Nine Years Ago: Global Research Established September 9, 2001
Global Research
Nine years ago, on the 9th of September 2001, the Global Research website at was born, two days before the tragic events of September 11.
We started up in late August with a handmade web design in FrontPage. A student in philosophy gave me a hand in drafting the home page and putting the project online. (See below for screenshot.)
On the morning of September 8, I took a two hour "crash course" on the use of file transfer FTP software from a young software specialist, who taught me how to upload articles to the website.
Among our first articles was a coverage of the events surrounding 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan on October 7. (See below)
From these modest beginnings, with virtually no resources, the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) has evolved into a dynamic research and alternative media group.
In 2006, we established a separate French language website, We subsequently launched Spanish, Portuguese, German Arabic, Italian and Serbian pages.
In 2005, we started a book publishing program and in 2008, the CRG moved from makeshift premises to a small office located in the historical quarter of Le Vieux Montreal (Old Montreal).
In June of this year, we launched The Global Research TV (GRTV) website, which features selected videos as well as commentary, analysis and news coverage.
These endeavors of the last nine years would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our readers.
Thanks to your contributions, we have also been able maintain complete independence. We do not accept support from governments or corporate foundations, which are now seeking to control and manipulate the alternative news media. Instead, our news coverage comes from a multitude of diverse perspectives to ensure you get the true big picture of what's happening in the world.
We are also indebted to our authors, who have repeatedly volunteered their time and energy.
On behalf of the Global Research team, we extend our sincere thanks for your continued support and encouragement.
Michel Chossudovsky, CRG Director, Editor of
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Kindly send your cheque(s) or money order to the following address:
Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
PO Box 55019
11 Notre-Dame Ouest,
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We are much indebted for your support and endorsement.
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Note: US money orders should be "international" payable outside US.
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Becoming a Member essentially constitutes an endorsement of the Global Research website. Global Research Members enable us to make CRG articles available to the broadest possible readership.
Members will receive by email our E-Newsletter of Global Research Feature Articles.
New Members (annual basis) as well renewals (annual basis) will receive a free copy of The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century, Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall (Editors), Montreal, Global Research, 2010.
Become a Global Research Member online or by mail (see below):
Online Membership:
Annual Membership: Become a Member of Global Research. Contribute on an annual basis at $95.00 a year (free book!)
Global Research Member $95.00 annual
Monthly membership: Become a Member of Global Research, with a contribution of US$9.50 a month
Beginnings: Global Research in September 2001
To access the original home page of September 15, 2001 click here
To access the original handmade archives going back to September 2001, follow this link:
The archives for September 2001 including the articles on the 9/11 attacks can be consulted at
This is what Global Research looked like when it first went online (follow links above to access articles):
Thank you to our readers for making Global Research what it is today, and helping us reach so many people worldwide. It would not be possible without your support.
Sept. 11, 2010