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Subject: Free Speech

 Well they can stop the link but they cannot stop the story at least proof of it is still on search and I have part of the story cached.  I have tried to access it using both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.  I am just curious as to why this is occurring.  I will post the story with a link later if it will allow me to but in the meantime from search and the parts I was able to paste..
News results for Europe Asks America For Climate Change ...


Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds‎ - 36 minutes ago

The European Union called Friday on the United States to join it in stumping up cash to help poor developing nations cope with climate change. ...
NewsBusters (blog) - 470 related articles »
Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds |
Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds. Photo of Noel Sheppard. By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive) October 2, 2009 - 11:00 ET ... - 42 minutes ago - Similar

Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds
Oct 2, 2009 ... Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds By Noel Sheppard Created 2009-10-02 11:00. If you're still not convinced global warming ... - 34 minutes ago - Similar

Twitter / Douglas: Europe Asks America For Cl ...
Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds: If you're still not convinced global warming hysteria is rooted i.. - 26 minutes ago - Similar

Europe Asks America For Climate Change Funds By Noel Sheppard Created 2009-10-02 11:00

If you're still not convinced global warming hysteria is rooted in a desire to redistribute wealth, an annoucement out of the European Union Friday might finally change your mind.

As reported [1] by the Associated Press moments ago:

The European Union called Friday on the United States to join it in stumping up cash to help poor developing nations cope with climate change.

Hold onto your wallets, for it gets worse:

Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, said Europe wanted the U.S. to "also put their weight behind the issue" ahead of global talks in Copenhagen in December on a new pact to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"We must heat up the climate debate," he said after economy talks between EU nations in Goteborg, Sweden.

"Europe cannot solve this alone," he said. "We need stronger U.S. activity on the climate change issue if we are going to move forward. We are trying to do what we can to convince them to be more active on this."

The 27-nation bloc wants to put the pressure on other major polluters such as the United States and China to get them to either promise emission cuts or pledge funding toward poorer nations.

The funds would help developing nations curb their own emissions by paying for the rollout of energy efficient technology and more renewable power. It would also pay some of the costs of adapting to climate change as warmer weather causes deserts to spread and triggers more unpredictable weather, such as sudden storms and floods.

Seems a metaphysical certitude global warming obsessed media will eat this EU request up, doesn't it?