interesting that the Internet Patriot Act is alleged to have already been written and is just awaiting implementation? triot+act+already+written&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
Of course, the internet is a threat to the elites because we get to discover secret facts about them. We learn about the dirty little secrets about the elites, like financial tyranny, false-flag operations, stealing, treason, Bohemian Grove, secret societies and their plans for world domination, pedophilia and more. So, here comes the new proposed legislation to control the internet. Once again, the government is stepping into the private sector and controlling a business that they have no right to control. If they are so worried about their technology being infiltrated by internet saboteurs, why not simply disconnect their systems from the internet or better yet, create their own internet exclusively for government systems. Of course, that will never happen for the objective of the legislation has nothing to do with internet or even national security, it has everything to do with stopping us from accessing the truth about the traitors who have betrayed us and every notion of decency. They have turned a great and Godly nation into the modern-day Babylon.
Watch and see. The internet false-flag attack is on the way. They will shut down our internet and blame it on someone else, to justify an invasion that the American people would never otherwise approve, such as an invasion of Iran perhaps? This time, they will try to do a far better job of covering it than the botched-up mess they made out of 9-11 fra ud, but be rest assured, the internet attack is coming. The internet will then be censored and controlled, and you will only get the information they say it is ok to get, because the elites do not want us to know about their degeneracy and treason. Sorry you rats, the genie is already out of the bottle and it can not be put back in, no matter how hard you try!
Yes indeed - history does repeat itself. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Somoza, Pinochet, Franco, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Ill, I could go on and on and on.... tyranny continues to return to otherwise free nations, always being "in the best interests of the common good" but the entire time, serving only an elite class of degenerates and traitors. It looks like a morally and intellectually snoozing America is going to let it happen all over again.
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