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Remote ‘kill switch’ added to Intel’s newest processor

Jason Douglass

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e terminated.

At first this sounds great: if an owner loses a laptop it can be remotely disabled to ensure no sensitive data is compromised. But essentially we are giving up control of our computers and putting that control in another’s hands.

With the Patriot Act in place and and legislation like the ‘kill switch’ bill, many of the rights we took for granted are threatened. It is well within reason to fear this type of technology as it could be used as a means of control and censorship.

The CIA recently created a ‘honeypot’ on a hijacked mirror site associated with Wikileaks and used it to identify people who download the sensitive data.

University students have been warned not do download Wikileak’s documents under threat of being blacklisted from government jobs.

Homegrown terrorism is the new buzz being cultivated by DHS and various other government agencies. In publications like MIAC report, authorities identify patriots as dangers and label them probable terrorists.

Even Geraldo Rivera has begun to see through the thin veil of false flag terrorism, identifying patsies planted by the very agencies meant to protect us.

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We have lost control of our government and soon we will lose control over our own health. Constitutional rights are continually under attack and we are losing the war. With PR spins like Intel’s it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep things in perspective.

Dec. 14, 2010